What happens if silent reflux is left untreated in babies?

The vomiting that affects many babies and children with GERD can cause problems with weight gain and poor nutrition. Over time, when stomach acid backs up into the esophagus, it can also lead to: Inflammation of the esophagus, called esophagitis. Sores or ulcers in the esophagus, which can be painful and may bleed.
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Can silent reflux cause long-term damage in babies?

Most babies and young children outgrow reflux without any lasting damage to their esophagus or throat.
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What happens if reflux goes untreated in babies?

This is often accompanied by abdominal pain or general crankiness in the hours after feeding. Over time, babies with reflux may not gain weight as expected (failure to thrive) and may have frequent chest infections due to aspirating (breathing in) stomach contents into the windpipe and lungs.
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How long does silent reflux last in babies?

Reflux usually starts before a baby is 8 weeks old and gets better by the time they're 1.
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Can silent reflux cause damage?

When stomach acid pools in the throat and larynx, it can cause long-term irritation and damage. In adults, silent reflux can scar the throat and voice box. It can also increase risk for cancer in the area, affect the lungs, and may aggravate conditions such as asthma, emphysema or bronchitis.
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What is SILENT REFLUX? (And what can you do about it?)

How I cured my silent reflux in babies?

Lifestyle and home remedies
  1. Feed your baby in an upright position. Also hold your baby in a sitting position for 30 minutes after feeding, if possible. ...
  2. Try smaller, more-frequent feedings. ...
  3. Take time to burp your baby. ...
  4. Put baby to sleep on his or her back.
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At what age does silent reflux peak?

Reflux is one of the most common infant feeding problems. It usually starts around the 2 to 3 week mark, peaks around 4 to 5 months, and typically goes away by about 9 to 12 months.
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Does silent reflux get better at 3 months?

The majority of infants do NOT experience problems from reflux. More than 50% of babies spit up regularly in the first months of life. Reflux usually peaks at 4 – 5 months of life and stops by 12 – 18 months. Spitting up crosses the line into GERD when the infant develops troublesome symptoms.
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Does tummy time help with reflux?

What if They Have Reflux? Many infants who experience reflux (frequently spitting up after feeding) have a poor tolerance of tummy time. To improve their comfort level, we recommend waiting at least 30 minutes after their feeding to position them on their tummy.
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Does silent reflux peak at 4 months?

In fact, it's estimated that more than half of all infants experience acid reflux to some degree. The condition usually peaks at age 4 months and goes away on its own between 12 and 18 months of age. It's rare for an infant's symptoms to continue past 24 months.
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Can a baby stop breathing from acid reflux?

Reflux of acid contents may cause breath holding spells with the infant appearing pale or blue with struggling to breathe. Other considerations for these symptoms may include inadequate or poor coordination of sucking, swallowing and breathing.
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How do I know if my baby needs reflux medicine?

4 Signs that your baby may need medical treatment include:
  1. Breathing problems due to inhaling refluxed milk.
  2. Coughing, choking, or wheezing.
  3. Poor growth.
  4. Refusal to eat due to pain.
  5. Severe pain.
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Are hiccups related to reflux in babies?

Hiccups and gastroesophageal reflux

Usually, hiccups don't bother babies. But sometimes, hiccups are a sign of gastroesophageal reflux (GERD). Reflux causes stomach acid to back up into the baby's esophagus. If your baby has GERD, hiccups won't be the only symptom, Dr.
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Do you need to treat silent reflux in babies?

Babies with normal reflux will spit up milk or formula, whereas it stays in the esophagus for infants with silent reflux. Reflux in babies is common and generally resolves on its own by the end of the first year. However, medical intervention may be required in some cases.
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What is the best formula for silent reflux?

Enfamil AR or Similac for Spit-Up are specialty formulas that can be helpful for infants that do have reflux,5 and that may be an option if your child doesn't have a milk protein allergy or lactose intolerance.
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How do you treat silent reflux naturally?

  1. drinking plenty of fluids, including water and herbal teas.
  2. avoiding fried and fatty foods, chocolate, alcohol, and caffeine.
  3. avoid foods that increase acidity, such as tomatoes, citrus fruits, and sodas.
  4. eating smaller meals more often, and chewing well.
  5. not eating within 2 hours of going to bed.
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Does a pacifier help reflux?

Gastroesophageal reflux, characterized by recurrent spitting and vomiting, is common in infants and children, but doesn't always require treatment. A new study shows that infants who suck on pacifiers have fewer and shorter episodes of reflux, although researchers don't go so far as to encourage the use of pacifiers.
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What is the best sleeping position for a baby with reflux?

Back sleeping is the best way to reduce the risk of SIDS and is the recommended position until babies can roll over fully on their own―even for babies with reflux.
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Is two months too late to start tummy time?

The American Academy of Pediatrics encourages parents to do tummy time with their baby from the first day home from the hospital. Babies who start tummy time from the first days of life are more likely to tolerate and enjoy being in the position. That being said, it's never too late to start!
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Can gripe water help with silent reflux?

Gripe water: Is it safe? Although you might be tempted to try gripe water to ease symptoms of reflux, there's no scientific evidence of its effectiveness.
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Do babies with silent reflux sleep at night?

Babies suffering from silent reflux will probably not be great sleepers. They'll often take ages to settle to sleep, and once asleep, may wake up after a small window of a few minutes, often screaming rather suddenly. You may find that your baby only settles when lying upright, either on you or in a baby carrier.
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Do babies with reflux have trouble sleeping?

Sometimes acid reflux causes babies to throw up everything they've eaten. A baby who hasn't had enough to eat will likely have trouble getting to sleep. Talk with your child's pediatrician if you think acid reflux is causing your baby to have difficulty sleeping.
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Do babies with reflux grunt a lot?

Some babies get acid reflux. This can cause gurgling and grunting sounds during digestion. The muscles of your baby's digestive system are still developing, so the muscle between the stomach and esophagus doesn't always remain closed properly.
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When does reflux start to improve in babies?

Reflux is most common in babies of 3 months old or less, and it usually clears up by the first birthday as your baby's muscles develop. See your doctor if your child's reflux still shows no improvement after his or her first birthday, or if it causes distress or feeding difficulties at any time.
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Does warm milk help reflux in babies?

Warm milk or formula:

We suggest using our 103 degree setting for babies who have reflux. Breastmilk and formula can be safely and accurately heated to 103 degrees, but be sure to not warm breastmilk beyond 104 degrees as it can damage the nutrients in the milk.
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