Why does my dog have ear wax?

A waxy, yellow, or reddish-brown ear discharge can also be a sign your dog has an ear infection, which can be a result of allergies, mites, polyps, overproduction of ear wax, excessive bathing or swimming (which can leave too much moisture in the ears), or other problems.
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Is it normal for dogs to have wax in ears?

Cerumen, what we call earwax, is a normal, natural component of all dog ears. Earwax is secreted by special glands in the ear, and functions to collect dirt, debris, dead cells, microbes, pollen, etc.
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How do I get rid of my dogs ear wax?

If this happens, wipe the tip off with alcohol. Allow your dog to vigorously shake their head and remove all of the solution from their ears. This will loosen the earwax, making it easier to clean up. Use the cotton balls to wipe the waxy debris out from the ears.
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Is brown ear wax normal in dogs?

Dogs get earwax just like humans do – it's how the ears self-clean against pollen, dirt and debris. Normal dog ear wax ranges from pale yellow to light brown. Keep in mind, the wax may look darker if there's dirt in the ear. The consistency of the wax should be semi-soft.
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How often should a dog's ears be cleaned?

Wondering how often your dog's ears need to be cleaned? In general, once per month is a good rule of thumb. Breeds with long, floppy ears or dogs who swim frequently may need to have their ears cleaned every other week, or even weekly. After bathing or swimming, be sure to properly dry your pup's ears.
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Worst Dog Ears You Will Ever See EXTREME EAR CLEANING

What does dark brown ear wax mean?

Dark brown or black colored earwax is typically older, so its color comes from the dirt and bacteria it has trapped. Adults tend to have darker, harder earwax. Dark brown earwax that is tinged with red may signal a bleeding injury. Light brown, orange or yellow earwax is healthy and normal.
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What is the black gunk in my dog's ear?

Black gunk in a dog's ear is often a sign of an ear mite infestation, but it could also indicate an ear infection. Other possibilities include wax buildup, complications from allergies, dirt or debris, or a flea infestation. Clean the ears routinely and be sure any problems are examined by a vet.
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Is my dog's ear dirty or infected?

Many dog owners have learned to recognize the telltale signs of an ear infection: whining, scratching, and head shaking are often the first symptoms of the problem. Ear infections are common conditions in dogs, especially those with floppy ears such as Basset Hounds and Cocker Spaniels.
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How can I clean my dog's ears naturally?

How To Clean Dog Ears With Vinegar and Other Ways!
  1. Take half a cup of white vinegar or apple cider vinegar (ACV) and mix it with half a cup of water. ...
  2. Give your dogs ears a wipe with a cotton ball along the heavy wax, being sure not to press too far down your dogs ears.
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What does ear infection in dogs look like?

Noticing drainage or discharge in their ears that can be black, brown, white, green, or yellow in color. Having redness or swelling in their ear canals. Yelping out when their ears are touched, which indicates pain. Seeing blood coming from their ears in severe cases.
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Can I use baby wipes to clean my dog's ears?

You don't need a lot of tools to clean your dog's ears at home. Many of the items are human grooming tools, including balls of cotton, tissues, or baby wipes.
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What foods cause yeast infections in dogs ears?

It is very common to see yeast infections in a dog's ears or on their skin if they have food allergies or environmental allergies.
There are no studies to confirm that any of the following cause yeast infections on a dog's skin:
  • Antibiotics.
  • Brewer's yeast.
  • Oatmeal shampoos.
  • Carbohydrates or sugar in food.
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What does yeast look like in dogs ears?

When the correct balance of yeast exists your pet's skin and ears stay healthy. However, inflammation of the ear can cause yeast levels to accelerate and grow leading to a brown, greasy discharge within the ear canal and around the inside flap of your pup's ear. This discharge can be both itchy for your pup and smelly.
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How can I treat my dog's ear infection without going to the vet?

Never put anything in your dog's ear without veterinary instruction. Your veterinary team can help you find the ideal treatment to treat the infection and give your dog much-needed relief. Itchy, uncomfortable ears can be caused by everything from ear infections to allergies and ear mites.
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Can dog food cause ear infections?

Did you know that dogs with allergies are also prone to getting ear infections? Ear infections are often a secondary symptom of underlying allergies, especially allergies to dust mites, molds, pollens, and animal proteins in dog foods1.
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Can you clean a dog's ears with Q-tips?

Cleaning your dog's ears does not require any special equipment. A good quality ear cleaning solution, some cotton balls or gauze, and some treats to reward your dog are all that is needed. Do not use cotton tip applicators (Q-tips®), due to the risk of perforating the ear drum or causing trauma to the ear canal.
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What color is earwax when infected?

Earwax can also signal if there is an issue like an infection or heavy debris in the ear. Green. This earwax color typically indicates infection. If you notice pus or a foul smell along with green earwax, it's important to see a doctor right away.
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How do you treat black wax in dogs ears?

To clean the ears, tilt your dog's head downward with one hand and squirt a gentle cleanser recommended by your veterinarian into the ear, filling the canal. Holding the ear closed, give it a nice massage, really squishing the cleanser around in there. That softens any gunk inside.
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What does Thick black earwax mean?

Black earwax may be an indication you have a wax buildup. Your ears may not naturally clean themselves the way they should. Black earwax may also be the result of something you're doing, such as using foreign objects to “clean” your ears.
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Will dog ear yeast infection go away on its own?

It can take up to six weeks for the infection to go away. Your vet might recommend a full cleaning of the dog's ear canal. If the problem is chronic, ask about special cleansers and ear-drying solutions that can be used at home.
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What is earwax supposed to look like?

Earwax can range in color from off-white to black. For most, the earwax you see is an amber orange to light brown and is a wet and sticky consistency. The color of earwax is usually related to its age; the lighter in color the newer the earwax. This is also true with the texture; the dryer the earwax, the older it is.
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Why do my dogs ears stink?

An ear infection (otitis externa) is one of the most frequently diagnosed medical conditions in pets—especially dogs with floppy ears. Signs of an ear infection can include scratching at the ears, head shaking, ears that are red and/or painful to the touch, an unpleasant smell or a dirty discharge inside the ear.
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What food kills yeast in dogs?

Since yeast is a fungus, you can kill them by giving your dog anti-fungal foods. Look for dog food and treats containing caprylic acid, Pau D-Arco, and olive leaf. Pau D'Arco is rich in lapachol, which kills yeast. Olive leaf and caprylic acid are believed to break down the cell membrane of yeast.
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What does a dog yeast infection look like?

In the early stages of a yeast infection, the skin begins to turn pink or red. When dealing with chronic yeast infections, the skin may become leathery, thick, and gray or black. Greasy skin. The skin can become greasy or excessively oily.
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What can I feed my dog to help with yeast?

If you're home cooking your dog's dinner, good choices include dark leafy greens, chicken, beef, lamb, squash, garlic, and broccoli. Using ingredients that are a good source of enzymes and probiotics – good bacteria – can help too.
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