Why does my betta have red spots?

Mobile red spots frequently indicate that external parasites are munching on your fish. The red spots are irritation points. Usually any parasite that can raise visible red spots is large enough to be seen through a magnifying glass.
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How do you treat red spot in fish?


In outbreaks occurring in small, closed water-bodies, liming water and improving water quality, together with removal of infected fish, is often effective in reducing mortalities.
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How do I know if my betta has parasites?

Look to see if your fish has cloudy eyes, white patches or is gasping for air, rubbing on objects and is listless. Fish lice could cause these symptoms. Internal parasites will cause loss of appetite, listlessness and erratic swimming. Note redness, irritation and/or threadlike worms coming from the fish's tail area.
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What does an unhealthy betta fish look like?

Signs Of Unhealthy Betta

Some of the most common signs of an unhealthy betta are a lack of appetite or inactivity. Betta fish may also become discolored, lethargic, and standoffish when they develop health issues. The appearance and attitude of the betta is the most common sign of deteriorating or poor health.
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Why is my betta's fins turning red?

Betta Fin Rot Causes

It is the most common ailment amongst the species and is caused by bacteria that naturally exist in your aquarium's water. These bacteria only become a problem when your betta has a weakened immune system which you can correct to prevent future outbreaks.
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How to Treat Red Spot on my Betta Fish | Shout-out

What does ammonia burn look like on betta?

A Change In Gill Color

The gills will turn from their normal color to red or purple. As the ammonia poisoning becomes more severe you may even notice your bettas gills bleeding. You should also check to see if the gills look inflamed, which is another sign.
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How can I tell if my betta is stressed?

If your fish is swimming frantically without going anywhere, crashing at the bottom of his tank, rubbing himself on gravel or rocks, or locking his fins at his side, he may be experiencing significant stress.
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How can I play with my betta fish?

With patience and a little persistence, you can teach him to do things like follow your finger, eat from your hand, swim through a hoop, play soccer, and even jump out of the water or come up to be petted. Fish food is the best reinforcement for desired behavior.
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Is my betta fish happy?

A happy betta will swim around their tank daily. Sometimes they will move almost lazily about, and other times they'll flit from side to side quickly. If the betta appears to have no trouble swimming and isn't leaning to the side or struggling, your betta is healthy and happy.
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How often should I feed my betta fish?

It is recommended to feed your betta fish two to four pellets, once or twice per day. Pellets expand when placed in water and are very filling for your betta fish. Freeze-dried or fresh food can be substituted for their pellet feeding 1 to 2 days per week.
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What does ick look like on a betta?

Ich is usually visible as a small, white spot on your fish's skin. The ich parasite penetrates the skin or gills, burrows under the surface, and eats at the fish's flesh. Ich has a high mortality rate and is very infectious. If your tank contains multiple fish, all of your fish are likely infected.
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What do parasites look like in a fish tank?

Parasitic or harmful worms will not be visible on the gravel or the glass of the aquarium. Noticing small white worms the size of a few millimeters crawling along the glass are either flat or roundworms. Flat appearances are planaria (flatworms) and the more thin and wiggly ones are nematodes (roundworms).
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How big is betta fish poop?

Betta Fish With Hanging Poop

Healthy betta poop is brown and globby. Larger than normal globs can also be a sign of constipation like the photo above from cooneyms on Fishlore. Remember, a betta's stomach is about the size of their eye, so only feed 2-4 pellets 1-2 times daily.
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Can salt cure fish fungus?

This is the reason that body fungus infections are not seen on saltwater fish. Adding 1 tablespoon of noniodized rock salt to each gallon of water is helpful in effecting a cure. In fact, salt might be all that is needed in early cases. Salt can also be used in combination with malachite green.
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How do I know if my fish has ammonia poisoning?

Symptoms include:
  1. Purple, red or bleeding gills.
  2. Fish may clamp, may appear darker in color.
  3. Red streaking on the fins or body.
  4. Fish may gasp for air at the surface of the tank water.
  5. Torn & jagged fins.
  6. Fish may appear weak and lay at the bottom of the tank.
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How do I know if my fish has a bacterial infection?

What does it look like?
  1. Bulging, swollen 'pop' eye appearance, protruding eyes.
  2. Emaciation.
  3. Pale and erroded gills.
  4. Reddening of skin more noticable at vent and base of fins.
  5. Swollen body with pertruding scales.
  6. Ulcers on the body, holes on the surface of the body, often around the head.
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Can I touch my betta fish?

A betta fish should not be touched; it may get spooked and respond by biting you or becoming afraid of you (which would undo any training and playing you've been doing to get it used to you). Touching a fish can also affect the natural slime coating by removing it and if this happens, the fish is vulnerable to disease.
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Do bettas like light?

Do Betta Fish like Light? Yes, they won't like anything too intense, but a standard aquarium light is perfect. Bettas also love aquarium plants, which need an aquarium light to grow and survive.
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Can betta fish have toys?

Betta fish do like to explore and interact with toys in their environment. Bettas can be taught tricks using toys such as ping pong balls and hoops or a using a fish training kit.
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Can my betta fish hear me?

They also use their senses to detect changes in the water's vibrations to find prey of their own. Keep in mind that betta fish do not have super hearing, and water will dampen sound. However, yes, they can hear your voice. They are not like a cat or a dog and can recognize their name.
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What tricks can you teach a betta fish?

Although bettas prefer to live alone, they will play with you if you train them. Start by training your betta to follow your finger. Once your fish has mastered this skill, you can teach her more tricks like jumping or flaring. Learning tricks will help your betta fish to avoid boredom and receive exercise.
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Do betta fish need to eat everyday?

A common question we are asked, is “how often do you feed a betta fish?” Given their tropical nature, like most other warmer tanks, bettas need to be fed at least twice a day. This is especially important considering that many betta fish tend to be overfed, receiving large meals infrequently.
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Do water changes stress betta?

Frequent Water Changes

Obviously water changes are going to stress your betta a little bit. But not changing the water is going to stress him out a lot more. You should perform water changes once every week or two weeks depending on the size of the tank.
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