Why is eating dairy cruel?

They are treated like milk-producing machines and are genetically manipulated and may be pumped full of antibiotics and hormones in order to produce more milk. While cows suffer on these farms, humans who drink their milk increase their chances of developing heart disease, diabetes, cancer, and many other ailments.
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Is dairy industry more cruel than meat?

Yes, a dairy cow's life ends in slaughter, just as the beef cow's does. So in the end, the dairy cow is slaughtered too. Given how much longer the dairy cow lives, and that cows raised for beef do not have their babies stolen from them every year: it would seem, in fact, there is more cruelty in a glass of milk.
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Is eating cheese cruel?

If you buy cheese, you're paying someone to kill cows.

Eating cheese is no less cruel than eating meat: After cows used for dairy production spend their entire lives being forcibly separated from their beloved babies and being treated as milk machines, they're slaughtered for burgers and other meat.
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Can dairy be humane?

If you buy dairy, ensure it is certified to Animal Welfare Approved (AWA) standards. If unavailable, look for Certified Humane. Labels that say rBGH-free or rBST-free mean that the cows were not dosed with genetically-engineered hormones that increase milk production.
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Why eating cheese is unethical?

In order to produce milk, farmers forcibly inseminate cows over and over. Workers then tear the babies away from their mothers so that humans can take their milk. Farmers typically sell male calves to veal farms and doom female calves to lead the same heartbreaking lives as their mothers.
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DAIRY IS SCARY! The industry explained in 5 minutes

Does milking cows hurt them?

DOES MILKING COWS HURT THEM? While the actual act of milking cows does not appear to hurt them, the other activities required for milk production can cause significant pain. One of the primary sources of emotional and psychological pain for cows is the removal of newborn calves.
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Can dairy be ethical?

Dairy farming can be ethical so long as farmers do not mistreat their animals, offer an environment that allows normal activities, and keep the use of hormones and antibiotics to a minimum. Look for local, family-owned, or CertifiedHumane farms – and stay away from factory farms.
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Are dairy cows abused?

All dairy cows eventually end up at slaughter; both the dairy and beef industries feed into the same system. The abuse wreaked upon the bodies of female dairy cows is so intense that many of these cows become “downed.” This term refers to cows that are so sick and/or injured that they are unable to walk or even stand.
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Do dairy cows miss their calves?

The cow often forgets about her calf. She walks or runs around, searching for her herd-mates and becomes extremely stressed. This can lead to the calf getting stepped, sat on, or injured in a variety of ways.
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Is cruelty-free dairy possible?

There are two main types of cruelty-free milk: plant-based milk and slaughter-free milk. Plant-based milk is made from plants, such as almonds, coconuts, or oats. Slaughter-free milk is dairy milk that comes from animals, including cows, sheep and goats, that aren't intentionally killed in the process.
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Why do vegans avoid dairy?

Because milk is derived from cows, milk is a no-go for vegans, even if it's organic or direct from a farm. The reasons for not drinking milk are, in fact, quite similar to the reasons people choose to become vegetarian: animal rights and welfare, environmental reasons, and health concerns.
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Is there cow stomach in cheese?

Many cheeses are made with rennet, an enzyme that comes from calves' stomach lining. That's right—the pre-cheese gloop must pass through a simulated calf stomach to start things off.
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Why can't vegans eat cheese?

On the other hand, vegans avoid all animal products or animal byproducts, including dairy and milk. Because most cheese is made from cow's or goat's milk, most types are not vegan-friendly.
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How the dairy industry tricked everyone?

The dairy industry convinced parents and children that the only way they were going to “grow up to be big and strong” was by chugging a big ol' glass of milk. What they left out was the fact that milk actually doesn't protect against bone fractures, and oh yeah, it's linked to certain types of cancer.
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What really happens to dairy cows?

After four or five years of producing abnormally large quantities of milk, thanks to genetic manipulation and drugs, cows become “spent. Their bodies just give out and they stop producing as much milk. Many suffer a painful infection called mastitis; others become so weak they are unable to stand.
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Is dairy worse than chicken?

Surprisingly, cheese ranks third and scores worse than pork, salmon, turkey and chicken. A study by the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization arrives at very similar results. There are several reasons for the relatively large carbon footprint of cheese.
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Do cows cry when they are sad?

Cows cry by making loud, high-pitched wailing moos. Research shows that cows have different moos for communication and have a distinct “crying” moo that they use when they're distressed or upset. Cows also shed tears from their eyes as humans do.
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Do cows cry when their calves are taken?

Cows seem to miss their calves for at least a day or two after separation. Many cows bellow and cry for hours or days after their calf is taken away, although that varies. Some cows are also seen chasing after their calf, or looking around for their calf after separation.
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Do cows feel sadness?

Cows do feel sad and cry either because of loneliness, separation anxiety, or simple worry.
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Are dairy cows treated poorly?

Special bonds are routinely broken and cows often develop painful medical conditions. Just like humans, cows only produce milk for their offspring. Therefore, they are forcefully impregnated every year. A female and her offspring are forced through a cycle of cruelty that ends with their slaughter.
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Is cow milk pus?

Regular milk does not contain blood or pus. Blood and pus may be present in the milk when the cow's udder is infected with bacteria (mastitis) but this milk is discarded by the farmer and is not sent to the factory.
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What happens if you don't milk a cow?

If a cow, who was in the middle of her lactation and producing eight gallons of milk per day, went for a significant time without being milked, it could cause bruising, udder injury, sickness and, if it continued, could result in death (this would take many consecutive days without milking).
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Can you produce milk without killing cows?

Yet if you're an ethical vegetarian who still can't bear to give up milk, you now have another option: slaughter-free dairy, which comes from farms where cows never get killed. Since 2011, the UK-based Ahimsa Dairy has offered slaughter free-milk and cheese to customers in London.
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Whats wrong with the dairy industry?

Dairy cows and their manure produce greenhouse gas emissions which contribute to climate change. Poor handling of manure and fertilizers can degrade local water resources. And unsustainable dairy farming and feed production can lead to the loss of ecologically important areas, such as prairies, wetlands, and forests.
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What happens to male dairy calves?

Male dairy calves can be sold for beef production to eventually be turned into food like hamburgers. They're sent to feedlots, which are penned-in facilities that can hold up to 150,000 cattle, where they are confined and fed grain diets so that they gain weight and can be slaughtered as quickly as possible.
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