Why is the age of elves over?

The nature of the Elves is to fade, and Tolkien describes the reason for this in a passage entitled "Of Death and the Severance of Fea and Hroa" among the Finwe and Miriel materials, published in Morgoth's Ring: As ages passed the dominance of their fear (i.e spirits) ever increased, 'consuming' their bodies.
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Why are the Elves diminishing?

Those, of any Elven people, who did not perish through bodily death or depart from Middle-earth across the sea would eventually fade. Fading occurred when their fëar consumed their bodies and the body became merely a memory of the fëa.
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Did the Elves lose their immortality?

Though the Dúnedain were blessed with long life and slow aging, they were still mortal. On the other hand, Elves are immortal beings that never succumb to old age. They can even recover from wounds that would be fatal to Man.
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Do Elves ever get old?

Elves, like Men, are Children of Eru Ilúvatar and thus are very similar to Men. Unlike Men, however, they are immortal, in that their bodies do not age once they have reached maturity, so that they do not seem to become elderly or die of old age.
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Do Elves really live forever?

Elves are immortal, and remain unwearied with age. They can recover from wounds which would be fatal to a Man, but can be killed in battle. Spirits of dead Elves go to the Halls of Mandos in Valinor.
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A Guide to Tolkien's Elves | Tolkien Explained

How long are elves pregnant?

Elves' pregnancy lasts for two years. Most elf-maidens don't make it through 2 years thus less children. Twins are more common in Elves than in humans.
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How old can elves get?

Age: Although elves reach physical maturity at about the same age as Humans, the elven understanding of Adulthood goes beyond physical growth to encompass worldly experience. An elf typically claims Adulthood and an adult name around the age of 100 and can live to be 750 years old.
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How long can a elf live?

An elf reaches adulthood at about 110 years of age and can live to be more than 700 years old.
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How do elves age if they are immortal?

The elves grow old slowly, but after a time - 100 years - they just age mentally and emotionally. I think that is a very clever concept by JRRT, because they can then be immortal, but still have a desire to leave the land of the living.
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Do elves only fall in love once?

Elves marry only once (with only one known, very special, exception), but there's no rule about them loving only once. For example, Finwe loved Miriel, and then he loved Indis.
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Why does Arwen get weaker?

It was Elrond's plea because Arwen was dying that drove him. In movieverse, the 'evil that spreads from Mordor' was in some way affecting the Elves. They were becoming weaker and they felt threatened.
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Are Hobbits immortal?

Men, Dwarves, Hobbits, and most other races cannot live forever and thus are subject to aging and natural death; however various members of those races have endured longer extended lifespans beyond usual constraints through multiple means.
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Why does Aragorn live so long?

The royal blood that flows through the veins of the Dúnedain allows them to live three times as long as normal Men. Aragorn's heritage is the reason for his longevity, and he's not the only Lord of the Rings character to benefit from being one of the Dúnedain.
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Why can only elves go to the Undying Lands?

Yes, elves are immortal, but that only means they can't die of old age or sickness. They can still die from a broken heart (fragile people I say) or in battle. The elves go to the Undying Lands because that marks an ending point to their life.
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Why does Galadriel say she will diminish?

She's diminishing because the time for the dominion of men had come. This means she's going to be losing her position of authority. She's remaining Galadriel because the ring won't transform her as it did for Gollum.
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Is there an afterlife in LOTR?

The elvish afterlife is actually described very clearly in Tolkien's essay “Laws and Customs Among the Eldar.” Here I'll just give the short version: When an elf dies, their spirit (fea) is separated from their body (hroa). Their fea is summoned to the Halls of Mandos.
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How long does it take for an elf to become an adult?

An elf typically c1aims adulthood and an adult name around the age of 100 and can live to be 750 years old. This is probably based more or less on Tolkien sources, adapted for game purposes (In Tolkien Elves were immortal, but suffered over thousands of years when separated from the Undying Lands).
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What happens when an elf dies?

When elves die, their spirits travel to the Halls, where they rest for a time as disembodied shades. Most of them are then returned to corporeal form and rejoin all the other elves living in Valinor.
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Are half elves mortal?

A half-elf is a mythological or fictional being, the offspring of an immortal elf and a mortal human. They are often depicted as very beautiful and endowed with magical powers; they may be presented as torn between the two worlds that they inhabit.
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How old would a half elf be?

Half-Elves have long ears like elves. They live about 180 years.
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Do elves age slowly?

Elves: Similar to dwarves, elves age more slowly than men in their youth, and then once they reach maturity they stop aging. The rate for elves is much slower even than dwarves. Tolkien says that a 20 year old elf appears to be 7 years old.
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Why don t elves have more children?

Contrary to popular belief (and outward appearance, from a human perspective), Elves do age; and as they get older, they get less interested in procreation. Having children is exhausting.
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Can elves and humans mate?

Elves and humans have held the Armlet of Strength and half-elves are capable of interbreeding with both elves and humans and continuing to produce fertile children. Interestingly, half-elves can also breed with other half-elves and have created a fairly stable half-elf race.
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How old would a teenage elf be?

However they'd still be like young kids for a while. After they reach adolescence at around 20-30, they're like teenagers. Elves of this age start to want to learn more stuff and it wouldn't be wholly inappropriate to make an adventurer of this age, though they'd need a specific reason to leave their kind.
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