Can Buddhist marry non Buddhist?

There is no obligation for Buddhists to marry and most Buddhists believe marriage is a choice. As long as they are both happy to do so, Buddhists are allowed to cohabit . As a result, Buddhists do not have any formal teachings on what the marriage ceremony should consist of.
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Are Buddhists allowed to marry other religions?

Buddha taught that marrying a person of the same faith is preferable, as it defines your morals and values, but he did not prohibit marriage outside one's religion. For a Buddhist, marriage should be a peaceful union with mutual understanding between the couple and their families.
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Do you need to convert to marry a Buddhist?

He further stated that a Muslim man would absolutely need to convert to Buddhism in order to get married to a Buddhist woman in a Buddhist temple. Generally, conversion to another religion is unacceptable by the dominant Muslim society (ibid.).
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Can a Buddhist have a girlfriend?

Yes, as long as you're committed to each other. Sex should be part of a loving relationship, which is considered to be best represented by marriage. Buddhists follow The Five Precepts when considering how to live. The third Precept says that Buddhists must not engage in any sexual misconduct.
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Can a Hindu marry a Buddhist?

The Hindu Marriage Act says that unless a Saptapadi is performed, the marriage cannot be recognised, while there is no Saptapadi in Buddhist marriages at all.
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Do Buddhist wear wedding rings?

Most Buddhist ceremonies include a ritual that signifies the joining of husband and wife. Some couples exchange rings in the Western tradition.
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How many wives can a Buddhist have?

Under Burmese Buddhist law, a man has the right to take more than one wife, but a wife cannot legally take more than one husband.
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How do Buddhist get married?

Buddhism does not regard marriage as a religious duty nor as a sacrament that is ordained in heaven. The matchmaking is usually done by taking the boy and the girl in confidence. It could be by the parents of either side or by the eligible boy himself.
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Is divorce allowed in Buddhism?

Since marriage is secular, Buddhism has no restrictions on divorce. Ven. K. Sri Dhammananda has said "if a husband and wife really cannot live together, instead of leading a miserable life and harboring more jealousy, anger and hatred, they should have the liberty to separate and live peacefully."
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Is Buddhism a sexist religion?

According to Bernard Faure, "Like most clerical discourses, Buddhism is indeed relentlessly misogynist, but as far as misogynist discourses go, it is one of the most flexible and open to multiplicity and contradiction." Faure states that the ancient and medieval Buddhist texts and traditions, like other religions, were ...
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What do Buddhist do when a baby is born?

Within a month of the birth, the parents take the baby to the local temple and put him or her in front of the statue of the Buddha . They ask for the blessings of the Three Refuges - the Buddha, the dharma and the Sangha .
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Is cousin marriage allowed in Buddhism?

Buddhism. Buddhism originated in North India in the third century BC and the Prince Buddha is reputed to have married his first cousin. Perhaps for this reason there is no overall proscription on consanguineous marriage within the Buddhist tradition.
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Do monks have to be virgins?

Priests nuns and monks take a vow of celibacy when they are initiated into the Church. … Most religions advise both the males and females to remain celibate until they take marital vows. Thus celibacy is not the same as virginity. It is voluntary and it can be practiced by those who have had intercourse before.
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Can you date a Buddhist?

To achieve non attachment, one must detach from the idea of a perfect person and holding one's partner to an impossible standard. Instead, one must accept a partner for who they are unconditionally. In Buddhism, this is the key to a happy romantic relationship.
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Can a Buddhist drink alcohol?

Despite the great variety of Buddhist traditions in different countries, Buddhism has generally not allowed alcohol intake since earliest times. The production and consumption of alcohol was known in the regions in which Buddhism arose long before the time of the Buddha.
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Can couples with different religions work?

“The most important asset in an interfaith relationship is respect,” Masini says. “You can agree to disagree — but you can't disrespect and have things work. Acknowledge your religious differences and have open conversations [about them] throughout your relationship, but always respect each others' religions.”
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How do I become Buddhist?

Yes, anyone can become a Buddhist. You will need to take refuge in the Triple Gem and follow a ceremony during which you take a vow to uphold the Five Precepts (to not kill, not steal, not commit sexual misconduct, refrain from false speech and not take intoxicants that lessen your awareness).
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Do Buddhists eat meat?

Many Buddhists interpret this to mean that you should not consume animals, as doing so would require killing. Buddhists with this interpretation usually follow a lacto-vegetarian diet. This means they consume dairy products but exclude eggs, poultry, fish, and meat from their diet.
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Is polygamy allowed in Buddhism?


Gautama Buddha was married. He never set any rules for marriage—such as age or whether marriage is monogamous or polygamous—and never defined what a correct marriage should be.
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What happens at a Buddhist marriage?

The ceremony called 'the chessian' is completed with a prayer and the 'lama' gives out a religious drink 'madyan'. The date of the marriage is decided in consultation with the astrologer. The wedding takes place either in the temple or at the bride's home. At home a shrine is erected with a statue of Buddha.
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Can I wear a Buddha necklace if Im not Buddhist?

There are many people who don't follow the Buddhistic culture or are not directly involved in Buddhism and they all wonder if it would be disrespectful to wear a necklace like this. Well, the answer is simple, it is okay to wear this symbol, no matter what your beliefs or spirituality are.
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What does a black Buddha mean?

In this realm, the Buddha is colored black. Black symbolizes killing and anger as well as primordial darkness. Fierce deities are often rendered in black in order to signify the darkness of hate and ignorance as well as the role that these qualities have to play in the awakening of clarity and truth.
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What do Buddhist Do When Someone Dies?

Buddhist funeral rites vary, but in general, there is a funeral service with an altar to the deceased person. Prayers and meditation may take place, and the body is cremated after the service. Sometimes the body is cremated after a wake, so the funeral is a cremation service.
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What is a male virgin called?

A young man who never experienced sex, as mentioned by Jasper in his answer, is a "virgin". It's the usual word to refer to a young man and can be used for both males and females, any age group. Some related words are: chaste, immaculate and virginal.
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