How many of Anakin's limbs did Obi-Wan cut off?

This cyborg general was a force to be reckoned with, as he could separate his two primary arms into four different limbs, each equipped with a lightsaber taken from a slain Jedi. In a rigorous battle, Obi-Wan managed to take off two of the four hands, leaving Grievous wounded but still dangerous.
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What limbs did Obi-Wan cut off?

Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith: Anakin severs Dooku's hands (Then he decapitates him) and Mace Windu's hand, Yoda severs a clone trooper's arm outside the Jedi Temple, Obi-Wan cuts off two of Grievous' cybernetic hands and, during the Duel on Mustafar, Anakin's legs and remaining (organic) arm.
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What did Obi-Wan cut off Anakin?

Anakin cuts off Mace Windu's hand to stop him from finishing off Emperor Palpatine. Anakin Skywalker does not have the high ground when Obi-Wan remove his biological arm in a classic moment of the entire film series.
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Did Obi-Wan get his arm cut off?

As Baba tries to explain the misunderstanding to Luke, Obi-Wan Kenobi cuts his arm off. In the end, his Gran employer fires him as he lost his arm and can't draw out designs. Later, however, he receives 5,000 credits in damages in a lawsuit for the loss of his hand.
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Which limbs did Anakin lose?

Anakin nearly lost his mechno-arm after his fall into darkness and his transformation to Darth Vader. At the climax of his epic duel with Obi-Wan Kenobi on Mustafar, Vader lost both legs and his remaining biological arm to Kenobi's blade, and was left to die on a black sand bank.
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How Obi-Wan Was ORIGINALLY Supposed to Defeat ANAKIN (NO HIGH GROUND) - Star Wars Explained

How many lightsabers did Anakin lose?

When tallying up the lightsaber losses, Obi-Wan Kenobi lost his blade a total of 12 times between the events in the prequel films and The Clone Wars. In contrast, Anakin lost his only eight times.
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Why does Grievous have a cough?

During the encounter, Windu used the Force to crush the chest plates of Grievous, severely injuring his lungs, and causing his now distinctive cough, which made its way into Revenge of the Sith. As we have come to expect with Star Wars though, it was never that simple.
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How did Anakin cut off Dooku's hands?

It seems when Anakin cut off Dooku's hands he just beat him by sheer luck, not technique. He just held the saber under Dooku's saber and just sweeped off his hands.
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Why did Obi-Wan's body disappear?

From Qui-Gon, Obi-Wan and Yoda learned how to become one with the Force at the moment of their deaths, making their bodies disappear and returning as Force ghosts. This skill had been lost to the Jedi for a long time but would be passed down in the new Jedi Order founded by Luke Skywalker.
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Did Anakin lose all limbs?

As a young Jedi Knight, Anakin lost a hand in a battle with Count Dooku, which received a robotic replacement. He later returned the favor by removing both of Dooku's hands. Eventually, he lost both his legs and his remaining arm in the climactic duel on Mustafar between both he and Obi-Wan.
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Did Mace Windu lose both hands?

General Grievous is quite the force to be reckoned with given his multiple appendages. Still, Obi-Wan sliced off two of his robotic hands in battle. Mace Windu loses his right hand.
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Did Anakin get cut in half?

Which leads to the final scene of the battle. It doesn't fit Obi-Wan's character to just cut off the limbs of someone he truly cares about. It would make sense if what I heard was true, that Obi-Wan was trying to deflect the attack but Anakin got in the way of the lightsaber and cut himself to pieces.
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How did Anakin get his scar?

With that, Ventress retreated further into the building, with an enraged Anakin Skywalker in hot pursuit. Ambushing the Jedi, Ventress managed to slash Skywalker across the face, leaving him with a scar on his jaw.
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Did KYLO Ren lose a hand?

A fight at the end of 'The Force Awakens' left Kylo Ren injured. Although some fans might argue that he actually lost his hand during this fight, Rey first overpowered Kylo Ren during The Force Awakens. While battling in the forest, Rey created a gash going across his face. Ben Solo, however, did not lose his hand.
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Did Anakin bring balance to the Force?

Anakin ultimately fulfilled his role as the Chosen One and brought balance to the Force, fulfilling Qui-Gon Jinn's belief in the prophecy that foretold Anakin's destiny. Accepting his fate, Anakin joined his Jedi mentors in death by becoming one with the Force.
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Did Mace Windu survive?

Samuel L. Jackson, who played Windu, told Entertainment Weekly in 2016 that he thought Windu survived the fall. He even said “Star Wars” creator George Lucas confirmed Windu is alive.
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How did Savage opress lose his arm?

Eventually, Opress was forced to become his brother's apprentice in accordance with the Rule of Two. After Opress lost his arm in battle against Kenobi on Florrum, the pair fled and eventually allied themselves with Pre Vizsla and Death Watch.
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Why were Dooku's eyes not yellow?

Regardless, Dooku's eyes weren't yellow because he wasn't motivated by anger. He was merely a practical Sith, making him exempt from the yellow eye feature.
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Why do Kaleesh wear masks?

Although all of their facial features were reminiscent of bats, such as their elongated ears and flat noses, a tusks protruded from their upper jaws, with shorter ones protruding from their chins but they usually wore masks to hide their faces. The Kaleesh had a keen sense of smell.
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Why is Mace Windu's lightsaber purple?

The Jedi initiate heals his adversary with help from the Force and, by way of thanks, is given a gift: purple crystals. He uses these crystals to assemble his lightsaber, which emits a distinctive purple blade.
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What is the rarest color of lightsaber?

Yellow lightsabers are some of the rarest blades to be wielded by a member of the Jedi Order. Jedi Master Plo Koon, Ahsoka Tano, and Rey Skywalker have been known to utilize them on occasion, but they are primarily the blade color of the Jedi Sentinel.
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Did Luke get Yoda's lightsaber?

Yoda kept a second lightsaber on Dagobah inside his hut after his previous one was lost during a duel in the Galactic Senate and then incinerated during a celebration of the Jedi Order's eradication. After Yoda's death, Luke Skywalker had the lightsaber in his possession.
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What was Mace Windu's Midichlorian count?

Jedi Masters typically have around 15,000 midi-chlorians per cell, and this is generally accepted as the max midi-chlorian level. Examples of such masters would be Count Dooku, who is estimated to have 14,000, and Mace Windu, who is estimated to have 16,000.
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