Why is my hydrangea not blooming?

The primary reasons hydrangeas don't bloom are incorrect pruning, bud damage due to winter and/or early spring weather, location and too much fertilizer. Hydrangea varieties can be of the type that blooms on old wood, new wood or both.
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How do you fix hydrangeas that don't bloom?

If your soil has an abundance of nitrogen, your hydrangea may have lush green growth and no flowers. Hydrangeas, like so many other flowering plants, need phosphorus in order to properly bloom and flower. Adding bone meal is a great way to increase the phosphorus in the soil.
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Why did my hydrangea not flower?

The reasons for hydrangeas not flowering are too much fertilizer, lack of sun, transplant shock, moisture stress, frost damage on developing flower buds and because of hard pruning the old wood which supports this seasons new hydrangea blooms.
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What to feed hydrangeas to make them bloom?

Hydrangeas will benefit from an all-purpose, balanced fertilizer, such as a 10-10-10 N-P-K, that contains equal amounts of each nutrient. A balanced fertilizer will encourage healthy foliage as well as bountiful blooms.
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When should hydrangeas be cut back?

Trimming should be done immediately after flowering stops in summer, but no later than August 1. Do not prune in fall, winter, or spring or you could be cutting off new buds. Tip-pruning the branches as leaves emerge in spring can encourage multiple, smaller flower heads rather than fewer larger flower heads.
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Why Isn't My Hydrangea Blooming? // Garden Answer

Are coffee grounds good for hydrangeas?

Coffee grounds add extra acidity to the soil around hydrangeas. On a chemical level, this increased acidity makes it easier for the plant to absorb naturally occurring aluminum in the dirt. The effect is pretty blue clusters of flowers.
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What happens if you don't prune hydrangeas?

What happens if you don't prune hydrangeas? If you don't prune hydrangeas then they can eventually resemble a tangled mass of woody stems, and the flowers will become smaller and less showy. Regular pruning of hydrangeas helps to maintain their shape and also encourages new growth and a better display of blooms.
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Do hydrangeas like full sun?

Hydrangeas like morning sun, but do not do well if they're in direct, hot afternoon sun. Partial shade in the later parts of the day is ideal for these beauties.
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Do hydrangeas need a lot of water?

The hydrangea should be watered thoroughly at least 3 times a week. Always water the plant all the way around the container, not just in one place. Water should come out the bottom of the pot. Never let it sit in water which will cause the roots to rot away.
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What is the best fertilizer for hydrangeas?

A good all purpose 12-4-8 or 10-10-10 composition will provide all the fertilizing hydrangeas need. Either a chemical source or organic matter can be used successfully. Applying a once a year slow-release chemical formulated for shrubs and trees is the simplest solution to hydrangea care and feeding.
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Do hydrangeas bloom every year?

Do hydrangeas rebloom? The plants only bloom once annually, but there are reblooming hydrangea varieties.
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What's wrong with my hydrangea?

The problem is caused by a fungus that spreads via spores in wet or humid conditions. To control leaf spot, avoid watering your hydrangeas from overhead, and again, remove and destroy diseased plant parts. If summer rains make the problem worse, try a fungicide such as Immunox (always follow label directions).
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Why is my endless summer hydrangea not blooming?

There are a few main reasons that you may not see blooms on your hydrangea bushes: sun exposure, over-watering and over-fertilizing. Endless Summer® hydrangeas prefer morning sun and afternoon dappled shade. If they are planted in full sun, it may be too hot and intense for the blooms to produce.
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How do I know if my hydrangea is overwatered?

An overwatered Hydrangea will have yellowing leaves that may fall off prematurely. It will also produce fewer buds and its blooms will be misshapen. And in severe cases of overwatering a Hydrangea will have brown, wilted leaves.
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What happens if hydrangea gets too much sun?

Too much sun exposure can cause your hydrangea shrubs to burn on its leaves and blooms. Also, be sure to put your fingers in the soil to see if it needs watering. We do recommend a soak versus light watering each day, but you should be sure that the soil is always moist – not wet – by sticking your fingers in the dirt.
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Should you deadhead hydrangea?

You should deadhead throughout the blooming season to keep your hydrangeas looking their beast and encourage new flower growth. However, stop deadheading hydrangea shrubs in mid to late fall, leaving any spent blooms in place.
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Do I cut down hydrangeas before winter?

Hydrangeas that bloom on new wood require pruning in late winter or early spring. Prune to shape, cutting back to about two feet. The pruning promotes new, sturdy growth, which provides the blooms next season.
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How far do you cut back hydrangeas in the fall?

Some hydrangeas' branches often fall over under the weight of their blooms, especially after overhead irrigation or after a good rain. One way to alleviate this flopping is to cut the stems to a height of 18 to 24 inches to provide a sturdy framework to support new growth.
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How often do you add coffee grounds to hydrangeas?

Start adding coffee grounds to the soil surrounding your hydrangeas in late fall. Sprinkle them around your hydrangeas, but be sure to work them into the soil to help eliminate any off-putting smell. You do not need to do this process often–just two to three times per year should be sufficient.
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Are eggshells good for hydrangeas?

If you want pink hydrangeas, crushed eggshells may be one way to get them. Eggshells will slowly break down and reduce the acidity of your soil—making it harder for hydrangeas to absorb aluminum.
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Is my hydrangea dead or dormant?

If a stem is alive, it will display some green under the bark. If you can't find any live stems and no sprouts are visible from the base of the plant by late spring, you have a dead hydrangea. Pull the plant out and try for a more cold-hardy variety.
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