BT Interview Questions For Your Job Interview

Have you got an interview coming up for a BT job? Well done for securing an interview with this tech giant. It’s not time to sit back and relax, it’s time to prepare for it.

Quick tips for your interview

Don’t forget to take the important documents you have been asked before going to your interview. Don’t be too late however don’t be too early either. Be honest as much as you can, no need to lie during your interview. They will eventually catch you lying.

Prepare your answers and don’t forget to use STAR technique.

Company Interview Questions

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BT interview questions

BT Interview Questions


  • Please tell me about your previous experience?

  • What motivates you?

  • How many people born in 2013 were called Gary? Tell us how you arrive at your answer?

  • Why do you want to work for BT?

  • What attracts you to BT?

  • What digital experience do you have?

  • Why I want to join BT open reach and why this role?

  • What is your weakness?

  • What excites you about BT?

  • What do you know about BT Sport?

  • Provide us with evidence of a time in which you added significant value to an organisation.
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BT Job Interview Questions


  • What are you weaknesses?

  • Why BT? Why commercial? What skills have set you up to be good in this role?

  • Tell me about something that you’ve done and you’re really proud of. Why are you proud of it? What did it involve?

  • Who are your favourite Business Partners of BT?

  • Talk about your experience that you described in your CV.

  • Have you worked in sales before?

  • Tell me a time where you dealt with an angry customer?

  • Why commercial management? Why BT? What skills can you bring to the role?

  • What is your favourite song?

BT Interviews


  • Tell me about your background.

  • Why do you want to be an Analyst?

  • Where have you worked?

  • Why do you want to work in BT?

  • What made you want to apply for this job?

  • How will you contribute to BT’s commercial success?

  • Do you think it’s good to take risks in business or use tried and tested methods?

  • What are distributed systems?

  • Why are you the right person for the job? What makes you better?

  • Describe a difficult situation you were in and how you overcame it and what you learnt from it.

  • What can you bring to Openreach?
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BT Job Interview


  • What makes a good team?

  • How could BT use data?

  • Time you improved a process?

  • Tell us a time you went an extra mile for a customer

  • What do you think collaboration means in a work setting?

  • Tell us what you know about Openreach.

  • Tell me about a successful project you’ve managed in the past

  • What are the service parameters for a full life cycle?

  • Provide an example of when you have shown leadership

  • Why do you want to enter finance?

  • What is your negotiation style?

BT Interview Questions


  • What interest you the most?

  • Why do you want to leave your current job?

  • Can you name any other telecoms companies?

  • Tell me about yourself where would you like to go on holiday ?

  • Tell me about a time you had to work to a deadline?

  • Tell me about a time you had to make a decision ?

  • Tell me about a time you felt proud?

  • Why do you want to work in Product Management?
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BT Interviews


  • Tell me about a time you had to get advice from an expert ?

  • What volunteer work you have done?

  • Tell me about a time when you implemented a change initiative and what were the results?

  • What are the priorities of OFCOM?

  • What are your thoughts on London?

  • Why should we hire you?

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