Why is a messy house so triggering?

Clutter bombards our minds with excessive stimuli (visual, olfactory, tactile), causing our senses to work overtime on stimuli that aren't necessary or important. Clutter distracts us by drawing our attention away from what our focus should be on. Clutter makes it more difficult to relax, both physically and mentally.
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Does a messy house cause anxiety?

Clutter and mess can create more stress and anxiety, but by cleaning, organizing, and reducing the clutter, people are able to take control of their environment and create a more relaxing environment that helps them focus better on the more pressing issues in their lives.
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Why do I get angry when something is messy?

Obsession with messiness can also be a symptom of OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder). I believe the wisest thing to do is to observe future reactions to disorder in your life. If the angry outburst was a one of, there is little to worry about. If it is repeated, you may have to look into anger management.
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Why do I get anxious when my room is messy?

A cluttered, untidy environment actually generates more of the stress hormone cortisol in the brain. So, if your home and living spaces are clutter-free, tidy and clean then you can assume you'll generate less cortisol and reap the rewards mentally.
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Is it normal to stress out over a messy house?

Clutter can make us feel stressed, anxious and depressed. Research from the United States in 2009, for instance, found the levels of the stress hormone cortisol were higher in mothers whose home environment was cluttered.
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Why Your Home is always MESSY!

Why do I have no motivation to clean my house?

Sometimes, we lose our motivation to clean the house for predictable reasons. Life gets busy with school or work, for instance, and we have a temporary shift in our priorities. Once it's over, though, we sometimes need help easing back into a cleaning routine.
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What does a messy room mean psychologically?

Psychology says that messiness can indeed be a sign that a person is having trouble. Just like someone who is suffering from OCD and has to control everything, being a messy person might show that they are dealing with depression or some other mental illness.
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How a dirty house affects your mental health?

But research shows disorganisation and clutter have a cumulative effect on our brains. Our brains like order, and constant visual reminders of disorganisation drain our cognitive resources, reducing our ability to focus. The visual distraction of clutter increases cognitive overload and can reduce our working memory.
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Can a dirty house cause depression?

Mess and Stress: How Clutter Affects the Brain and Nervous System. The messy room–depression cycle goes both ways. Hence, not only does depression result in teen messiness, a messy room can create stress and other negative emotions. Studies have shown that clutter produces anxiety and can make people feel depressed.
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How do you not let clutter bother you?

The key is to start small: Tackle one room or even one bookshelf at a time. Cleaning the clutter from drawers? "Don't dump the whole drawer," says Gilberg, "it's too overwhelming." Instead, take out items that can be thrown away, then things you can donate.
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Is being messy a mental illness?

Extreme messiness – with the emphasis on extreme – can be a sign of mental health issues. Excessively cluttered rooms can be a sign that a teen is developing depression, struggling with ADHD, or experiencing other emotional, psychological, or behavioral problems.
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What is the connection between clutter and trauma?

When one is exposed to trauma, people build guards around themselves and everything around them. If they start losing the stuff or declutter, they feel a void inside of them, so it's tougher for them than other people. Clutter acts as an unconscious barrier.
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How do I accept a messy house?

Here are my favorite tips for finding peace with a messy house:
  1. Acknowledge that everything is exactly as it's supposed to be. ...
  2. Accept that a perfectly clean house is not your objective. ...
  3. Create a basic cleaning standard and let go of the rest. ...
  4. Create a clean haven.
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How do I stop stressing about a messy house?

So here are 5 ways that help me stress less when it comes to cleaning.
  1. Short Sprints Not Marathons. No one wants to think about setting aside 5 hours to clean the whole house. ...
  2. Keep Your Eye On the Prize. ...
  3. Keep your mind busy. ...
  4. Schedule It. ...
  5. Do What You Can & Be Realistic.
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Why do I feel overwhelmed by clutter?

It's about the life you want with the stuff. If you're overwhelmed by clutter, odds are it's because the things that you don't like, need or use are crowding out the things that you do. Decluttering is not about getting rid of clutter for the sake of getting rid of clutter.
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What does a dirty house say about you?

Mental Health Implications

A messy room can be a sign of deeper mental health issues if: Having a messy room is a new phenomenon. Living with the mess is something that actually bothers you. Being messy signifies something deeper going on.
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How cluttered is the average house?

One-quarter of Americans cop to having a “clutter problem.” Hardly surprising then, that the average home contains 300,000 items. And there's an emotional cost to that.
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How can I motivate myself to clean my house?

How to Get Motivated to Clean and Declutter
  1. Work on Your Decluttering Motivation. ...
  2. Choose a Small Area to Work on. ...
  3. Don't Get Sidetracked—Finish Your First Task. ...
  4. Pat Yourself on the Back for a Job Well Done. ...
  5. Set Your Next Reasonable Cleaning or Decluttering Goal. ...
  6. Don't Hesitate to Ask for Help.
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What does clutter say about a person?

Clutter in the living room might suggest blockages in your social life, as well as your relationship with yourself, while a cluttered bedroom might relate to issues surrounding your sexual self, fears of intimacy or gender roles.
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Is it healthy to live in a dirty house?

A dirty house affects your physical health. It can cause skin irritations, allergies, and breathing problems. A messy house can also cause fatigue, headaches, and general irritability. It can even cause infections.
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What causes a person to live in clutter?

Behavioral/psychological: Clutter caused by depression, attention deficit disorder, low self-esteem or lack of personal boundaries. Time/life management: Clutter caused by the need for better planning. Of these, the behavioral/psychological-driven clutter is the hardest to solve.
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Are intelligent people messy?

A messy desk and intelligence go hand in hand.

A study by the University of Minnesota suggests, that the messy desk of geniuses is actually linked to their intelligence. If you don't spend much time cleaning and organizing everything around you, your mind is obviously occupied with more important stuff.
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Are people with messy rooms smarter?

Clutter is the key to creativity

Cleanliness may be next to godliness, but messiness is next to geniusness. A 2013 study from the University of Minnesota found mess makes you more creative. According to the study: “Disorderly environments seem to inspire breaking free of tradition, which can produce fresh insights.
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How do I stop being lazy and clean my house?

Home Cleaning Tips for the Extremely Lazy
  1. Invest in a few air fresheners. ...
  2. Clean cobwebs with a helium balloon. ...
  3. Tons of storage space. ...
  4. Prevent your blinds from getting dusty. ...
  5. Make a night of it. ...
  6. Hang clothes instead of folding them. ...
  7. Disinfectant wipes are your friends. ...
  8. Keep cleaning supplies around the house.
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How do I force myself to clean?

7 tricks to motivate yourself to clean your house even when you don't want to
  1. Break it down into smaller tasks.
  2. Knock down the barriers to staying clean.
  3. Set a 10-minute alarm.
  4. Remember that you don't have to feel like cleaning.
  5. Know that it's okay to outsource your chores.
  6. Use if-then planning.
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