Can tomatoes and chives be planted together?

Chives. Another fabulous companion herb for tomatoes, chives not only help the tomato's taste, but they also season tomato dishes just wonderfully. Since Chives are perennial, think of them as the backdrop for your tomato garden.
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What should not be planted near chives?

Grapes, tomatoes, carrots, broccoli, cabbage, eggplant, kohlrabi, mustard, peppers, potatoes, rhubarb, roses, squash, and strawberries all do better when growing near chives. Asparagus, beans, peas, and spinach, however, have a harder time growing when planted near chives.
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What should not be planted with tomatoes?

What should not be planted with tomatoes?
  • Brassicas (including cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli and brussel sprouts) - inhibit tomato growth.
  • Potatoes - along with tomatoes are also in the nightshade family so they will be competing for the same nutrients and will also be susceptible to the same diseases.
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What's the best companion plant for tomatoes?

Companion Plants to Grow With Tomatoes
  • Basil. Basil and tomatoes are soulmates on and off the plate. ...
  • Parsley. ...
  • Garlic. ...
  • Borage and squash. ...
  • French marigolds and nasturtiums. ...
  • Asparagus. ...
  • Chives.
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What is a good companion plant for chives?

Alliums: Chives are an Allium, so you can plant them alongside members of that same family, like onions, leeks, scallion, and garlic since they require similar care.
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5 Best Companion Plants for Tomatoes for Maximum Yields and Healthy Plants

Where should I plant chives in my vegetable garden?

In almost every case, it doesn't matter what you plant them near, as companion planting with chives has a host of positive results. Many gardeners swear by using chives near roses to help repel black spot and enhance growth.
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Do chives need full sun?

Chives thrive in full sun and well drained soil rich in organic matter. Have your soil tested. A pH range of 6.0-7.0 is best. They tolerate light shade, but six to eight hours of direct light is best.
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What herbs can you not plant with tomatoes?

Bee balm, chives, mint, lemon balm, and parsley improve health and flavor. Be careful when companion planting bee balm, lemon balm, and mint, as they can become invasive.
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Why should you not plant cucumbers near tomatoes?

Cucumbers' and Tomatoes' Shared Diseases

When growing these two crops together, you must consider the potential for disease. While cucumber mosaic virus does affect both tomatoes and cucumbers, the disease is not limited to these two crops — it affects more than 40 families of plants.
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Can I plant peppers with tomatoes?

Yes, you can grow tomatoes and peppers together – although it's important to bear in mind that growing plant members of the Nightshade or Solacaceae families together can increase the risk that disease will spread amongst them, especially if they are grown in the same bed after each other.
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What are the worst companion plants for tomatoes?

What are bad companion plants for tomatoes? Broccoli, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, kohlrabi, and other brassicas. Brassicas, including broccoli, cabbage, rutabaga, and cauliflower, will compete for nutrients with tomatoes, as both brassicas and tomatoes are heavy feeders.
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What vegetables should not be planted by tomatoes?

Corn and Tomatoes

Both tomatoes and corn are prone to worms and fungal blights, so an infestation in one area could spread to the other. Companion Plantings: Plant tomatoes with basil or chives to improve flavor (but avoid dill).
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Do chives spread?

Will my chives spread? Neither onions chives nor garlic chives will spread, though the clump will get larger (like a bunching onion). However, garlic chives will reseed if the blooms are left on the plant long enough for seeds to mature and fall into the garden.
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Can basil and chives be planted together?

What herbs grow well with chive? When it comes to other herbs, parsley, cilantro, tarragon, and basil are good companions for chives, since they all enjoy moist soil that isn't too dry or sandy. Avoid sage, thyme, rosemary, marjoram, oregano, which like it drier and sandier.
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Are chives invasive?

Garlic chives coming up in spring. Even though it can spread aggressively by seed, the seedlings are relatively easy to remove when young (although they can be quite numerous, so weeding may take a lot of time). This plant can be invasive under some conditions, so should be planted with care.
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Can I plant basil with tomatoes?

However, we do know that basil and tomatoes plants grow very well together, and they share soil and space quite companionably. You can plant them close together without significant reduction in yields, which is helpful in smaller gardens.
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What to plant with cucumbers to keep bugs away?

Legumes. From sugar snap peas to green beans, legumes are a great choice to grow with cucumbers because they provide much-needed nitrogen in the soil. Marigolds. Marigolds are one of the most popular companion plants because they repel a wide variety of pests, including aphids—a common pest on cucumber leaves.
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What do you plant after tomatoes?

Any legume is a good crop to rotate with tomatoes. Legumes include peas, beans, peanuts, clover, and alfalfa. These crops will help to restore nitrogen to the soil when planted after tomatoes. You can also plan for a 3, 4, or 5 year crop rotation schedule to further reduce the risk of disease.
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Why do my chives fall over?

The herb's ideal temperature for vigorous and stiff growth lies between 40 to 85 degrees Fahrenheit (4.4-29 Celsius). Once again, temperatures that are too high or too low (freezing or frost) makes your chives limp or floppy. At very low temperatures, your chives will become dormant.
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Can I plant herbs with tomatoes?

And they go very well together in the garden too. Tomato and basil is a classic companion planting combination. Basil is great for tomatoes. It repels a range of insect pests, improves the growth of nearby tomato plants, and is even said to make the fruits taste better.
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Can you plant chives with peppers?

Herbs: Herbs, especially oregano, dill, cilantro, chives, and marjoram, are good companion plants because they grow close to the ground, so they won't compete with peppers for space. Their aromatic ground cover can protect against garden pests that can damage your pepper yield.
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Do chives come back every year?

Harvest the leaves and flowers as and when you need to. Chives are perennial so will come back year after year. They grow well in pots but are best suited to growing in the ground.
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Do chives grow back after cutting?

Clip leaves from the outer portion of the plant first, making sure not to clip all of the plant at once. If you make a mistake and cut back all of the plant, no worries. It will grow back the following year. Wait to harvest your chives when the plant is at least six inches tall.
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Do chives need a lot of water?

Chives. For chives it is best to give the herb a thorough watering once or twice a week. You should then let the soil around the herb dry completely before you water again.
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