Why does baby's breath smell like fish?

Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD): Children with GERD often regurgitate food which can cause oral health problems. Liver problems: When the liver is not functioning properly, the unprocessed bile that accumulates in the body can produce breath that smells like fish or rotten eggs.
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Is it normal for newborns breath to smell?

Children and babies seldom have bad breath. But you still should practice proper oral hygiene with them. You should begin practicing oral hygiene with your newborn just a few days after birth, and of course continue until they are old enough to do it properly themselves.
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What does baby breath smell like?

At some point, your baby will be able to eat solid food and while breast milk breath can be nice and sweet, there's no greater smell than that of fresh strawberries on the breath of a child. It's a miraculous scent.
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Why does my breastfed baby's breath smell?

Common causes for bad breath

Gastroesophageal reflux. Bacteria. Poor oral health and hygiene. Allergies.
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Why does my babys breath smell sour?

Sour breath is present, in infants more especially, when there is gastric fermentation. Catarrhal breath has numerous shades of difference. In chronic catarrh of the pharynx there is a "heavy" odor, not noticeable far from the patient's face. It is always most marked during and after sleep.
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The Woman Who Constantly Smells Of Fish

Why does my 5 month old breath stink?

Abscesses, cavities, and tartar build-up: Any of these issues can cause bad breath in your infant's mouth, although gingivitis is usually only found in adults. Foreign objects:Toddlers are notorious for putting small, strange, foreign objects in their mouths, whether they be edible or not.
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Why does my 7 month old breath stink?

Poor oral hygiene If your child doesn't brush and floss his teeth frequently, bad breath can result. If plaque is not brushed away, it can irritate the gums, causing additional issues. The tongue can also harbor bacteria that produce foul odors and bad breath, so make sure your child is brushing his tongue as well.
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Why does my 1 year old breath smell like fish?

Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD): Children with GERD often regurgitate food which can cause oral health problems. Liver problems: When the liver is not functioning properly, the unprocessed bile that accumulates in the body can produce breath that smells like fish or rotten eggs.
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Does thrush make babies breath smell?

When these become infected, they can partially block the back of your child's mouth. This condition can result in bad breath due to discharge from the infection, and it is referred to as adenoiditis.
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Can mothers smell their babies?

Mother-Child Identification

Odor cues from newborns are absolutely salient to their mothers. Mothers are able to distinguish the odor of their own newborn baby from that of other newborns. Experiments also have demonstrated that adults can even recognize gender and individuality of non-related children.
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Do babies understand kisses?

Around the 1-year mark, babies learn affectionate behaviors such as kissing. It starts as an imitative behavior, says Lyness, but as a baby repeats these behaviors and sees that they bring happy responses from the people he's attached to, he becomes aware that he's pleasing the people he loves.
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Is baby's breath poisonous?

These delicate clusters are also commonly found naturalized throughout much of the northern United States and Canada and are often identified as an invasive weed. Despite the innocuous look of these sweet soft blooms, baby's breath harbors a little secret; it's slightly poisonous.
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Can babies miss their mom?

Between 4-7 months of age, babies develop a sense of "object permanence." They're realizing that things and people exist even when they're out of sight. Babies learn that when they can't see mom or dad, that means they've gone away.
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Why does my 9 month olds breath stink?

Poor oral hygiene.

There can be numerous causes for your toddler's unpleasant breath. First, look at their brushing habits. Not brushing your toddler's teeth twice per day and not taking care of their gums could cause bad breath. Plaque buildup can cause the odor, too.
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When should I start cleaning my baby's mouth?

Dental care for baby teeth can start before your baby's first tooth appears. Once your baby is about three months old, you can gently wipe your baby's gums using a damp, clean face washer or gauze twice a day.
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How do you clean a newborn's mouth?

You should clean your baby's gums by gently massaging them with some damp gauze or a clean, damp cloth. Ideally you should wrap your index finger in the gauze or cloth so you can clean each portion of the gum individually.
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How do I know if my baby has thrush in her mouth?

Symptoms of thrush in the baby include:
  1. White, velvety sores in the mouth and on the tongue.
  2. Wiping the sores may cause bleeding.
  3. Redness in the mouth.
  4. Diaper rash.
  5. Mood changes, such as being very fussy.
  6. Refusing to nurse because of soreness.
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What does thrush look like in a baby's mouth?

White patches inside baby's mouth.

A white coating or patches of white on the tongue, gums, inside cheeks or roof of the mouth can be a sign of thrush — or they can simply be caused by milk residue, which often stays on a baby's tongue after feeding but usually dissolves within an hour.
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What happens if thrush is left untreated in babies?

Severe, untreated thrush can spread to the: Esophagus. Urinary tract. Whole body—systemic infection causes multiple organ failure and death.
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Why does my 2 year old have smelly breath?

Oral Hygiene

Improper brushing and flossing of your toddler's teeth can result in leftover food particles on the tongue, gum line, and between teeth which interact with natural bacteria found in the mouth to create bad breath. Additionally, abscesses, cavities, and tartar buildup can also be a cause of halitosis.
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What does strep breath smell like?

Smell Your Breath

There also isn't one “strep breath” smell, so it's not a great way for someone else to diagnose you.
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What does tooth decay smell like?

If you don't brush and floss well, your mouth breaks down the tiny chunks of food that are caught between your teeth. This can give off an odor that can smell like sulfur or rotten eggs.
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What does baby's breath smell like flower?

While some like the scent, others complain that it is called baby's breath because it smells like spit. This is really a personal matter. Some like it, some don't, which is undoubtedly the case with most flowers. Just be sure that you take a whiff before you have multiple centerpieces and bouquets put together.
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How do I brush my 10 month old's teeth?

The easiest way to brush a baby's teeth is to sit them on your knee, with their head resting against your chest. With an older child, stand behind them and tilt their head backwards. Brush the teeth in small circles, covering all the surfaces, and encourage your child to spit the toothpaste out afterwards.
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Can reflux cause bad breath in babies?

If your child has chronic bad breath as well as abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, or heartburn, then gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is a possible culprit. In this condition, stomach acid will reflux (travel up) the esophagus, often into the throat or mouth, and in some cases, out the mouth.
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