Can a black hole eat the Sun?

If a black hole under 100 million masses of our Sun entered our Solar System, it wouldn't swallow the Sun in one go. It would gradually start pulling matter from our star, until all that's left of it would be a cloud of gas. In that case, you might expect lethal amounts of cosmic radiation headed toward the Earth.
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What happens if Sun Go in black hole?

What if the Sun turned into a black hole? The Sun will never turn into a black hole because it is not massive enough to explode. Instead, the Sun will become a dense stellar remnant called a white dwarf.
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How long does it take a black hole to eat a Sun?

The fastest-growing black hole in the universe is 34 billion times the mass of our Sun. And, to top it off, it eats the equivalent of one sun — every day. This double the amount that it was estimated to be gobbling up just a month ago.
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What if Sun swallowed Earth?

The Sun would be larger than Earth's orbit. It would swallow the planet whole. Once it's inside the Sun's atmosphere, Earth would collide with particles of gas and spiral inward. And Earth wouldn't be the only casualty of the expanding Sun.
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Can humans create a black hole?

To study the phenomenon more closely, physicists in Israel managed to create a lab-grown, analogue black hole using some thousand atoms. This faux black hole exhibited all properties of a black hole in the state in which it is believed to exist in space.
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What If a Black Hole Ate the Sun?

What can destroy a black hole?

Black holes are among the most destructive objects in the universe. Anything that gets too close to a black hole, be it an asteroid, planet, or star, risks being torn apart by its extreme gravitational field. By some accounts, the universe may eventually consist entirely of black holes.
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Can Earth become a black hole?

Despite their abundance, there is no reason to panic: black holes will not devour Earth nor the Universe. It is incredibly unlikely that Earth would ever fall into a black hole. This is because, at a distance, their gravitational pull is no more compelling than a star of the same mass.
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What is a white black hole?

White holes are theoretical cosmic regions that function in the opposite way to black holes. Just as nothing can escape a black hole, nothing can enter a white hole. White holes were long thought to be a figment of general relativity born from the same equations as their collapsed star brethren, black holes.
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Can a wormhole exist?

In the early days of research on black holes, before they even had that name, physicists did not yet know if these bizarre objects existed in the real world.
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Should I be scared of black holes?

Black holes are one of the most fascinating occurences in the universe, but they are nothing to be afraid of. A rogue black hole is not going to suddenly appear and destroy the earth, nor is the sun going to become a black hole. There is so much we don't know about black holes, and they should be studied, not feared.
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Is there a white hole?

White holes cannot exist, since they violate the second law of thermodynamics. General Relativity is time symmetric. It does not know about the second law of thermodynamics, and it does not know about which way cause and effect go.
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Are white holes real?

The short answer, unfortunately, is no. White holes are really just something scientists have imagined — they could exist, but we've never seen one, or even seen clues that one may exist. For now, they are an idea. To put it simply, you can imagine a white hole as being a black hole in reverse.
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Can you steal the moon?

Not enough money, not enough means. To 'steal' the moon you need to disturb its orbit. To disturb its orbit you need a heavy enough mass, at a trajectory and timing precisely to go past the moon to veer it off its orbit. The only kind of mass to pull it off in that time frame is another moon, perhaps one of Jupiters.
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Are black holes hot?

Black holes are freezing cold on the inside, but incredibly hot just outside. The internal temperature of a black hole with the mass of our Sun is around one-millionth of a degree above absolute zero.
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Who destroyed the universe?

9 THANOS. In Marvel: The End, Thanos comes into control of the Heart of the Universe, an energy source so powerful that he becomes the universe itself.
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Can a black hole eat a galaxy?

A single Black Hole, even one at the center of our Milky Way galaxy, is just too small to eat an entire galaxy.
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What would happen if two black holes collide?

It is possible for two black holes to collide. Once they come so close that they cannot escape each other's gravity, they will merge to become one bigger black hole. Such an event would be extremely violent. Even when simulating this event on powerful computers, we cannot fully understand it.
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Can black holes be portals?

According to a study published in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, a team of researchers seeking to prove the existence of wormholes say they may have found evidence that some known black holes in the universe are entrances to portals that could allow travelers to venture through space-time.
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What phobias exist?

Common phobias include:
  • fear of spiders, or arachnophobia.
  • fear of flying in an airplane, or aviophobia.
  • fear of elevators, or elevatophobia.
  • fear of heights, or acrophobia.
  • fear of enclosed rooms, or claustrophobia.
  • fear of crowded public places, or agoraphobia.
  • fear of embarrassment, or katagelophobia.
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Are there black holes in the ocean?

Black holes don't only exist in the cold distance of deep space, they also exist right here on Earth, swirling in the oceans.
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