Virtual Assistant Job Interview Tips: Check Out Before It’s Too Late

So, you are getting started for an interview for a virtual assistant job? Then, you will have to take into account several things that can mean that you are in or that you are out. As most of the interviews for a virtual assistant position are only over the phone, you should give a very good first impression when the interviewer calls you.

Virtual Assistant Job Interview Tips: Check Out Before It's Too Late

1: Check your phone connection is right

If you had already arranged an interview for a certain day, before that date, call a friend to make sure that the person at the other end of the phone can hear you well. Another thing you can do while talking to your friend is to verify your tone of voice. Try to make a friendly soothing tone of voice because you will need it not only for the interview but also if you start working as a virtual assistant over the phone.

Related:  How to Make an Impact at an Interview

2: Experience

It is crucial to have at least 4 years experience as an administrative assistant, especially of a well-known company. That is why you have to clearly state for how long you have worked, where, for whom, and what it is that you have learned from all the experience you acquired. The more information you give about the company you worked for, the more reliable you sound. In addition to this, you should add any other possible position in which you have developed the necessary skills to become an assistant.

3: Skills

Although you may have already explained the different tasks you did when working for your former company, and in doing so, you indirectly mentioned your skills, you should point them out one by one. First of all, you have to state your degrees. If you have a secretary degree, an accounting degree, or a business administration degree much better but any degree is worth mentioning. Then, I recommend you to start listing your computer skills. You ought to have an advanced level of computer skills, so don’t skip any possible software you know how to use because everything counts. Finally, you can talk about your personal skills, namely, excellent written and oral communication abilities, fast decision-making, and you can go further and say that you are an honest person, reliable and out-going.

Related:  21 Job Interview Tips & Tricks [INFOGRAPHIC]

4: Facilities and Surrounding

It is possible that at a certain point the interviewer would ask you about your computer and phone reliability and your surrounding −the place where you are going to work, that can be your home or not. Computer and phone reliability mean that they cannot break down at any moment, they have to be fairly new and you ought to make sure that you can rely on them. For this reason, you should let the interviewer know that you have the ultimate computer and that the phone −as she would realize− works fine. Then, when the interviewer asks you about your surrounding what she is trying to inquire you about is whether you are in a noisy house full of people going in and out, that is to say, an unsuitable place to work. Therefore, for the interview you should be in a quiet part of your home, and assure the interviewer that you live alone −or boyfriend or girlfriend− and that your home as well as your neighborhood is always quiet and peaceful.

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