Why does my rat close his eyes when I pet him?

If a rat's eyes goggle when you pick him up or pet him, he's not astonished to see you -- he's delighted. Place your ear close to him to hear the bruxing.
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How do you know if your pet rat likes you?

If your rat is interested in maintaining physical contact with you, it means they love and trust you. You may see them follow you around the house, seek your attention by standing on two legs in front of you, or invite you to play together. They all mean they like to spend time with you.
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How do you tell if a rat is scared of you?

Uncertainty or fear will have a rat twitching its ears back and forth while shrinking backwards. Rats aren't happy when they push something away with their forepaws (like a snack or treat they don't want) or when they don't want to be petted. Oftentimes they may simply turn and walk away from you.
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Do rats like being petted?

Pet rats enjoy being stroked by their owners and sometimes even enjoy a gentle massage, a scratch behind the ears, or a simple tickle. Rats have also been known to return the affection by "grooming" their owners.
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Why does my rat gently bite me?

If your rat nibbles or licks you, he or she might be showing you affection by grooming you. Rats also have an excellent sense of smell, so your rat might nibble or lick your hand or smell you after you eat or prepare food.
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Pet Rat Body Language

Do rats like their tails touched?

Fact #2: Rats love to be petted in certain spots.

Your rat probably likes having the top of his head stroked and gently scratched. He also appreciates it if you pet him along his back, from his neck to about the middle -- the area closest to the tail can be sensitive. Rats usually enjoy having their ears rubbed.
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Do rats recognize their names?

Rats will also respond to their names when called. They also show empathy and compassion for their fellow rats when they are in distress or ill - qualities that are not often attributed to animals other than humans. Rats have excellent memories.
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How do rats show their affection?

Rats love to be rubbed behind their ears (as well as being petted) and some will even roll onto their back for a tummy rub. They show their affection much like a dog, so don't panic when they lick you (they're not trying to get a taste of you for their next dinner!)
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Why is my pet rat squinting?

Squinting in rats is a sign of pain.

Look very closely for thick eyelids, squinting or inability to open the eye, redness, swelling around the eye, watery eyes, crustiness or discharge including porphyrin, which will be red to reddish brown and may form a crust.
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How long does it take for a rat to bond with you?

It can take months before a rat is 100% comfortable with you. Even rats that come from breeders that promise well socialized babies will need to trust you at their own pace.
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What does it mean when a rat stares at you?

If a rat's eyes goggle when you pick him up or pet him, he's not astonished to see you -- he's delighted.
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What does a happy rat sound like?

As previously mentioned, happy rats will also partake in bruxing, which is that purring noise made when they grind their teeth together. Other happy rat sounds include short, snipped squeaks and chirps. Rats may even give a happy chattering sound when they see a treat coming their way, such as a slice of cheese.
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How do you tickle a rat?

How do I tickle my rat?
  1. Dorsal Contact. Tickle your rat on the nape of her neck. Be light and quick in your touches. ...
  2. Flip. Grasp your rat snugly around her front legs when you flip her as shown. Prevent your rat's tail from kinking beneath her when you flip. ...
  3. Pin. Tickle your rat between her front legs on her chest.
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Do rats miss their owners?

Rats have the neural capacity to remember an owner, but the likelihood of a captive rat remembering his owner after a long absence depends on various factors.
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What is the IQ of a rat?

Rat Fact - The average IQ of a rat is 105.
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Are male rats more friendly?

In the argument of whether male or female rats make better pets, there's no “right answer.” It all comes down to preference! Female rats tend to be more active, while male rats tend to be more laid back. Depending on your personality and lifestyle, you will likely be drawn to one over the other.
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What tricks can you teach a rat?

Further tricks: Rats can successfully be trained to do just about anything. They can run mazes, climb ropes, jump through hoops, play basketball, lay down and even roll over on command. Just make sure you are always consistent and always reward your rat each time he does what you want.
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What is the friendliest rat breed?

Many believe Dumbo rats to be friendlier than other types of rats. (Dumbo rats' ears are on the sides of their head rather than on top—similar to Walt Disney's “Dumbo the Elephant”.) Burmese are also often considered to be very friendly.
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Why do rats boggle their eyes?

This odd eyeball movement often occurs at the same time as bruxing, or tooth grinding. The reason bruxing and eye boggling occur together is anatomical: a part of the muscle that pulls up the rat's lower jaw passes through the eye socket, behind the eyeball.
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Do rats like to watch TV?

They like to know where you are and what you are doing, so you should consider putting their cage in someplace like the TV room. And, they actually LIKE to watch TV—so it is a win-win! Many people will leave things like cartoons on for ratty entertainment when they go to work.
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Why is my rat sleeping in the open?

To protect themselves, wild rats sleep in a safe space during the day and are awake at night, when the darkness can help camouflage them. Because they have poor eyesight, they rely mostly on hearing and smell, as well as feeling with their whiskers, to get around.
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Why does my rat chase my hand?

Rats play-fight a lot. If he bites fingers pushed through the bars, he thinks the fingers are treats. Gentle nibbling which doesn't hurt in the least is not going to turn into biting. Your rat is just being inquisitive, trying to catch your attention or showing affection, and you do not need to do anything.
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Can rats eat peanut butter?

Peanut Butter: It's okay to spread a very thin layer of peanut butter on a bit of bread or to let your rats lick a small amount thinly smeared on your finger. However, if you were to give your rat a chunk of peanut butter by itself, it could cause your rat to choke.
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