Will bees reuse old comb?

If you know your bees died of starvation or cold, chances are it is safe to reuse brood combs that are in decent shape, even if they are moldy or have some dead adult bees still on them. Reusing combs with dead larvae in cells is risky.
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Can you reuse honeycomb?

Cutting out the honeycomb

In extreme cases, honeycomb is cut from the beehive frames and melted. It frees up the frame and you can reuse it. Melted wax with dead bees in it is usually discarded. You may sieve out the dead bees from hot wax and use the wax to make some products.
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Can you reuse drawn comb?

Any time that you do decide to reuse a box of drawn comb, it may be best to place the box in a plastic bag and then deep-freeze it for at least 24 hours (48 is better) to kill any SHBs or wax moths, their larvae and/or eggs that may be present.
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Will bees reuse burr comb?

Burr comb is normal and it is not a big deal. If it is in your way, scrape it off with your tool. If it prevents you from closing up the hive properly, remove it. Just know, that the bees will rebuild it.
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Will bees clean up old frames?

The comb, honey and frames may be used in the hive again. Bees will clean up a bit of mold, although by doing it for them they can focus their talents elsewhere, like pollination. If it is black mold, remove and trash the foundation (or melt for other uses). Clean the frames thoroughly, air out, freeze, and reuse.
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MAKE sure to do THIS when reusing an old BEEHIVE !

Will bees build comb above a queen excluder?

A beekeeper should make sure drawn comb is directly above the queen excluder with any foundation above that. Better for comb. Use of a queen excluder will almost certainly mean less honey production, but the main benefit of it is that the combs will remain light colored, because no young bees are reared in them.
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Can I use an old hive for new bees?

First, the good news. Unless the colony died because of a nasty disease like American Foulbrood, you can definitely re-use the equipment. AFB would present as a horrible smelling hive with rotting, brown, slimy brood. You don't want to re-use equipment if the colony had AFB because it will pass on the new bees.
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How often should you replace bee frames?

Keep you bees THRIVING and not just surviving with frame and foundation change outs every 5 years. Lastly, if your hive has experienced a complete die-off, due to chemicals, you have no choice but to replace all frames and foundation before installing a new colony of honey bees.
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When should I replace my old comb?

Most researchers suggest replacing old comb in the hive every 5 or 6 years. Some beekeepers say it should be a much shorter time 3-4 years. But beekeepers realize that comb construction is an expensive undertaking for the colony.
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Do bees reuse brood comb?

If you know your bees died of starvation or cold, chances are it is safe to reuse brood combs that are in decent shape, even if they are moldy or have some dead adult bees still on them. Reusing combs with dead larvae in cells is risky.
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What can I do with old black honey comb?

To promote good colony health, beekeepers should replace old black honeycomb. Beeswax absorbs things inside the hive and substances brought into the hive. Not only pigments from pollen, propolis and honey but toxic substances too. Any chemicals brought into the hive by foraging bees may end up in the wax.
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How often should you replace brood comb?

How often should I change them? There are many opinions as to this question but no brood comb should be used for more than three years. Used comb should be rendered or disposed of rather than being used in a different colony. For the small cost involved it is not worth the risk.
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Can you harvest honey from a dead hive?

Can You Harvest Honey from a Dead Hive? In most cases, you can harvest honey from a dead hive. If the honey seems clean and fresh (not fermented), and you have not treated for mites with any chemical treatment . It should be safe to eat or keep frozen for later use by other bees.
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Will an empty beehive attract bees?

Yes, an empty beehive will attract bees. Even if it isn't positioned up in a tree or converted to a bait hive, the scout bees can smell residual beeswax in the wood. If you have an empty hive and want to make it more attractive to bees, you can add a swarm lure.
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How do you encourage bees to build a comb?

Beekeepers commonly feed growing colonies sugar syrup in order to encourage them to build comb—typically to “draw out” frames of foundation. The question then is whether bees will draw out more foundation if they were being fed concentrated or dilute sugar syrup.
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Can you reuse frames from a dead hive?

In most cases, reusing comb from dead colonies is okay. If I am confident that what killed the hive is not the result of something contagious, like American Foulbrood, I save newer frames of comb for reuse. Reusing comb from colonies that died from mites, starvation, or cold is not an issue.
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What do bees do with dead bees in the hive?

Most die inside the hive and their bodies drop onto the bottom board. The pile can get quite deep without the beekeeper even noticing it. But as the days get warmer, the bees begin to clean the carcasses out of their living quarters.
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Do bees return to the same nest?

Bees don't cause any problems to your property, and nor are you in danger of being stung if they are left alone and unprovoked. After the summer season, most bees will go away and not return to the nesting site the following year. By the time a colony has become obvious its activity will be about to decline naturally.
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Why you shouldn't use a queen excluder?

Not using an excluder means that you run the risk of the queen laying drone brood in the Flow frame cells. The likelihood of this happening can be minimised by placing an empty (foundationless) frame in the brood chamber and allowing the bees to build their drone comb.
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Can a queen get through a queen excluder?

The idea behind a queen excluder is that the worker bees can easily pass through the wire mesh, and the queens cannot. They also exclude the drones. Beekeepers place excluders above the brood box to keep the queen from laying eggs in the honey supers.
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How much honey should be left in the hive for winter?

The exact amount depends on the winter temperatures in your area and how long your winter usually lasts. That being said, you should plan to leave 60 – 90 pounds of honey for your colony to survive winter. This is at least 8-10 full deep frames of honey that must be left on the hive.
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Can I harvest honey from moldy comb?

The bees are very thorough. After they are done, the combs can be used for brood or honey production. It's amazing, but no taste or smell of mold will remain on the combs. If you have more than one colony, you can divide the moldy frames between them, or you can give a few at a time.
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