Can you touch a moon rock?

There are only eight lunar rocks available to touch by the general public in the world. This one is 3.8 billion years old.
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What happens if you touch a Moon rock?

Based on measurements of the lunar soil and NASA guidelines on skin contact with hot objects, you would probably be able to press a bare hand against the hottest lunar soil without feeling uncomfortably warm. But if your hand hit a rock, you might find yourself yanking it back in pain.
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Where can I touch moon rocks?

Visitors can touch a rock from the Moon in the Boeing Milestones of Flight Hall at the National Air and Space Museum in Washington, DC.
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Can I touch a piece of the Moon?

At the National Air and Space Museum in DC, you can touch a piece of the Moon. The Moon rock on display in our Boeing Milestones of Flight Hall, is one of only a few touchable lunar samples in the world.
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Is it illegal to take rocks from the Moon?

Possessing and selling moon rocks is illegal in most circumstances, as lunar material is the property of the U.S. government. A NASA agent arraigned a sting, agreeing to buy the items from Davis, which Davis had said she wanted to do legally.
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Touching a Moon Rock

How much is a Moon rock worth?

NASA assessed the value of the rocks at around $50,800 per gram in 1973 dollars, based on the total cost of retrieving the samples. That works to just a hair over $300,000 a gram in today's currency.
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Can you legally own a piece of the Moon?

The Outer Space Treaty means therefore that - no matter whose national flags are planted on the lunar surface - no nation can 'own' the Moon. As of 2019, 109 nations are bound by the Treaty, and another 23 have signed the agreement but have yet to be officially recognised.
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What does the Moon smell like?

After walking on the Moon astronauts hopped back into their lunar lander, bringing Moon dust with them. They were surprised, and perplexed, to find that it smelled like spent gunpowder.
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Is the Moon toxic?

The longer the particle stays, the greater the chance for toxic effects,” explains Kim. The potential damage from inhaling this dust is unknown but research shows that lunar soil simulants can destroy lung and brain cells after long-term exposure.
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Are moon rocks radioactive?

Radioactive iron in moon rocks collected by astronauts on NASA's Apollo missions suggests that a nearby supernova blasted Earth a few million years ago, according to a new study.
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Is the Moon rock real?

Moon rock or lunar rock refers to rock that is found on Earth's Moon. This includes lunar material collected during the course of human exploration of the Moon, and rock that has been ejected naturally from the Moon's surface and landed on Earth as meteorites.
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Who Stole the Moon rocks?

On July 13th 2002, 25-year-old NASA trainee, Thad Roberts and his accomplices broke into the Johnson Space Center in Houston, Texas, and stole a safe full of priceless moon rocks collected from the Apollo lunar missions over the years.
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What is Moon rock made of?

Moon rocks are made by taking a nugget of marijuana and dipping it in or spraying it with concentrate, or hash oil. They're usually made with Girl Scout Cookies (the weed strain, not Thin Mints) flower and concentrate, but can be made with any strain. The coated nugget is then rolled in kief.
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Can I buy a real moon rock?

It is illegal for private citizens to own or buy any authentic Moon Rocks or related material. Lunar samples obtained on Earth through findings of crashed lunar meteorites are legal. However, as with all valuable and sought-after items, they are auctioned and sold illegally.
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What does the Moon taste like?

But they did react: "It is really a strong smell," radioed Apollo 16 pilot Charlie Duke. "It has that taste -- to me, [of] gunpowder -- and the smell of gunpowder, too." On the next mission, Apollo 17, Gene Cernan remarked, "smells like someone just fired a carbine in here."
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Can you walk on the Moon?

A total of 12 humans have stepped foot on the lunar surface, all of whom were part of the Apollo missions between 1969 and 1972, according to NASA.
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Can viruses survive in space?

For instance, research shows that some viruses that are dormant inside astronauts' bodies — meaning they are still present in the body but do not replicate or cause symptoms — may sometimes reactivate in space.
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Is the Moon dirty?

Unlike the soil on Earth, the regolith on the Moon doesn't have any organic materials: no seeds, roots, or bacteria. Ask the children to share what they know about the Moon. Remind them that the Moon has no water and no atmosphere, in addition to other insights they may share.
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Can you breathe on moon?

On the moon, there's no air to breathe, no breezes to make the flags planted there by the Apollo astronauts flutter. However, there is a very, very thin layer of gases on the lunar surface that can almost be called an atmosphere. Technically, it's considered an exosphere.
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What does space taste like?

In 2009, astronomers were able to identify a chemical called ethyl formate in a big dust cloud at the center of the Milky Way. Ethyl formate happens to be responsible for the flavor of raspberries (it also smells like rum). Space tastes like raspberries!
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Is it cold on the Moon?

Temperatures on the moon are very hot in the daytime, about 100 degrees C. At night, the lunar surface gets very cold, as cold as minus 173 degrees C. This wide variation is because Earth's moon has no atmosphere to hold in heat at night or prevent the surface from getting so hot during the day.
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What do you hear in space?

No, you cannot hear any sounds in near-empty regions of space. Sound travels through the vibration of atoms and molecules in a medium (such as air or water). In space, where there is no air, sound has no way to travel.
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Is the US flag still on the Moon?

Images taken by a Nasa spacecraft show that the American flags planted in the Moon's soil by Apollo astronauts are mostly still standing. The photos from Lunar Reconaissance Orbiter (LRO) show the flags are still casting shadows - except the one planted during the Apollo 11 mission.
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Can I buy a planet?

No, people cannot legally buy planets, at least for now. There isn't any way to legally enforce a claim to a planet, and courts have rejected similar claims in the past. International law forbids countries from claiming any celestial body, meaning a nation cannot grant space real estate to its citizens.
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How much money is the Moon?

The experts looked at energy costs and food costs and communicated with experts to get the most accurate idea about how much it would to own a home on the Moon. They found that a lunar mortgage will cost a buyer around $326,000 per month for 25 years, bringing the total cost of the loan to be over $62 million.
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