Why is my axolotls back end floating?

A floating axolotl is most likely a sign of bloating, impaction, or excess ammonia in the tank. In its natural habitat, the axolotl moves around the bottom as a defensive mechanism for survival.
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How do you fix a floating axolotl?

Owners can try scaring their axolotls to get them to swim back down to the bottom, which they will be able to do if air bubbles are the cause of floating.
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How do you tell if your axolotl is impacted?

If you are uncertain about whether floating is a sign of constipation and impaction, check your axolotl's tail. If the tail and bum are floating, your axolotl is bloated. If the floating is accompanied by symptoms such as inability, distress, and floating against its will, it is impacted.
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Why is my axolotl floating on its side?

Sometimes axolotls can swallow too much air and they get an air bubble in their stomach. This causes them to float and sometimes you'll notice that their butt is facing upwards. This can make them lose all balance. This is particularly common in young axolotls.
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What do you do if your axolotl floats upside down?

You only need enough water to slightly cover your axolotls back and this should stop the floating. Place him in the container the right way up and because of the lower water he shouldn't be able to turn upside down.
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Is my axolotl sick?

The easiest way to tell if an axolotl is sick is by noting changes in its eating habits. If the animal is stressed because of infection or wa- ter quality, it will probably stop eating or re- duce the quantity it consumes before other symptoms become obvious.
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Should I put my axolotl in the fridge?

Set the fridge to a temperature between the ranges of 5 - 8 degrees Celsius, but no lower than 5 degrees. To ensure the fridge space allocated for the axolotl is set within the desired temperature range (i.e. not too cold!) it is advisable to test what the water temperature will be before putting the axolotl in there.
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What does a stressed axolotl look like?

Curled gills are one of the first and most common signs of a stressed or unhappy axolotl. If your axolotl's gills appear curved outwards, towards the front of its face, it most likely means that your water parameters are off. Perform a water check and if necessary, a water change as well.
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What helps axolotl bloat?

Axolotls are not suited to warm water and prolonged exposure will lead to inappetence, bloat, uncontrollable floating, and death. If the temperature is too high adding cooled water from the fridge or freezer or placing a frozen bottle of water in the tank can be a short-term fix.
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What temp should axolotl water be?

Temperatures up to the low 70s Fahrenheit are tolerated well by axolotls. An ideal temperature range is the low to mid 60s. Temperatures above 74 degrees will invariably lead to heat stress, loss of appetite and death.
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Can axolotls get swim bladder?

Axolotls do not have swim bladders like fish do. Floating, gulping [for air], shrinking gills, and the fact that you have had her for four months would make me think that the water quality is off.
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Will a stressed axolotl eat?

An axolotl may refuse to eat and become stressed because it is not properly fed. As an amphibian pet, feed it with delicious prey such as frozen fish, mice, and bloodworms. Live fish and shrimp are vectors, have lots of diseases and parasites that may easily attack the amphibian pet.
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Why is my axolotl thrashing?

Thrashing is often a sign of discomfort - irritation in the gills, digestive discomfort or constipation, irritation from an injury etc. If you can rule out obvious injury or fungus it could be digestive - they sometimes stand with their belly high off the ground with this too.
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How do you salt bath axolotls?

Remove your axolotl's fridging container and your pre-mixed salt bath solution from the refrigerator. Shake up the salt solution a bit to make sure the salt is fully dissolved. Fill your salt bath tub, and gently move your axolotl from it's fridging container to the salt bath container.
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How often should an axolotl poop?

7) How frequently your axie poops is multi-factorial. It depends on your feeding frequency and volume, the water temperature, the axolotl's health status, the diet, its age etc. In general, in healthy axies, i would expect some bowel movement at least once a week.
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Can you hand feed an axolotl?

Some people just make them fall in front of their axolotl, I also do that sometimes but I also like to hand feed him that way. Gary is really gentle and make sure to not nip me when he's taking the pellet. He's adorable.
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What does fridging an axolotl mean?

Axolotl fridging the practice of putting a sick axolotl in the refrigerator to aid in its recovery. For info and examples of when you would want to use this treatment, see Axolotl Illness, Injury, and Treatment.
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What does a healthy axolotl look like?

A sign your axolotl is healthy would be: Fluffy gills. Round belly (same size as head) Gills back.
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How do you calm a stressed axolotl?

Exposing them to direct light can also cause stress. But if there is any light-emitting near your axolotl's tank, provide it with plenty of places to hide such as caves, wood, plants, etc, and at the very least, only use LED lighting to lessen the stressing impact.
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Why is my axolotl not active?

He's probably adjusting or he is on old soul since they aren't too active as adults. They each will have their odd quirks. Give it time and he may move around more.
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Can you overfeed axolotls?

Welcome to the forum! They will not eat untill they burst, they do get full at some point and will refuse the food. But that does't mean you can't overfeed them. I find everyday feedings make my axolotls fat (the body wider than the head like stated above) where a feeding is as much as they can eat.
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Why is my axolotl turning white?

Ronnie, gills can go white for numerous reasons. Usually, if an axolotl is sitting very still, they don't need a lot of oxygen. So the blood (which carries oxygen) doesn't flow to the gills in high volumes. So the gills can look pale.
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