Can I live with a cracked tooth?

Sure, you can probably live with a cracked tooth. There may be minimal pain and it might not even show when you smile-but there are many dangers to living with a fractured tooth that could affect your oral health for years to come. A tooth can crack/fracture when there is a weak spot or trauma to the tooth.
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What happens if you leave a cracked tooth untreated?

Leaving a cracked tooth untreated can cause the pulp and other tissues inside to get infected. Once this happens, the chance of losing the tooth increases. Do know that the sooner proper measures are performed, the more chances of preventing the further progression of the crack, alleviating pain, and saving the tooth.
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How long can I go with a cracked tooth?

Ideally, patients should schedule a visit to have the cracked tooth treated within a few days after the crack occurs and no more than two weeks after the incident. If symptoms begin to worsen, an emergency visit to the dentist for immediate care is most likely necessary.
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What can be done for a cracked tooth?

Your dentist can place a new filling or crown over the damaged tooth to protect it. If you've cracked a tooth and breathing through your mouth or drinking cold fluids is painful, bite on clean, moist gauze or cloth to help relieve symptoms until reaching your dentist's office.
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When can a cracked tooth not be saved?

The crack may extend below the gum line and even into the root. Damage to the pulp is common. A cracked tooth that is not treated will split under pressure, resulting in the loss of the tooth. Early detection is essential to save the tooth.
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Chipped and CRACKED TOOTH - How do teeth break? ©

Is a cracked tooth an emergency?

A broken tooth often warrants a visit to an emergency dental office. In fact, tooth fractures are one of the most common dental emergencies.
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Does a cracked tooth need a root canal?

The most common cause of front-tooth fracture is trauma or physical injury. For fractures where the tooth pulp is not affected, a root canal will not be necessary, except if patients show signs of pulpitis (pulp infection). If the pulp gets exposed due to breakage, a root canal will certainly be necessary.
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Does a cracked tooth need a crown?

If a tooth is cracked, it is a serious condition and does usually require a crown. Unlike a broken bone, the fracture in a cracked tooth will not heal. Vertical cracks that travel to the gumline may require a full-coverage crown.
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Can a broken tooth make you sick?

Infection: A cracked tooth that is left untreated for a duration of time can result in a pulp infection. This requires immediate treatment, as infection can spread to the gums and bone. Besides swelling, you may notice fever, increased pain, tender glands, and bad breath.
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How much does it cost to fix a cracked tooth?

Bonding a tooth might cost anywhere from $100 to $1,000, and the total cost might depend on how much work needs to be done on a tooth. A filling might cost anywhere from $90 to $500.
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Should you brush a cracked tooth?

When you crack your tooth make sure to clean the area and keep sugar and decay-causing foods away from the tooth as much as possible. Do this by brushing your teeth, gently, after it has cracked. If it is too painful to brush, rinse your mouth with an antiseptic mouthwash.
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Can half a tooth be saved?

If a tiny piece of enamel or filling has chipped off, you may only need a new filling or some bonding material to restore the chipped portion. If only a small piece of your tooth broke off, your dental professional might be able to protect the remainder of the tooth with a crown or filling.
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How serious is a cracked molar?

Is A Cracked Molar an Emergency? Although cracked molars may not feel like an emergency if you're not in pain, they require urgent treatment. Any cracked tooth has the potential to become an emergency at a moment's notice.
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How do I know if my cracked tooth is infected?

  1. Severe, persistent, throbbing toothache that can radiate to the jawbone, neck or ear.
  2. Sensitivity to hot and cold temperatures.
  3. Sensitivity to the pressure of chewing or biting.
  4. Fever.
  5. Swelling in your face or cheek.
  6. Tender, swollen lymph nodes under your jaw or in your neck.
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Which tooth is connected to the heart?

Wisdom teeth, on the other hand, connect to the central nervous system, heart, liver, and intestines. They can also signal high blood pressure, eczema, headache, liver disease, pain in the extremities, and cardiovascular disease.
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How do you know if a tooth infection has spread to your brain?

The tooth infection spread to brain symptoms are more or less similar to the symptoms you see when the infection has spread to the body, but brain abscesses also have some other telltale clues: Confusion or irritability. Issues with nerve function, like muscle weakness or even paralysis. Seizures.
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What is worse a crown or root canal?

After the root canal procedure, a dental crown is needed to strengthen and protect the tooth from further damage. However, if a dental crown is placed on a decayed tooth, the decay can worsen and spread, leading to further complications.
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What happens if you put a crown on a cracked tooth?

In these cases, the crowns work to maintain appearances, allow the replacement to function as normal and to hold the new tooth in place. In extreme cases, a cracked tooth may need to be replaced entirely.
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When can a tooth not be crowned?

When Can A Tooth Not Be Crowned? There are some instances when a tooth can't be crowned because it's too damaged or decayed. In these cases, your dentist may recommend other treatments, like: A dental bridge: a false tooth anchored by two crowns placed on the surrounding teeth.
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Does a split tooth need to be extracted?

Teeth can chip or break in different ways. This often does not cause pain, but sometimes, removing them is necessary. Broken or chipped teeth can be the cause of infection or can cause cuts on the tongue. Teeth broken with nerve endings exposed can cause severe discomfort when exposed to air and cold or hot beverages.
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Can antibiotics help a cracked tooth?

Although antibiotics may help clear up a tooth infection, they are only one part of the solution. Most tooth infections require a dental procedure, such as a root canal or tooth extraction, to completely clear up. Prompt treatment is important to keep the infection from spreading.
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Can a cracked tooth cause dizziness?

Can a cracked tooth cause dizziness? A cracked tooth that has been infected may cause dizziness if the infection has spread to the ear nerves. In these cases, the fluid in the inner ear which helps control balance has been impacted.
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Can a cracked tooth repair itself?

It is possible for a tooth to repair itself if the damage is minimal. For example, if a tooth with a crack on the outer level and a minimal fracture line that does not cause pain may repair itself over time. The healing process is known as remineralization and refers to the minerals in our mouths.
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Can a cracked tooth give you a headache?

If a tooth is cracked or chipped deeply enough, the nerves inside of the tooth may be affected. This can cause tooth pain and, subsequently, a headache. The tough enamel on the outside of the tooth usually prevents such damage.
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Will cracked tooth pain go away?

A larger break may require a crown, also known as a tooth cap. This is a hollow metal or porcelain tooth that covers the broken or cracked tooth. Treatment of dental pulp or nerve injuries is called a root canal or endodontic treatment. After treatment, your cracked tooth should stop hurting in a few days.
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