Was Sauron stronger than Morgoth?

Morgoth (Melkor), as a Valar, was a more powerful being than Sauron, a Maia. In a one-on-one fight or each with their respective armies in any age, Morgoth is undoubtedly the strongest.
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Who is stronger Sauron or Melkor?

Melkor in his time was the strongest being of Arda, second only to Eru Iluvatar himself. Initially significantly stronger than the combined power Manwë and all of the Valar, Melkor was mightier than and ruled over Sauron and the Balrogs. At his prime, he spilled enormous oceans and destroyed mountain ranges.
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Is Melkor worse than Sauron?

The live debut of Melkor They also mark a radical change in the scale of powers compared to The Lord of the Rings. The three most powerful characters in the trilogy are Sauron (although it has no form), Gandalf Y Galadriel, it is clear that the power of Melkor outshines all three.
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Who defeated Melkor?

Melkor was defeated by the Vala Tulkas, bound with a specially forged chain, Angainor, and brought to Valinor, where he was imprisoned in the Halls of Mandos for three ages.
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Was Morgoth the strongest Valar?

Originally known as Melkor, Morgoth was the most powerful of the Valar. Later, Morgoth's curiosity led him to explore areas outside of time and space, eager to find the origins that Eru Ilúvatar used to create life. This ambition made him discontent and he created his own concepts that clashed with Eru Ilúvatar vision.
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Was Sauron More Powerful than Morgoth? | Lord of the Rings Lore | Middle-Earth

Who can beat Morgoth?

In Dagor Dagorath, the penultimate battle between good and evil in the legendarium, Turin is the one that will kill Morgoth.
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Who is the most powerful Maiar?

One of the most powerful of the Maiar, the standard-bearer and herald of Manwë himself. It was Eönwë who led the host of the Valar into Middle-earth to fight the War of Wrath.
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Are Balrogs stronger than dragons?

Balrog. Even in the earliest writings, when Balrogs were much, much weaker and more numerous than they are in the conceptions you probably identify with them (as in, what Gandalf fights), Balrogs are stated outright to be more powerful than dragons.
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Did Morgoth create dragons?

Dragons were ancient, intelligent, powerful creatures, as feared as they were admired in Middle-earth. Their exact origin is debated, though it was clearly stated that they were created by Morgoth in some sense, millennia before the events of The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings.
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Why is Tulkas stronger than Melkor?

Tulkas was victorious over Melkor at the Battle of Powers because at that point Melkor had already spent a sheer amount of himself in: Fighting all the other Valar by himself in the first war of Arda.
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Do balrogs serve Sauron?

The Balrogs were originally the servants of Morgoth in the First Age, of whom, Sauron was also his servant. The Balrogs and Sauron were all Maiar and somewhat coeval; it is debatable whether a Balrog would recognize Sauron as successor and serve him willingly.
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What if Tom Bombadil took the ring?

From that same discussion it mentions Bombadil having withdrawn himself into "a little land, within bounds he has set", and that "if he were given the Ring, he would soon forget it or most likely throw it away." He would not have left his "world", so would have been no use in destroying it, and would not have used the ...
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Is Morgoth still alive?

[edit] Legacy. Morgoth remains in the Void, watched by Eärendil and unable to return to Arda as long as the Valar maintain their power over it. However, the lies he put in the hearts of the Children of Ilúvatar still remain and will create their evil results till the end of days.
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Can Sauron with the Ring defeat Morgoth?

Sauron with the Ring at his full power during the Second Age VS Morgoth at his weakest during the end of the First Age would result in Morgoth getting rekt all day all night. A full power Sauron with the Ring can only be matched by Eonwe, one of the most powerful Maiar himself.
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Is Galadriel more powerful than Sauron?

In The Lord of the Rings, it is said that had Galadriel chosen to use her powers for evil instead of good, she would have been even more destructive and terrifying than Sauron himself. Galadriel was the greatest and most powerful of all Elves in Middle Earth in the Third Age.
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Who is the strongest being in Middle-earth?

God is the most powerful entity in Tolkien's Lord of the Rings universe. The Elvish name for him is actually Eru Ilúvatar, meaning “the one, father of all.” So the question becomes: Who is the second-most powerful being?
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Who was the biggest dragon in LOTR?

Ancalagon, often titled "The Black", was the greatest of all winged dragons. He was bred by Morgoth during the First Age and was the largest dragon to have ever existed in Middle-earth. His appearance in history was restricted to the War of Wrath.
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How many balrogs are there?

In Tolkien's later writings, he made note of the fact that there could not have ever been more than seven Balrogs, yet they were able to drive away Ungoliant in what was described as a "tempest of fire". In another early writing, the Lord of the Balrogs was named Lungorthin.
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Is Smaug the last dragon in Middle-earth?

Smaug was the last named dragon of Middle-earth. He was slain by Bard, a descendant of Girion, Lord of Dale.
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Can Smaug beat Balrog?

So, one glimpse into Smaug's eyes and the Balrog falls under the spell. Even if it's just for a second—a moment of hesitation or distraction, it'd be enough. Smaug would snatch up Durin's Bane and gobble him up with his sword-sharp teeth (and we know swords can kill Balrogs).
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Can Smaug use the One Ring?

Probably not. Dragons are a lesser order of creatures, and since Sauron is both a Maia and master of the Ring, in any contest between Smaug and Sauron, Sauron would have prevailed. Gandalf's primary concern when organizing the Quest of Erebor was: The Dragon Sauron might use with terrible effect.
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Was Gandalf stronger than Smaug?

Gandalf absolutely could have killed Smaug in a one-on-one fight. The grey wizard fought and defeated the Balrog of Moria, and a dragon was a lesser evil than that.
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Is Tom Bombadil a Maiar?

One, that Bombadil is a Maia (or an "unaffiliated" Ainu), presumably one not named specifically elsewhere in the texts. The other, that Bombadil is some sort of nature spirit of a type never explicitly mentioned in Tolkien's writings after LotR.
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Is the Balrog a Maia?

The Balrogs, or Balrogath ("Balrog-kind") were Maiar corrupted by Morgoth during the creation of Arda, who cloaked themselves in shadow and flame and carried whips and swords. Famed Balrogs include Gothmog, slain by Ecthelion, and Durin's Bane, slain by Gandalf.
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Is Sauron the strongest Maiar?

~ Sauron was indeed the most powerful of the maiar and what made him excessively more powerful than any other being under the valar was the power he was given by Melkor. Remember the ballrogs were maiar too, so take the mightiest (Sauron) and add the extra might of power Morgoth passed on to him.
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