Why do I struggle to lift my leg up?

Brain and spinal cord disorders. Your inability to lift your leg combined with drop foot could stem from disorders in your brain and spine. If you suffer from amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or multiple sclerosis (MS) or have had a stroke, you could be dealing with leg muscle weakness in addition to drop foot.
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What muscle do you use to lift your leg?

The major muscle responsible for lifting up your leg during the lying straight leg raise is the iliopsoas. The iliopsoas is one of the hip flexor muscles located at the front of your pelvic bone.
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Why can't I do straight leg raise?

Because of the disruption of the extensor mechanism, despite your effort to lift the leg, there is nothing to pull against, and therefore you can't perform this function.
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Why are side leg raises so hard?

With the side leg lifts, we are using the abductor, gluteus, hip, and inner thigh gracillis muscles. These muscles tend to be tight, contracted and under used since we are sitting down so much. Even when we walk, we are not really lengthening these muscles.
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Why can't I lift my leg to get in the car?

The muscle has to contract in order to pull the femur bone closer to the body. An unfortunate side effect of this is that it also causes all the vertebral bodies in the lumbar spine to be compressed. This compression will hurt your low-back.
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Lumbar herniated disc with positive well straight leg raise test

Why can'ti put any weight on my left leg?

The Definition of Non-weight bearing simply means that you can't put any weight on your injured lower limb for a period of time, which can be anything from weeks to months (1). This is usually the result of a leg, ankle, or foot illness or injury, such as a fracture, ruptured tendon or damaged ligament.
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What are the signs and symptoms of a hip flexor strain?

What to Expect
  • Mild pain and pulling in the front of the hip.
  • Cramping and sharp pain. It may be hard to walk without limping.
  • Difficulty getting out of a chair or coming up from a squat.
  • Difficulty with climbing stairs or walking up or down sloped surfaces.
  • Severe pain, spasms, bruising and swelling.
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What is a positive leg raise test?

The straight leg raise (SLR) test is the most commonly performed physical test for diagnosis of sciatica and lumbar disc hernia [10]. The SLR is considered positive when it evokes radiating pain along the course of the sciatic nerve and below the knee between 30 and 70 degrees of hip flexion [2].
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What does a straight leg raise test show?

The straight leg raise test, also called the Lasegue test, is a fundamental maneuver during the physical examination of a patient with lower back pain. It aims to assess for lumbosacral nerve root irritation. This test can be positive in a variety of conditions, though lumbar disc herniation is the most common.
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What is the straight leg test for sciatica?

Straight leg raise (SLR) test.

This test includes the patient lying on his/her back and lifting one leg at a time with the other leg flat or bent at the knee. A pain encountered while lifting the affected leg usually indicates sciatica.
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What causes muscle weakness in the legs?

Muscle weakness is commonly due to lack of exercise, ageing, muscle injury or pregnancy. It can also occur with long-term conditions such as diabetes or heart disease. There are many other possible causes, which include stroke, multiple sclerosis, depression, fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome (ME).
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Can muscle weakness be cured?

Treating muscle fatigue

In many cases, your muscle fatigue will improve with rest and recovery. Staying hydrated and maintaining a healthy diet can also improve your recovery time, protect against muscle fatigue and weakness, and ensure you have enough nutrients to promote healthy muscle function.
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Why does my groin hurt when I lift my leg?

Groin strains make walking, lifting the knee, or moving the leg away from or toward the body difficult and painful. Groin strains can occur from overuse of the muscles, or from a sudden contraction of the muscles. Injury occurs when the muscles are either too forcefully contracted or too forcefully overstretched.
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How do you test for weak hip flexors?

Lie down flat on the back, bringing one leg to the chest, using the hands. If it is difficult to keep the leg up close to the chest after letting go of it, a weak hip flexor may be the culprit.
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What does a pulled hip flexor feel like?

Symptoms of a hip flexor tear or strain

Pain when lifting the leg to the chest or stretching the hip muscles. Swelling, bruising or tenderness in the hip or thigh area. Muscles spasms in the thigh or hip that occur when walking or running.
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Can barely put weight on leg?

These symptoms are most characteristic of an injury such as broken bone, muscle strain, or tendinitis. These injuries may also be associated with other symptoms including pain or bruising.
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How can u tell if u have sciatica?

If you believe you have sciatica, some common symptoms to be aware of include:
  1. Lower back pain.
  2. Pain radiating down one or both legs and feet.
  3. Your legs or feet feel weak or numb.
  4. A burning or tingling sensation in your legs and feet.
  5. Pain when standing up or sitting down.
  6. Inability to rest your weight on one leg.
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How do I know if I have sciatica or hip pain?

Hip problems, such as arthritis in the hip, usually cause groin pain, pain when you put weight on your leg, or when the leg is moved around. If your pain starts in the back and moves or radiates towards the hip or down the leg and you have numbness, tingling or weakness in the leg, sciatica is the most likely cause.
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How can I test myself for sciatica?

Now raise and straighten one leg, with toes in the air. Repeat for the other side. If your leg with pain, numbness, or tingling does not go up as high as the other leg, or this maneuver makes your symptoms worse, you likely have sciatica.
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What is cauda equina syndrome?

The cauda equina is the continuation of these nerve roots in the lumbar and sacral region. These nerves send and receive messages to and from the lower limbs and pelvic organs. Cauda equina syndrome (CES) occurs when there is dysfunction of multiple lumbar and sacral nerve roots of the cauda equina.
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What is a Kemp's test?

An orthopedic test in which a patient is in a seated position and is placed into simultaneous extension and rotation of the lumbar spine. A true positive test produces numbness or tingling radiating to the legs. This indicates disc involvement. Many examiners use it to assess the facet joints as well.
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What is the normal range of motion for a straight leg raise?

SLR neurodynamic testing range of motion is highly variable, ranging from approximately 15° to over 90° with a moderate association with multiple demographic characteristics, such as sex, weight, BMI and activity level.
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