Why is my guinea pig running in circles?

If your cavy is in good cheer, you might notice him running in circles, constantly shifting his course, whether inside of his enclosure or in a bigger designated play section of your home. Running in happy guinea pigs is often accompanied by leaping. These behaviors together are referred to as popcorning.
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What does it mean when your guinea pig is running around like crazy?

If your guinea pigs are running around like crazy it usually means they're happy. But it can also be because they're scared, bored, lonely, or sick. A happy guinea pig will run around and popcorn when they're excited. If they run around manically and scratch at themselves, they might have mites, too.
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Is it normal for guinea pigs to run laps?

She's excited and happy. Guinea pigs run laps or popcorning, or do both when they are happy.
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How do I know if my guinea pig is stressed?

Signs a guinea pig may be suffering from stress or fear can include:
  1. Hiding most of the time.
  2. Aggression.
  3. Chewing their cage bars.
  4. Over-grooming.
  5. Changing their feeding or toileting habits.
  6. Drinking too much or playing with the water bottle.
  7. Sitting hunched.
  8. Reluctance to move.
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How do I relax my guinea pig?

9 Ways To Calm A Stressed Guinea Pig
  1. Make sure you have the right-sized cage. ...
  2. Never keep a guinea pig on its own. ...
  3. Provide hideouts and shelters for your guinea pig. ...
  4. Don't bother your guinea pig if it looks anxious. ...
  5. Be calm around your guinea pig. ...
  6. Use a soft voice around your guinea pig.
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How to Teach Guinea Pigs to do Circles

Can guinea pigs get Zoomies?

Well, getting the zoomies is very normal for a guinea pig and most of the time it just means that they're happy for one reason or another. What is this? This is something that most guinea pigs will do throughout their lives and it can be really fun to watch.
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What do guinea pig seizures look like?

Signs that this may have happened will include a messed-up bed, they appear confused, they may break a claw or bite their lip/tongue when seizing so there could be evidence of blood or the guinea pig may not appear themselves. If in any doubt, then call your vet straight away.
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Why is my guinea pig hopping and walking?

Bunny hopping can be a sign of low vit C in the diet, or poor absorption of it. A defiency can cause bleeding in the joints which makes them inflamed. Another possible cause is calcium defiency (or lack of vit D3 for the absorption of calcium) again causing joint problems.
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Why does my guinea pig run away when I try to pick him up?

Guinea pigs are prey animals by nature. Predators chase them, catch and eat them. Even though a long period of time has gone by and they've been domesticated, their instincts haven't changed. This instinctual terror response is the reason why guinea pigs run for their lives when you try to pick them up.
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How do you know if your guinea pig hates you?

If you're a new guinea pig owner, then you've likely experienced the feeling that that your pet hates you.
5. Take Biting Personally
  • Your hands smell like food. Cavies have sensitive noses! ...
  • It's time for a bathroom break. Piggies like to pee every 10-15 minutes. ...
  • Mishandling.
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How often should you hold your guinea pig?

Most guinea pigs love spending quality time with their owners, so handling them is enjoyable for all concerned. Once your guinea pig gets to know you, being hand-fed and petted become important parts of their lives. This means it's actually up to you how much you hold them - you can do so as often as you like.
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How often should you take your guinea pig out of its cage?

Guinea pigs need time outside of the cage each day for at least an hour, though twice a day is best. If possible, take them out at dawn and dusk, when cavies are most active. Either purchase a small pen or enclosure, or utilize a room where young children and other pets cannot gain access.
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Why do guinea pigs drag their legs?

Dragging of the back legs can also mean a calcium deficiency. I sucessfully treated one of my pigs with osteocare, which is a human supplement available form the chemist. I would get her checked out by a guinea-savvy vet though to be sure it's not an injury.
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What does popcorn mean for guinea pigs?

When a guinea pig is happy and excited, it will often 'popcorn'. This describes the sudden jumps performed by guinea pigs, sometimes from a standing position, sometimes in mid-stride, and often involving a change in direction and an endearing squeak!
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Why is my guinea pig laying on her side and twitching?

Typically, a guinea pig laying on its side is a sign of a happy, relaxed guinea pig. However, if lying on his side is accompanied by twitching, shortness of breath, or other signs of illness, your guinea pig is ill and should be taken to a vet. Guinea pigs also lie on their sides if they're shocked or scared.
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Why is my guinea pig running and jumping around his cage?

When your guinea pig runs around in his cage, he may be doing no more than simply getting a little exercise. If his enclosure is roomy enough, the lively sprinting could mean he's stretching out his legs and releasing some of his extra energy.
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How can you tell if a guinea pig is dehydrated?

An ill guinea pig may not drink enough water on its own to do well. Your guinea pig may be dehydrated if you see any of these problems: thick sticky saliva, crusty eyes, poor appetite, small amounts of dark colored urine, or hard dry fecal pellets.
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What does a pig seizure look like?

2. Description of seizures pig 2. Observed autonomic signs were uncontrolled movements of mouth and rostrum, dribbling, eyes widening, blinking and ear paralysis. Others signs were brief respiratory arrests, mouth paralysis with continuous swallowing movements of throat and tongue.
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Why does my pig keep falling down?

The primary cause of Dippity appears to be stress. It is not clear whether the stress is external or internal in nature, or whether it can be self-induced. External stress could include a pig show, a trip to the vet, the introduction of a new pig or owner, a violent thunderstorm or a sudden deviation in normal routine.
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How do I know if my guinea pig had a stroke?

  1. Lethargy.
  2. Rapid breathing.
  3. Open mouth breathing or panting.
  4. Laying on side.
  5. Drooling.
  6. Seizures.
  7. Coma.
  8. Death.
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Is my guinea pig dead or in shock?

Dead guinea pigs will have rigor mortis, which makes their muscles stiff. This usually happens within minutes to an hour after death and can last up to 72 hours. If the pet's eyes are shiny, without stiff muscles, and you notice breathing, then it's possible that your guinea pig is in shock.
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Do guinea pigs like to be in the dark?

So, do guinea pigs like the dark? Yes, guinea pigs prefer the dark. They are prey animals and can easily be spotted during daylight hours by predators.
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How many times a day should I feed my guinea pigs?

Feed your guinea pig on a consistent schedule—twice a day, morning and evening. Because guinea pigs will overeat if given the chance, be sure not to overfeed pelleted food, as it is predominantly carbohydrate and can lead to diarrhea and decreased appetite.
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Do guinea pigs recognize their names?

Yes! Guinea pigs can certainly recognize and respond to their name with the help of some training, along with consistency, patience, and time. Guinea pigs can learn words through classical conditioning. As such, they can be trained to recognize individual words, meaning they can also learn their name.
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Do guinea pigs like showers?

Guinea pigs don't enjoy being wet, and in cold climates bathing guinea pigs and not drying them off properly can give them chills, and make them feel very miserable at the very least.
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