Will I get used to my composite bonding?

After Composite Bonding
Over time, the added resin will become less noticeable. So don't fret about it – you'll get used to it, just like any other dental treatment.
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How long does it take to get used to bonded teeth?

What is the recovery time after dental bonding? Teeth bonding requires zero downtime. You'll be able to resume all normal activities as soon as you leave your dentist's office.
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Is composite bonding uncomfortable?

Composite bonding or cosmetic bonding is a procedure where the dentist adds a special coloured resin to your teeth to improve their appearance. It is absolutely pain free, no anaesthesia is needed and there is no permanent alteration to the natural tooth structure, as no drilling is necessary.
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What does composite bonding feel like?

Our mouths are very sensitive to changes, and your tooth might feel wider or oddly shaped with the addition of resin. You may be familiar with this sensation if you've had other dental work done, like orthodontics, for example.
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Does composite bonding hurt after?

Does Teeth Bonding Hurt? The teeth bonding procedure is relatively painless. Most likely, you won't even need pain relievers. However, you may experience some tooth sensitivity to heat and cold after the procedure.
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What is Composite Bonding and Composite Veneers? What you need to know before you have treatment!

Why does my composite bonding feel weird?

After Composite Bonding

The bonding might feel weird at first because our mouths are very sensitive to change. This will make you feel that your teeth have become oddly shaped or wider after the procedure. Over time, the added resin will become less noticeable.
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Can I brush my teeth after composite bonding?

Avoid tea, coffee, smoking and food which may stain for 48 hours after having the procedure done. Brush your teeth often and see the hygienist regularly to maintain good oral health.
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Why do my teeth hurt after bonding?

It's common for a tooth to be irritated after a filling, but the irritation gradually calms down within a few weeks. It's possible that the bonding was placed too high and is interfering with your bite (the way your upper and lower teeth fit together). Tooth pain can be a sign of an infection.
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Why do my bonded teeth hurt?

You may only experience pain if your bond is used to repair a cavity. Since a cavity is decayed tooth matter, you may feel a sense of discomfort when the composite resin is inserted at the site of the cavity, where the decay may be invading sensitive nerve endings.
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Is bonding painful?

Dental bonding should be a relatively pain free procedure because your dentist is working on the surface of your teeth, which is not prone to sensitivity. That being said, some patients experience increased sensitivity due to tooth or gum decay.
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Can you chew with bonded teeth?

You don't need to stop eating hard foods like nuts altogether, of course. But you should avoid chewing them with your front teeth if you have veneers or dental bonding. Over time, this could result in chipping and premature wear & tear to your dental prostheses.
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Can you drink red wine with composite bonding?

If you often drink red wine, coffee or other foods with dark colours, cut down on these types of foods. Habits that wear down the composite resin – biting on fingernails or pens and on other objects can wear down the bonding material and enamel over time.
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How do I take care of my teeth after bonding?

Things to Do:
  1. Brush twice per day with a soft-bristled toothbrush, whether manual or electric.
  2. Floss at least once per day with string floss, not floss sticks.
  3. Make arrangements to visit the dentist for routine cleanings every six months.
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Can you floss with composite bonding?

Teeth that have had dental bonding done do not need different or special at home care. You should brush and floss the areas just like you would for your normal teeth. However, as stated above, dental bonding can and will stain over time.
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Does front teeth bonding hurt?

Does Tooth Bonding Hurt? This procedure generally doesn't involve pain, mostly because the part of the tooth the dentist works on has very little sensitivity. This means no anesthesia is required, which makes the procedure a safer option than some others.
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How do you prepare teeth for bonding?

Little advance preparation is needed for dental bonding. Anesthesia is often not necessary unless the bonding is being used to fill a decayed tooth, the tooth needs to be drilled to change its shape, or the chip is near the nerve.
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Can I drink coffee with bonded teeth?

Reduce Your Consumption of Stain-Causing Beverages

Do you have a coffee habit? The resin material used in dental bonding can stain, just like natural enamel. The more often you drink coffee, tea, wine, or other stain-causing beverages, the more likely you are to need more dental bonding sooner.
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Can you eat curry with composite bonding?

Cut down on food and beverages that can stain your teeth and wear down the bonding material. These include coffee, tea, red wine, fruit juices, soft drinks, berries (blackberry, blueberry and cherries), soy sauce and curry.
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How do you keep bonded teeth white?

Tips for Keeping Your Smile Bright after Dental Bonding
  1. Stay on top of your oral hygiene – brush twice a day and floss once a day.
  2. Visit our office twice a year for regular dental cleanings.
  3. Avoid the consumption of staining foods and beverages such as coffee, tea, colas, red wine, tomato sauce, berries or curries.
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How do you look after composite bonding?

How to care for bonded teeth
  1. brushing at least twice a day and flossing daily.
  2. avoiding hard food and candy.
  3. not biting your nails.
  4. avoiding coffee, tea, and tobacco for the first two days after the procedure to avoid stains.
  5. scheduling regular dental cleanings every six months.
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Can I use an electric toothbrush on bonding?

If you have dental bonding applied, you don't need to do very much to protect it, yet there are things that you should and shouldn't do. Use an electric toothbrush – they are gentler to your teeth and gums and allow for better cleaning of the plaque with milder pressure.
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Can you eat apples with composite bonding?

You can eat most foods normally (e.g. apples, toast, steak, etc.) With time, bonding can discolour a little due to lifestyle and diet. This often can however be polished off by the dentist or hygienist.
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What foods to avoid after bonding teeth?

To prevent fracture, avoid directly biting with front bonded teeth into the following foods: ribs, bones (fried chicken,lamb chops, etc.), hard candy, apples, carrots, nuts, hard rolls or bagels.
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Does composite bonding break easily?

Unlike porcelain veneers, composite bonding does not break or it is very rare for it come off in the same way as with porcelain veneers. Composite bonding can chip for a variety of reasons with biting and chewing on hard food being the most common reasons or grinding and clenching teeth.
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What toothpaste is best for bonded teeth?

The best toothpaste for teeth with composite bonding or veneers is a non-abrasive gel, which can also serve as a polishing agent.
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