How do you wake up a person who fainted?

Lay the person on their back and prop legs up
If someone faints, be sure to put them on their back. If they're breathing, help restore blood flow to the brain by propping their legs above heart level, about 12 inches if possible.
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How do you wake someone up when they pass out?

It's true that some people will crash after a few drinks, but someone who's just sleeping it off will be fairly easy to wake.
To try to wake them up:
  1. Call their name.
  2. Shake their shoulders.
  3. Pinch them — hard.
  4. Rub their sternum with your knuckles.
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How long does it take for someone who fainted to wake up?

Usually, the person who has fainted will wake up within 20 seconds.
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Does your heart stop when you faint?

The heart rate may slow dramatically at the time of the faint, and the blood vessels (mainly the veins) in the body expand, causing blood to pool in the lower extremities and the bowels, resulting in less blood return to the heart and a low blood pressure (hypotension).
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Do you stop breathing when you faint?

After four to five seconds, you lose consciousness, stop breathing and have no pulse. When this happens, it's called sudden cardiac arrest. It's possible to lose consciousness only temporarily and then wake up. When this happens, you think you've simply fainted.
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What to do when someone faints

What do you do if someone faints and doesn't wake up?

2. Try to Revive the Person
  1. Shake the person vigorously, tap briskly, or yell.
  2. If the person doesn't respond, call 911 immediately and start CPR if necessary.
  3. If an AED is available, bring it by the person and use it if you have been trained on its use.
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Is it OK to sleep after fainting?

It is recommended that you lay the person down and elevate their feet. Most people will recover quickly after fainting once they lay down because more blood can flow to your brain.
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What's the difference between fainting and collapsing?

You may collapse to the floor and may have a brief period of twitching while collapsed. Fainting is caused by a sudden drop in blood pressure (hypotension), which results in less blood flow to the brain.
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How do you treat someone who has fainted?

If someone else faints
  1. Position the person on his or her back. If there are no injuries and the person is breathing, raise the person's legs above heart level — about 12 inches (30 centimeters) — if possible. ...
  2. Check for breathing. If the person isn't breathing, begin CPR.
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Do you need to call an ambulance if someone faints?

If someone faints or appears to be fainting, call 911 or your local emergency number. Assist the person by lowering him or her to the ground or other flat surface, while facing up in a horizontal position. Check for breathing and injuries. Rule out seizure, shock and stroke.
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What are the after effects of fainting?

You might not feel normal for a little while after you faint. You might feel depressed or fatigued for a short time. Some people even feel nauseous and may vomit. Some people have only 1 or 2 episodes of vasovagal syncope in their life.
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How long should you stay awake after fainting?

Other factors include hot weather, lack of sleep, recent illness, being pregnant, or a change in altitude. A person should wake up and be alert less than 1 minute after fainting. They should feel normal within 10 minutes after fainting. If the person does not wake up within 1 minute, it is not just a fainting spell.
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What to drink after fainting?

Even if you feel you drink “plenty” or “enough” water, drinking more water helps prevent these episodes.
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What is the most common reason for fainting?

A simple episode, also called a vasovagal attack or neurally-mediated syncope, is the most common type of fainting spell. It is most common in children and young adults. A vasovagal attack happens because blood pressure drops, reducing circulation to the brain and causing loss of consciousness.
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Can you faint with your eyes open?

When someone is passing out with their eyes open, this may be caused by generalized tonic-clonic seizures, long fainting episode, or vasovagal syncope. Read below for more information on loss of consciousness causes and treatment options.
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What do you see when you faint?

Your field of vision may "white out" or "black out." Your skin may be cold and clammy. You lose muscle control at the same time, and may fall down. Fainting usually happens when your blood pressure drops suddenly, causing a decrease in blood flow to your brain.
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What do paramedics do if you faint?

EMS Protocol for Fainting or Syncope Emergencies
  1. Routine medical care.
  2. Gently lower the patient to a supine position or Trendelenburg position if hypotensive.
  3. Oxygen as appropriate.
  4. Obtain blood glucose if approved. ...
  5. Initiate IV/IO NS @ TKO, if approved.
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Should you go to hospital after passing out?

More often than not, fainting will not lead to a diagnosis of a serious medical condition, but it is always best to call your doctor and get checked out. Your doctor will go over your medical history and perform a physical exam.
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Should you catch someone fainting?

If someone is standing when they faint, catch them, gently lower them to the floor and call 911. If they have tight-fitting clothing, loosen it to the best of your ability. Anyone who loses consciousness for even a moment should get evaluated by a medical professional.
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How do you regain consciousness?

  1. Check the person's airway, breathing, and circulation.
  2. If you do not think there is a spinal injury, put the person in the recovery position: Position the person lying face up. Turn the person's face toward you. ...
  3. Keep the person warm until emergency medical help arrives.
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How serious is fainting?

Fainting is not usually serious, but sometimes, it can indicate an underlying medical issue. People should treat every case of fainting as a medical emergency until they have uncovered the cause and treated the symptoms.
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What does someone fainting look like?

Since the brain isn't getting enough blood flow to stay conscious, the brain stops sending signals to the muscle cells. Muscles lose their tone, and the body collapses. It can look like anything from a shake to a tremble, shudder or seizure. Fainting is usually a temporary and momentary event.
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What is the difference between fainting and unconsciousness?

Fainting is not the same as being asleep or unconscious. When a person faints, it's usually temporary and the person can be revived in a few minutes. Someone who is unconsciousness, however, won't respond to attempts to revive him.
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Do you shake when you faint?

During fainting, “seizure-like” activity may occur. This shaking or stiffening is thought to be distinct from a true seizure and is due to the brain being briefly deprived of oxygen and blood flow.
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Why do you raise someone's legs when they faint?

Kneel down next to them and raise their legs, supporting their ankles on your shoulders to help blood flow back to the brain.
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