Why is my axolotl blowing bubbles?

You might even find your axolotl blows bubbles when they are excited. If they love their keeper and get excited when they approach, they might start blowing bubbles in the tank when they see them coming. Axolotls will also blow bubbles whilst at mating rituals or whilst playing.
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How do you tell if an axolotl is stressed?

The two main signs of a stressed axolotl are gills curved forward, and a curled round tail tip. Especially among young axolotls, the gills can curve forward because the water flow is too strong.
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Why is my axolotl thrashing?

Thrashing is often a sign of discomfort - irritation in the gills, digestive discomfort or constipation, irritation from an injury etc. If you can rule out obvious injury or fungus it could be digestive - they sometimes stand with their belly high off the ground with this too.
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Do axolotls get Zoomies?

They Zoom Around the Tank

Sometimes, if you turn on a light in the room, your axolotl might zoom around their tank. This can also happen if there is a big change in their water or if they're startled by something else. Zooming is normal and it just means that your axolotl was startled.
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Are axolotls smiling?

Though they keep their gills, adult axolotls also have functional lungs and can breathe through their skin. And as if being forever-babies didn't make them cute enough, their mouths are upturned in a permanent Mona Lisa smile. Those sweet little smiles can quickly turn into vacuum cleaners when it's time to eat.
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Can I put ice cubes in my axolotl tank?

A couple of ice cubes in the water are fine but don't put a whole frozen water bottle in the tank. If you are using the bottle method, keep the bottle mainly out of the water in a corner of the tank. Seven: When doing the ice method, be sure to always have ice bottles or cubes ready.
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How do I keep my axolotl entertained?

The only thing they like is eating (hunting), mating, and biting each other that will keep them pretty entertained. They do like to climb up in plants and sit near the filters bubbles though and hide in caves.
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How active should axolotls be?

hi, axolotls are usually more active at night as they are nocturnal. as a axie gets older they seem to settle down so at a guess since yours was swimming lots lastnight he/she sounds young. keep watch and he/she may start up again tonight for you.
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Why do axolotls act weird?

If your axolotl is showing signs of stress or illness, the most common reason is that there is something wrong with their aquarium environment. Poor tank maintenance, improper water changes, and a lack of a healthy Nitrogen Cycle in the water can all cause your aquarium's water to become unsafe for your pet.
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How often should axolotls flick their gills?

This behavior is observed when the gills flick down then up, about every 3-9 seconds. What it means: This is expected behavior in the axolotl. Gill flicking is how the axolotl helps take in more oxygen.
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Why is my axolotl spinning in circles?

The spinning is usually a sign of a neurological infection.
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Can you overfeed an axolotl?

Overfeeding an axolotl is also much more dangerous than underfeeding as overfeeding can result in deteriorating water quality in addition to health complications. Axolotls are generally pretty good at regulating their own food intake, but some of them can tend on the piggy side of life.
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How do you calm a stressed axolotl?

Exposing them to direct light can also cause stress. But if there is any light-emitting near your axolotl's tank, provide it with plenty of places to hide such as caves, wood, plants, etc, and at the very least, only use LED lighting to lessen the stressing impact.
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How do I know if my axolotl is healthy?

Continuously pale gills (more obvious on white and albino axolotls), overgrown gills, and limp gill posture can all be signs of infection. There may be times when your animal's gills are pale, but a few hours later you note that they are nice and pink or red again. This is normal.
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Do axolotls get stressed easily?

Axolotls can become stressed easily, therefore consider placing the aquarium in a low traffic area of the house to minimize the stress caused by constant flashes of movement. Axolotls are cool water salamanders and can stress and even develop illnesses in warmer water.
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Do axolotls like to be touched?

Like fish, axolotls have a slime coat over their skin that serves as a shield against their environment. Touching them (fish or axolotls) can damage this coat, making them vulnerable to various infections.
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Can my axolotl see me?

Axolotl can indeed see, though ones that are albino (not to be confused with leucistic) can have problems seeing (which has to do with the pigment development in the eyes). Some axolotl can have vision problems due to other genetic variations.
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How often do axolotls poop?

7) How frequently your axie poops is multi-factorial. It depends on your feeding frequency and volume, the water temperature, the axolotl's health status, the diet, its age etc. In general, in healthy axies, i would expect some bowel movement at least once a week.
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What do axolotls like to play with?

They don't attach them selves to rocks or the substrate, just roll around like giant green snow balls lol. Axies might have some fun with that, and also ghost shrimp like Isobel suggested. I have ghost shrimp in my tank, they are fun to watch, and provide activity for the axies... even though they can't catch them lol.
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What do axolotls need to be happy?

Axolotls live in aquariums and do best in cool or room-temperature water with low lighting. Provided each individual has 10-gallons of water they are peaceful in small groups. Besides a good aquarium pump, you do not need any special equipment to care for axolotls.
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What do axolotls like in their tank?

Axolotls especially like rocks and caves. You can also utilize pieces of driftwood and plastic decorations to create some safe spaces. Live plants are always appreciated too. Axolotls do well with Anubias and Java fern.
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Do axolotls like bubbles?

Some axolotls really love bubbles. They will even play in them for hours, sometimes hovering over them for a relaxing aquatic massage. Like a bubble Jacuzzi! Others can become stressed by the current.
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Can I put my axolotl in the fridge?

Step 3: Fridging the Axolotl

Your axolotl will likely not be hungry during fridging, even after a week or two. Because of their slow metabolism, they in addition to a lack of appetite they also experience weight loss much more slowly. The axolotl can stay in the fridge for however long it takes their health to improve.
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Is 70 degrees too warm for an axolotl?

Can axolotls (Mexican walking fish) live in 70-degree water? Yes, axolotls can live in 70 degree Ferhenheit water, which is considered room temperature. Axolotls being cold-blooded animals seek places where the temperature ranges between 10-20 degrees Celsius (50-70 degrees Fahrenheit).
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