Why did Windows use CRLF?

It comes from the teletype machines (and typewriters) from the days of yore. It used to be that when you were done typing a line, you had to move the typewriter's carriage (which held the paper and slid to the left as you typed) back to the start of the line (CR).
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Should I use CRLF on Windows?

Windows uses CRLF because DOS used CRLF because CP/M used CRLF because history. Mac OS used CR for years until OS X switched to LF. Unix used just a single LF over CRLF and has since the beginning, likely because systems like Multics started using just LF around 1965.
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Is Windows CRLF or LF?

Whereas Windows follows the original convention of a carriage return plus a line feed ( CRLF ) for line endings, operating systems like Linux and Mac use only the line feed ( LF ) character.
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Why does Windows use different line endings?

The Multics operating system began development in 1964 and used LF alone as its newline. Multics used a device driver to translate this character to whatever sequence a printer needed (including extra padding characters), and the single byte was more convenient for programming.
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Why do carriage returns exist?

Carriage return by itself provided the ability to overprint the line with new text. This could be used to produce bold or accented characters, underscores, struck-out text, and some composite symbols. Early mechanical printers were too slow to return the carriage in the time it took to process one character.
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Windows : Why does Windows use CR LF?

Does Linux recognize CRLF?

The characters CRLF are often used to represent the carriage return and linefeed sequence that ends lines on Windows text files. Those who like to gaze at octal dumps will spot the \r \n. Linux text files, by comparison, end with just linefeeds.
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Does Linux use carriage return?

Text files created on DOS/Windows machines have different line endings than files created on Unix/Linux. DOS uses carriage return and line feed ("\r\n") as a line ending, which Unix uses just line feed ("\n").
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Can Windows use Unix line endings?

Starting with the current Windows 10 Insider build, Notepad will support Unix/Linux line endings (LF), Macintosh line endings (CR), and Windows Line endings (CRLF) as usual.
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Do line endings matter?

The correct answer is almost always "Yes" and "Windows (CR LF)". The reason is that line endings in source files should almost always be consistent within the file and source files on Windows should generally have CR LF endings. There are exceptions but if if they applied to you, you would probably know about them.
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What line endings does Linux use?

Back to line endings

The reasons don't matter: Windows chose the CR/LF model, while Linux uses the \n model. So, when you create a file on one system and use it on the other, hilarity ensues.
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Can Windows use LF line endings?

Historically, Windows uses different line endings (CRLF) than Linux/macOS (LF). This often leads to issues on cross-platform development teams, e.g.: Inconsistent (mixed) line endings.
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Does Unix use CRLF?

The term CRLF refers to Carriage Return (ASCII 13, \r) Line Feed (ASCII 10, \n). For example: in Windows both a CR and LF are required to note the end of a line, whereas in Linux/UNIX an LF (\n) is only required.
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What is the difference between Unix LF and Windows CRLF?

CR and LF are control characters, respectively coded 0x0D (13 decimal) and 0x0A (10 decimal). They are used to mark a line break in a text file. As you indicated, Windows uses two characters the CR LF sequence; Unix only uses LF and the old MacOS ( pre-OSX MacIntosh) used CR.
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Is carriage return still used?

Whether you think it's obsolete or not, someone is still using it. because it's open source, you can write an open letter to all users that you will accept any patch to fix it.
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Does Unix use CRLF or LF?

For example: in Windows both a CR and LF are required to note the end of a line, whereas in Linux/UNIX a LF is only required. In the HTTP protocol, the CR-LF sequence is always used to terminate a line. A CRLF Injection attack occurs when a user manages to submit a CRLF into an application.
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What is difference between line feed and carriage return?

Carriage return is from the days of the teletype printers/old typewriters, where literally the carriage would return to the next line, and push the paper up. This is what we now call \r . Line feed LF signals the end of the line, it signals that the line has ended - but doesn't move the cursor to the next line.
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How can I tell if a file is CRLF?

use a text editor like notepad++ that can help you with understanding the line ends. It will show you the line end formats used as either Unix(LF) or Macintosh(CR) or Windows(CR LF) on the task bar of the tool. you can also go to View->Show Symbol->Show End Of Line to display the line ends as LF/ CR LF/CR.
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What line endings does git use?

This is a good default option. text eol=crlf Git will always convert line endings to CRLF on checkout. You should use this for files that must keep CRLF endings, even on OSX or Linux. text eol=lf Git will always convert line endings to LF on checkout.
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What does LF will be replaced by CRLF mean?

In Unix systems the end of a line is represented with a line feed (LF). In windows a line is represented with a carriage return (CR) and a line feed (LF) thus (CRLF). when you get code from git that was uploaded from a unix system they will only have an LF.
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What is Notepad CRLF?

CR and LF are control characters or bytecode that can be used to mark a line break in a text file. CR = Carriage Return ( \r , 0x0D in hexadecimal, 13 in decimal) — moves the cursor to the beginning of the line without advancing to the next line.
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How do I convert Windows line endings to Linux?

To convert from Windows to Linux line breaks you can use the tr command and simply remove the \r characters from the file. The -d option tells the tr command to delete a character, and '\r' specifies the character to delete. The input to tr is redirected from the file fileWindows.
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How convert LF to CRLF in Linux?

How to Convert CRLF to LF in Linux
  1. Using tr command. You can use the Linux command tr to convert Windows Line endings to Linux ones. Here is its syntax. ...
  2. Using sed command. sed is a popular string editor in Linux. ...
  3. Using vim. You can also use vim editor to convert line endings from CRLF to LF, and vice versa.
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How do I get rid of CRLF?

Goto View -> Show Symbol -> Show All Characters. Uncheck it. There you go.!!
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What Windows end line?

Windows (or in other words DOS) uses Carriage Return and Line Feed (“\r\n”) as a line ending. and Unix/Linux/Mac OS uses just Line Feed (“\n”).
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Is \r the same as \n?

Both \n and \r are different characters and were used as end of line terminators in different operating systems. \r – was previously used as the end-of-line terminator in Mac text files, now \n is also used. \n\r -are used to terminate lines in the DOS and Windows text files.
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