Can you forfeit a turn in Sorry?

Occupied Spaces
Only one of your pawns may occupy a space at a time, except for the start area or home. If your only possible move would require you to land on a space already occupied by one of your other pawns, you forfeit your turn. If at any time you cannot move, you forfeit your turn.
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Can you move backwards out of safety in sorry?

... if at any time you can move, you must move, even if it's to your disadvantage. and from the description of the Safety Zone, moving backward out of the zone is legal: ... however, a pawn may move backward out of its SAFETY ZONE and on subsequent turns move back into the ZONE as cards permit.
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Can you bump yourself out of safety zone in sorry?

Safety Zones look like Slide Zones, but they are larger. Only you may enter your Safety Zone. All normal rules apply. Note, you can't move backwards into your safety zone, though you can exit a safety zone with a backwards move card.
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When can you move out of start in sorry?

To begin the game, all of a player's four pawns are restricted to Start; a player can only move them out onto the rest of the board if they draw a 1 or 2 card. A 1 or a 2 places a pawn on the space directly outside of start (a 2 does not entitle the pawn to move a second space).
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What happens if you land on your own pawn in Sorry?

If your only possible move would make you land on a space already occupied by another of your own pawns, you forfeit your turn. If at any time you cannot move, you forfeit your turn.
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How to Play Sorry!

Can you share a space in Sorry?

If you land on the same space as another player's pawn, send their pawn back to their start space. If you land on another player's triangle space on the board, slide your pawn all the way to the circle space connected to it. If another player's pawn is in your way, send their pawn back to their start space.
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What does the diamond mean on Sorry?

time - the game could go on far too long if that were so. The diamond was added in Sorry to make it clearer that there was a barrier and that you could not move forward across your own diamond, although the rules did specify that you could move backwards over it.
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What does fire do in Sorry?

If you're lucky enough to get the ice token, your pawn can't be bumped or sent back, and the fire token lets you bring an extra pawn into your home space on the board. So power-up with fire and ice as you bump, jump and slide your way to victory. Hasbro Gaming and all related terms are trademarks of Hasbro.
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Do you have to slide on your own color in Sorry?

You may only slide on triangles that are not your own color. While sliding you may also bump pawns in your path back to their start. If you land on a triangle of your own color- do not slide, just stay on the triangle.
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Did Sorry ever have dice?

they played as a kid in the 80's used dice, not cards. SO here is the thing... The version of Sorry I played as a kid used dice as well.
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How does the safety zone work in Sorry?

A Safety Zone may be entered only by a forward move and a player is never allowed to move his man forward beyond this entrance square except to enter his Safety Zone. (NOTE: However, this rule has no application to the exchange of pieces by an opponent through the play of an 11 card.)
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Can u put ice on fire in Sorry?

The power-ups apply independently, but the Ice rule overrides the Fire rule and prevents the fired-up pawn from moving. (My idea) The ice freezes the pawn, but also freezes the fire-token until the ice is moved.
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What is the oldest board game?

The Royal Game of Ur

The Royal Game of Ur is the oldest playable boardgame in the world, originating around 4,600 years ago in ancient Mesopotamia. The game's rules were written on a cuneiform tablet by a Babylonian astronomer in 177 BC.
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How do you win Sorry every time?

Tips to win Sorry
  1. If you have successfully moved a pawn backwards at least two spaces beyond your own START space, you may, on a subsequent turn, move into your own SAFETY ZONE without moving all the way around the board.
  2. Keep the square outside of your start free. ...
  3. Split Sevens smart!
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Can you jump over your own pawn in the safety zone in Sorry?

You may jump over your own or another player's pawn if it is in your way, counting it as one space.
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What's the difference between Sorry and trouble?

Trouble has a similar objective to Sorry but is based solely on chance. The objective is for players (two to four at a time) to roll or 'pop' the dice and be the first to move all four of their colored pawns around the board.
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How do you play Sorry travel game?

To play, kids spin the spinner and move 1 of their pawns according to what they spin. Players can jump opponent's pawns. But don't get bumped because it's all the way back to Start! The first player to get all 4 of their pawns from Start to Home wins!
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Can you have 2 pawns in the safety zone in Sorry?

If you have successfully moved a pawn backward at least two spaces beyond your own START space, you may, on a subsequent turn, move into your own SAFETY ZONE without moving all the way around the board. Notes: ● Two pawns of the same color may never occupy the same space.
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