Why is my fish hiding in the corner?

To protect themselves, fish will instinctively hide when they are uncertain, frightened, stressed or uncomfortable. Having a safe place to retreat provides comfort and security, and greatly improves a fish's chance of surviving in the wild.
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Why is my fish staying in the corner?

Just like sickness, they stay in the corner because they feel vulnerable. Unfortunately, there's not much you can do for this one except wait for it to pass. Lastly, they may be doing it because there aren't enough hiding places in the tank—all fish like lots of hiding places where they can feel safe and rest.
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Why are my fish suddenly hiding?

Some fishes love to stay with their own kind of fish. So if you keep that type of fish one piece in a whole aquarium then it will feel afraid and it will hide under rocks. For example, you can take tetra or blue ram, etc. These are called school fish and they love to stay with their own community.
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How long will my new fish hide?

New Surroundings

Given a few days, a new fish should become comfortable with its new home and spend more time out and about. If your fish continues to hide for more than a week, there is another problem at the root. Until you can identify and correct the problem, the new fish will continue to remain hidden.
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Do fish hide when they are pregnant?

Nesting. It is completely normal for a pregnant fish to spend more time hiding or seeming to explore plants and decorations in the aquarium. This is an indicator that she is coming close to giving birth, and that she is looking for a place to go through the process.
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Why Are My Fish Hiding In The Corner

How do you know if a fish is dying?

Loss of appetite. Weakness or listlessness. Loss of balance or buoyancy control, floating upside down, or 'sitting' on the tank floor (most fish are normally only slightly negatively-buoyant and it takes little effort to maintain position in the water column) Erratic/spiral swimming or shimmying.
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Why are my fish not swimming around?

One common cause is improper water temperature. If your fish's water is too hot or too cold, they will be very inactive. Check your heater and verify that your aquarium is at the right level. Other possible causes are overfeeding and improper water quality.
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Why is my fish not moving but still alive?

The impaired buoyancy in fish is caused by a malfunction of their swim bladder. When affected by Swim Bladder Disorder fish will often lose the ability to properly swim. They will float uncontrollably to the top of the aquarium, turned upside down, while still being alive.
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How do I add oxygen to my fish tank?

Increasing water movement is the quickest way to increase oxygen (O2) levels in a fish tank, as it allows more O2 to dissolve and carbon dioxide (CO2) to be released. This can be easily done using an air pump, performing large water changes, manually stirring the water, or placing a fan near the aquarium.
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How do you reduce stress in fish?

Ways to Reduce Fish Stress
  1. Change water frequently to keep nitrate and ammonia levels low. ...
  2. Check water temperature for consistency regularly to prevent stressful fluctuations.
  3. Provide an optimal filtration system like the Fluval Underwater Filter that captures debris and bacteria while ensuring proper oxygenation.
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How can you tell if a fish is stressed?

Strange Swimming: When fish are stressed, they often develop odd swimming patterns. If your fish is swimming frantically without going anywhere, crashing at the bottom of his tank, rubbing himself on gravel or rocks, or locking his fins at his side, he may be experiencing significant stress.
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Why is fish at bottom of tank not moving?

When the water temperature inside your aquarium drops too low, your fish might lay motionless at the bottom of the tank to conserve energy. On the opposite spectrum, if the water temperature rises dangerously high, fish will stay on the bottom because that's where oxygen levels will be higher.
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Can a stressed fish recover?

Once the panic has passed, the fish must also regain its natural balance. This can take hours or days, even after only a short period of stress. Long-term changes, such as a poor or unsuitable environment, are handled with the same initial response – an alarm message to escape.
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Why is my fish hiding behind the filter?

The most common reason a fish may begin hiding behind a filter suddenly is due to the water quality. However, this behavior can also indicate an illness, injury, overcrowding, stress, pregnancy, a lack of stimulation and more. Make Your Fish Tank Look Better Than Ever!
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What are some signs of ammonia stress in a tank?

Signs of Ammonia stress
  • Lethargy.
  • Loss of appetite.
  • Hovering at the bottom of the tank (especially for surface dwelling fish)
  • Gasping at the surface.
  • Inflamed gills.
  • Red streaks or inflammation in the fins.
  • Inflamed eyes or anus.
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Is my fish sleeping or dead?

It's pretty easy to tell when fish are sleeping: they lie motionless, often at the bottom or near the surface of the water. They are slow to respond to things going on around them, or may not respond at all (see some sleeping catfish here). If you watch their gills, you'll notice they're breathing very slowly.
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Can I save my fish from dying?

If you have placed your fish into a freshly filled tank, chances are that it could be dying because of that. The only option you have if your fish is dying from the lack of bacteria in its environment is to try and place it in a tank that has already been cycled.
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How do goldfish act when they are dying?

Identify symptoms of a dying goldfish.

The best time to check for signs of disease or death is before feeding. Breathing disorders: look for symptoms such as gasping for air, rapid breathing, skimming the surface of the tank water, or lying at the bottom of the tank, which may indicate disease or poor quality water.
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How will I know if my fish is pregnant?

As your female fish becomes pregnant, she will grow a bulge at the back of her abdomen. This typically appears over the course of 20-40 days. Does your fish have a red or black spot? Sometimes, when a female fish is pregnant, she will develop a “gravid spot” on the abdomen.
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How do fish act when they are pregnant?

Pregnant fish will typically slow down and act sluggish, lethargic, and less mobile when getting close to giving birth. You will also notice pregnant fish enjoy resting along your tank's plants or accessories in the days before giving birth.
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What does a fish in shock look like?

Some fish succumb to pH shock immediately. Others may exhibit symptoms including thrashing, darting, gasping, swimming near the water's surface and trying to jump out of the tank. Such symptoms are the same as those that indicate toxins in the water -- either cause is serious.
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How do I make my fish less depressed?

To prevent your fish from feeling blue, it's important to add plants to nibble on and cages to swim through into their tanks. Not only will this make their environment more aesthetically pleasing, it will provide them with plenty of entertainment, thus decreasing stress and even promoting brain growth.
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How do I know if my fish tank is happy?

Your fish are happy and healthy when they:
  1. Swim actively throughout the entire tank, not just hanging out or laying at the bottom, floating near the top or hiding behind plants and ornaments.
  2. Eat regularly and swim to the surface quickly at feeding time.
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