Why is HashMap not thread-safe?

Well, HashMap is not thread-safe. If multiple threads are accessing the same HashMap object and try to modify the structure of the HashMap (using put() or remove() method), it may cause an inconsistency in the state of HashMap .
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Why is HashMap thread unsafe?

"Because the hashmap will perform capacity expansion operations" is not only reason why HashMap is not thread safe. You have to refer to Java Memory Model to understand what guarantee it can offer. One of such guarantee is visibility.
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Is HashMap get thread-safe?

And, importantly, HashMap is not a thread-safe implementation, while Hashtable does provide thread-safety by synchronizing operations. Even though Hashtable is thread safe, it is not very efficient. Another fully synchronized Map, Collections.
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Why HashMap is not recommended in a multi-threaded environment?

HashMap allows multiple threads to operate simultaneously. Therefore, there are chances of data-insistency when multiple threads are performing some operation on HashMap . Hence HashMap is not preferable (not thread-safe) in a multi-threaded environment.
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What is the problem with HashMap?

HashMap's methods are not synchronized. HashTable is more or less obsolete and people writing new code should avoid using a HashTable. In a HashMap, keys are always unique. i.e., there cannot be 2 entries with the same key.
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Thread Safety in Java

What is the benefit of using HashMap?

Advantages of HashMap

Allows insertion of key value pair. HashMap is non synchronized. HashMap cannot be shared between multiple threads without proper synchronization. HashMap is a fail-fast iterator.
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Why is HashMap good?

Hashmaps are probably the most commonly used implementation of the concept of a map. They allow arbitrary objects to be associated with other arbitrary objects. This can be very useful for doing things like grouping or joining data together by some common attribute.
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Can we use HashMap in a multi threaded environment?

No, HashMap is not at all thread safe. We cannot use it for multithreaded application. We can use Concurrent HashMap for Multithreading.
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Why HashMap is non-synchronized?

HashMap is non-synchronized. It is not thread-safe and can't be shared between many threads without proper synchronization code whereas Hashtable is synchronized. It is thread-safe and can be shared with many threads.
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What happens if multiple threads access HashMap?

— Hashmap can solve performance issue by giving parallel access to multiple threads reading hashmap simultaneously. But Hashmap is not thread safe, so what will happen if one thread tries to put data and requires Rehashing and at same time other thread tries to read data from Hashmap, It will go in infinite loop.
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How do I make a HashMap thread-safe?

You can make HashMap thread safe by wrapping it with Collections. synchronizedMap() . What's the difference? @naXa ConcurrentHashMap allows concurrent access and a synchronized one doesn't.
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Is HashSet thread-safe?

HashSet is not thread-safe. You can get thread-safe HashSet using Collections. synchronizedSet method at the cost of performance. You can also use CopyOnWriteArraySet concurrency class for thread safety.
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Is ConcurrentHashMap slower than HashMap?

Only modifying operations on ConcurrentHashMap are synchronized. Hence, add or remove operations on ConcurrentHashMap are slower than on HashMap . The read operations on both, ConcurrentHashMap and HashMap , give same performance as read operations on both maps are not synchronized.
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What is the difference between HashMap and ConcurrentHashMap?

HashMap is non-Synchronized in nature i.e. HashMap is not Thread-safe whereas ConcurrentHashMap is Thread-safe in nature. HashMap performance is relatively high because it is non-synchronized in nature and any number of threads can perform simultaneously.
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Is HashMap immutable?

yes because it is unchangeable. Show activity on this post. If you object is immutable and implements hashcode/equals correctly, you are fine to use them as keys in a hashmap.
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What will happen if you use HashMap in a multithreaded Java application?

All of the updates to the HashMap are completed before the threads are instantiated and the thread that creates the map also forks the threads. The threads are only using the HashMap in read-only mode – either get() or iteration without remove. There are no threads updating the map.
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Why HashMap is faster than Hashtable?

HashMap is not synchronized, therefore it's faster and uses less memory than Hashtable. Generally, unsynchronized objects are faster than synchronized ones in a single threaded application.
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Is Hashtable Fail Safe?

Iterator in the Hashtable is fail-safe because enumerator for the Hashtable is not throw ConcurrentModificationException if any other Thread modifies the map structurally by adding or removing any element except Iterator's own remove() method.
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What is the difference between HashMap and tree Map?

HashMap allows a single null key and multiple null values. TreeMap does not allow null keys but can have multiple null values. HashMap allows heterogeneous elements because it does not perform sorting on keys.
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Why use HashMap infinite loop?

HashMap uses a linked list to resolve Hash conflicts. Because it is a linked list structure, it is easy to form a closed link, so that as long as a thread performs a get operation on this HashMap during the cycle, an endless loop will occur.
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What happens if two threads try to update the same HashMap at a time?

Correct Option: D. The code will throw ConcurrentModificationException if two threads access the same hashmap at the same time.
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Can a multiple thread access same object in ConcurrentHashMap?

Having two threads that change the map at the very same point time is not possible. Because the code within that ConcurrentHashMap will not allow two threads to manipulate things in parallel!
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Are Hashmaps efficient?

A HashMap shouldn't be more than 70% – 75% full. If it gets close, it gets resized and entries rehashed. Rehashing requires n operations which is costly wherein our constant time insert becomes of order O(n) It's the hashing algorithm which determines the order of inserting the objects in the HashMap.
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Why HashMap is faster than other Map?

HashMap is a general purpose Map implementation. It provides a performance of O(1) , while TreeMap provides a performance of O(log(n)) to add, search, and remove items. Hence, HashMap is usually faster.
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Why are Hashmaps so fast?

Hashmaps use the hashcode of the key to access directly the bucket where the entry is stored. This is an O(1) access. If more than one element is in that bucket because of the same or similar hashcode, then you have a few more checks, but it's still way faster than iterating through a list and searching for an element.
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