How can I get top 3 salary in SQL?

Here is a way to do this task using dense_rank() function. Query : select * from( select ename, sal, dense_rank() over(order by sal desc)r from Employee) where r=&n; To find to the 2nd highest sal set n = 2 To find 3rd highest sal set n = 3 and so on.
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How do I find top 3 salaries in SQL?

  1. TOP keyword SELECT TOP 1 salary FROM (SELECT TOP 3 salary FROM Table_Name ORDER BY salary DESC) AS Comp ORDER BY salary ASC.
  2. limit SELECT salary FROM Table_Name ORDER BY salary DESC LIMIT 2, 1.
  3. by subquery. SELECT salary FROM (SELECT salary FROM Table_Name ORDER BY salary DESC LIMIT 3) AS Comp ORDER BY salary LIMIT 1;
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How do you get top 3 salaries for each department from the employee table?

Salary AS Salary FROM Employee E INNER JOIN Department D ON E. DepartmentId = D.Id WHERE (SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(Salary)) FROM Employee WHERE DepartmentId = E. DepartmentId AND Salary > E. Salary) < 3 ORDER by E.
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How do I get top 2 salaries from an employee table in SQL?

select *from employee group by salary order by salary desc limit 1,1; There are other ways : SELECT name, MAX(salary) AS salary FROM employee WHERE salary IN (SELECT salary FROM employee MINUS SELECT MAX(salary) FROM employee);
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How can we find third highest salary in each department in SQL?

To use NTH_VALUE() , we have to specify the column and the value of N. Since we want to get the third-highest salary , the column is salary, and N = 3; hence, we have NTH_VALUE(salary, 3) . This will get us the third-highest salary. For a window function to work, we need to use an OVER() clause.
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Part 1 How to find nth highest salary in sql

How do I find the 5th highest salary in SQL?

Select Emp_name from table_name where Salary =( Select Salary from table_name order by Salary DESC limit n-1,1); There can be another question like find Nth Lowest Salary . In order to that , just reverse order using ASC ( if you don't specify by default column will be ordered in ascending order).
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How do you find top 5 salaried employees of each department?

Solution 13
  1. SELECT MAX(salary) FROM employee; ...
  2. SELECT MAX(slary), dept_id from employee group by dept_id; ...
  3. select distinct salary from employee order by salary desc limit 5; ...
  4. select distinct salary, dept_id from employee order by salary desc limit 5;
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How can I get 3 minimum salary in SQL?

  1. select salary from employee. order by salary asc limit 2,1. ...
  2. SELECT * FROM. ...
  3. select person_name,person_salary from Salary_1 order by person_salary asc limit 2,1; ...
  4. select top 1 * from ( select top 3 * from ( select distinct emp_sal from employee order by asc emp_sal ) d orderby desc emp_sal )
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How can find second and third highest salary in SQL Server?

The SQL query to calculate second highest salary in database table name as Emp
  1. SQL> select min(salary) from.
  2. (select distinct salary from emp order by salary desc)
  3. where rownum < 3;
  4. In order to calculate the second highest salary use rownum < 3.
  5. In order to calculate the third highest salary use rownum < 4.
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How can get second highest salary in MySQL?

Second Maximum Salary in MySQL using LIMIT

SELECT Salary FROM (SELECT Salary FROM Employee ORDER BY salary DESC LIMIT 2) AS Emp ORDER BY salary LIMIT 1; In this solution, we have first sorted all salaries from the Employee table in decreasing order, so that the 2 highest salaries come at top of the result set.
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Where can I find Department wise salary in SQL?

SELECT * FROM department; Get the highest salary of each department on the table. Here our table contains a DEPT_ID and it has two different categories UI DEVELOPERS and BACKEND DEVELOPERS, and we will find out the highest salary of the column.
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How can I get the nth highest salary?

By default ORDER BY clause print rows in ascending order, since we need the highest salary at the top, we have used ORDER BY DESC, which will display salaries in descending order. Again DISTINCT is used to remove duplicates. The outer query will then pick the topmost salary, which would be your Nth highest salary.
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How can we find the second highest salary in a table?

How To Find Second Highest Salary Using a Sub-Query
  2. FROM (
  4. FROM tbl_Employees.
  6. ) RESULT.
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How can we find nth highest salary in SQL without using top or limit?

Find nth Salary Without Using Max or Top In SQL
  1. SELECT * FROM (
  3. FROM Employee )
  4. AS foo.
  5. WHERE rownumber = n.
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How do you report all employees with minimum or maximum salary?

If you are using SQL Server 2008 r2 or above than you can use the following code. Select all records of the table. Now write a query for the min and max salary by department: select depid, max(salary) as MaxSalary, min(Salary) as MinSalary from table1 group by DepId.
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How do I find the smallest salary in SQL?

Example - With Single Expression

SELECT MIN(salary) AS "Lowest salary" FROM employees; In this SQL MIN function example, we've aliased the MIN(salary) field as "Lowest salary". As a result, "Lowest salary" will display as the field name when the result set is returned.
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How do you find the top 1 salary in SQL?

To find the highest salary in the table, write the following query. SELECT MAX(SALARY) FROM Employee; This will give you the output as 15000, i.e the highest salary in the table above.
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How do I get the first 5 records in SQL?

  1. SQL Server / MS Access Syntax: SELECT TOP number|percent column_name(s) FROM table_name. ...
  2. MySQL Syntax: SELECT column_name(s) FROM table_name. ...
  3. Oracle 12 Syntax: SELECT column_name(s) ...
  4. Older Oracle Syntax: SELECT column_name(s) ...
  5. Older Oracle Syntax (with ORDER BY): SELECT *
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How do you SELECT the highest nth value in SQL?

Using this function we can find the nth highest value using the following query.
  1. DECLARE @nthHighest INT = 2. ...
  2. DECLARE @nthHighest INT = 2.
  3. ;WITH CTE(EmpId,Empcode,Name,Salary,EmpRank)
  4. SELECT EmpId,Empcode,Name,Salary,
  6. SELECT * FROM CTE WHERE EmpRank = @nthHighest.
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How can I print the nth highest salary in MySql?

Get the nth highest record using a subquery
  1. SELECT name, salary FROM Employee AS emp1.
  2. WHERE N-1 = (SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT salary) FROM Employee emp2.
  3. WHERE emp2. salary > emp1. salary)
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How do you find top 10 in SQL?

Example - Using TOP PERCENT keyword

SELECT TOP(10) PERCENT contact_id, last_name, first_name FROM contacts WHERE last_name = 'Anderson' ORDER BY contact_id; This SQL SELECT TOP example would select the first 10% of the records from the full result set.
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How do I SELECT top 10 rows in MySQL?

MySQL Select Top 10 distinct

Here's the SQL query to select top 10 distinct rows using DISTINCT keyword. mysql> select distinct * from sales limit 10; Hopefully, now you can easily select top N rows in MySQL. Ubiq makes it easy to visualize data in minutes, and monitor in real-time dashboards.
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How can I see last 10 records in SQL?

Let us now implement the above query. mysql> SELECT * FROM ( -> SELECT * FROM Last10RecordsDemo ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 10 -> )Var1 -> -> ORDER BY id ASC; The following is the output that displays the last 10 records. We can match both records with the help of the SELECT statement.
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What is MIN () function in SQL?

The MIN() function returns the smallest value of the selected column. The MAX() function returns the largest value of the selected column.
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How can we get second highest salary without subquery?

“find second highest salary in sql without subquery” Code Answer
  1. /* sql 2nd highest salary employee */
  2. select sal, ename.
  3. from emp.
  4. where sal =
  5. (
  6. select max(sal) from emp where sal <
  7. (select max(sal) from emp)
  8. )
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