Why does my rat keep falling over?

These symptoms are usually caused by an inner ear infection, which is fairly common. The infection may be caused by mycoplasma or a secondary bacteria such as Streptococcus moniliformis or Pseudomonas. The infection causes inflammation in the inner ear, affecting the rat's balance.
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How do I know if my rat is suffering?

Other Signs of Pain in Rats

A hunched up posture. A fluffed / staring coat. Lethargy / not wanting to move from their bed. Discomfort being handled.
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Why is my pet rat tilting his head?

A head tilt can be scary to see in your pet. At a glance, they suggest that something is wrong inside the animal's head, and it could be serious. This assumption is not far off: head tilts usually indicate disease in the head, specifically within the vestibular system.
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How do you know if a rat is in distress?

A shriek or scream indicates strong distress or pain, such as when its tail is pinched. ▶ Occasionally, rats may hiss. Hissing is usually a sign of distress and is given at times of stress.
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Why is my rat swaying?

2.6 Why does my rat sway from side to side? Some rats, especially pink eyed albinos, often sway from side to side. Albino rats have extremely poor vision, and this swaying may help them see better. Dark-eyed rats may sway or bob their heads up and down too, though they tend to do so less frequently than albino rats.
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My rat has a head tilt, what do I do?

Why is my pet rat shaking?

This behaviour is literally the rats feeling something too intensely for them to express. It can be a sign of nerves, but can also be a sign of intense excitement or apprehension.
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How do you read a rat's body language?

The sounds a rat makes that a human can hear are usually sounds caused by distress, sickness, or annoyance. Intense fear or pain results in a long scream. Short squeaks or longer whiny squeaks mean a rat is annoyed by something such as a bullying rat or a thieving rat stealing food!
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How can I tell if my pet rat is in pain?

Recognizing Pain in Rodents
  • Decreased activity or a reluctance to move.
  • Abnormal gait or posture.
  • Rough, greasy-looking coat.
  • Dark, red material around the eyes and nose in rats.
  • Decreased appetite.
  • Excessive licking or chewing of a body part or area.
  • Aggressiveness when handled.
  • Eating of bedding material.
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What can stress out a rat?

Loud Noises

Rat's hearing is much more sensitive than human ears and they can hear sounds at frequencies human ears can not and are also able to hear noises from much further away compared to humans. So, If your pet rat is exposed to a lot of noise, it can become overwhelming for their sensitive ears.
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How do rats show stress?

Rats feel pain, but don't show outward signs of it and may suffer greatly before you realise they're hurting. Small changes in their behaviour can show that something's wrong, as can chromodacryorrhea (red staining around eyes and nose), which indicates stress, possibly from illness or social or environmental problems.
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Why is my rat not using his back legs?

If a rat has trouble lifting his hind legs to walk then the rat has a disease. The most common cause is spinal nerve root degeneration (SNRD) of the ventral spinal nerve roots (nerves exiting the spinal cord which govern motor control). This usually progresses slowly over a period of several months.
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How do you tell if your rat has an ear infection?

The symptoms that your pet has a middle ear infection may include: difficulty with hearing, red discharge from the eyes, sneezing, difficulty breathing, scratching the ears, head tilt, abnormal smell from the ears, seizures, lethargy, and depression. The middle ear of a rat is large due to their nocturnal nature.
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How can you tell if a rat is dehydrated?

A rat suffering from dehydration will look thinner than normal. The coat and eyes may have a dull appearance. The classic test for dehydration in any animal is a gentle pinch of skin between your thumb and index finger. A normal rat's skin will quickly flatten back into its original shape when released.
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How do I know if my rat is unhappy?

If you fail to dedicate time to your rats, they can become anxious and may bite when you do try getting them out.
Signs of Happiness
  1. Chattering. Rats are not particularly loud, but they do vocalize their emotions. ...
  2. Licking. Rats are like dogs in some ways. ...
  3. Grooming. ...
  4. Scenting. ...
  5. Cuddles. ...
  6. Trust. ...
  7. No Threat Behavior. ...
  8. Pink Ears.
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How do you comfort a stressed rat?

Try to be happy, calm, and speak to the rat through the cage in a soft voice before even touching it. You can give the rat a treat through the cage, but don't expect it to take the treat out of your fingers. Simply make sure the rat can see you drop the treat into the cage.
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How do you comfort a rat?

How To Comfort A Dying Rat
  1. Keep Them At An Optimal Temperature. As your little rat gets older, or if they are sick, they may struggle to regulate their body temperature. ...
  2. Provide Them With A Clean, Calm and A Quiet Sleeping Quarters. ...
  3. Avoid Dehydration. ...
  4. Give Them Attention. ...
  5. Provide Pain Management Medication.
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Do rats recognize their owners?

Rats make lifelong bonds with their owners Ask any rat owner, and he or she will tell you: Rats recognize their owners and respond to their sight and voice. They are very social and love to hang out with human family members on the couch or on peoples' shoulders or in their laps.
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What can I give my pet rat for pain relief?

Most analgesics used for mitigating pain in rodents fall into one of a few classes: opioids (or opioid-like), NSAID or local analgesics. Commonly used agents include buprenorphine, tramadol, meloxicam, carprofen, ketoprofen, ibuprofen, acetaminophen, lidocaine, and bupivacaine.
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When should I take my rat to the vet?

Rats require at least annual physical examinations and fecal tests to check for parasites. You can discuss neutering your pet rat with your veterinarian. Rats should be examined by a veterinarian at least once a year and twice a year as they get older. Rats do not require vaccination.
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Do rats like being talked to?

While you pet them, it is a good idea to talk to them in a quiet, friendly-sounding voice so they know you're not a threat. If your rat begins to seem scared, put them back in the cage and give them a treat. Repeat this process every day until they feel comfortable with you holding them.
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Why does my rat push my hand away?

Another sign of displeasure is simply pushing something, for example your hand or an unwanted snack, away with the forepaws. Puffing out the fur may indicate anger, fear or sickness.
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Can I kiss my rat?

Do not kiss, nuzzle, or hold rats close to your face. This can startle your rats and also increase your chances of being bitten. Bites can spread germs and can make you sick. You don't have to touch pet rats to get sick from their germs.
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Did my rat have a seizure?

While seizures can be alarming to the rat owner most seizures themselves are often brief lasting just seconds or up to a couple of minutes in rats. And while the rat may appear somewhat lethargic or weak after the seizure this is often a transient state.
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