Why did Ausable frame the story of the balcony Class 10?

Answer: Ausable framed the story of the balcony to counter the use of the pistol by the rival secret agent Max to threaten him. The rival would have been able to get the important report about the new missiles if Ausable had not concocted this story.
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What story did Ausable fabricate about the balcony 10?

What story did Ausable fabricate about the balcony? Answer: He told Fowler that the balcony in his room had become a nuisance for him. He told him that his room used to be the part of a large unit and through the balcony any one could come to his room as the adjoining room was empty.
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What story did Ausable frame about calling the police?

After Max arrived Ausable regret and he say that he would complain this that again someone entered his room from balcony.So when the waiter knocked the door Ausable exclaimed that such important paper needs some extra protaction so he called the police.
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What information did Ausable give about the imaginary balcony why did he do so?

Answer. Ausable created a detailed description of how his room was part a bigger apartment and how the next room had a direct connection with a balcony. His statement that somebody else had also broken into his office through that balcony made it a convincing story.
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How did Ausable created balcony and how did he escape from Max?

Actually, there is no balcony. It is just a clever strategy used by Ausable to outwit Max. Ausable created the balcony which did not exist so as to dupe Max and the police. Max thought balcony as a means to escape from the police.
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The Midnight Visitor-Robert Arthur-Question-answer

What did Ausable tell Max about the balcony why?

Ausable cocked-up a story. He told Max that there was a balcony just below his window. He told him that the balcony was a part of the next room. When the waiter knocked at the door, Ausable told Max that it would be the police.
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How did Ausable made Max believe there was a balcony?

Solution. Ausable created a convincing story about the presence of a balcony. He said that twice in a month somebody had entered his room through the balcony. On being questioned by Max about the balcony, he replied with extreme irritation that it was not his balcony.
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Why had Fowler wanted to meet Ausable and how is Ausable different from other secret agents?

Why had Fowler wanted to meet Ausable? Answer: Fowler was a writer and he had wanted to meet Ausable, a renowned secret agent. Fowler wanted to know how Ausable trackled dangerous situations. He was disappointed when he saw Ausable as he didn't look like what Fowler thought a secret agent should look like.
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Was Ausable a clever secret agent Why?

Ausable was a clever secret agent. Although his physical appearance does not seem as if he would be an agent, his presence of mind did. He gave an example of his intelligence and wit when he killed another agent without any action. With his presence of mind and shrewdness, he made Max kill himself.
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What was the first fake story that Ausable told Max?

Ausable cooked up a false story to entrap crafty Max. He told Max that the balcony below his window had become a big nuisance. It was the second time in a month that somebody got into his room through the balcony.
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What was Ausable problem how did he solve it?

Ausable was a secret agent who handled Max cleverly. He told Max that he would complain to the hotel authorities. There was a knock and he said it is the police. Max asked Ausable to send the police back and in the meantime Max would go and wait on the balcony and this is how Ausable got rid of Max.
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Who was Ausable the meeting between Ausable and Max?

Describe the meeting between Ausable and Max.

Ans: – Max was a secret agent like Ausable. When Ausable entered his room he was startled to find Max in his room with a pistol. It seemed that they had known each other . Ausable thought that Max was in Berlin.
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Who was Ausable?

Ausable was a secret agent who handled Max cleverly. He told Max that he would complain to the hotel authorities. There was a knock and he said it is the police. Max asked Ausable to send the police back and in the meantime Max would go and wait on the balcony — and this is how Ausable got rid of Max.
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Who was Max and how and why did he enter Ausable hotel room?

Max was a secret agent in the story "The Midnight Visitor".

He had come to Ausable's place to find some important papers. He had a gun in his hand. He entered Ausable's room through a master key to enter his room. After knowing about the balcony, he wished that he would have entered the room from the balcony.
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Who was Ausable Class 10?

Answer: Ausable was a secret agent. He was living in a French hotel. His room was on the sixth and top floor of the hotel. One evening a young writer named Fowler came to meet him.
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How is Ausable described?

Answer: Ausable was a smart, intelligent man who was a secret agent. He was very fat and sloppy. He spoke in an American accent which he had brought from Boston twenty years ago. He could speak French and German but possibly he was a spy who dealt in espionage and danger.
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What language did Ausable speak?

Answer. Answer: Inspite of living in Paris for over twenty years, he spoke French and German only passably and had an American accent. Instead of getting messages slipped into his hands by dark-eyed beauties, he got only a telephone call making an appointment.
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Why was Ausable greatly annoyed?

Ausable showed his annoyance for the nuisance created by the balcony. He said that this was the second time that someone had got into his room through it. He also said that the balcony was not his but belongs to the next apartment and earlier his room used to be a part of a large unit.
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Why did Fowler meet Ausable What did he expect?

Expert-verified answer

He was fascinated by spies and their lives. He wanted to meet Ausable because he wanted to know about the mysterious life they lived. But when Fowler met Ausable, he was not what he expected a spy to be.
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Why Did Fowler want to meet Ausable Why was he disappointed Class 10?

Ans : Fowler was a very young and romantic writer. He wanted to meet Ausable, the secret agent to learn how Ausable tackled with some exciting events. He was disappointed because he thought Ausable was an unfit secret agent on account of his fat body and American accent.
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Why did Fowler enter Ausable room?

Solution : Fowler was young writer. He had a romantic concept about spying and secret agents. He wanted to meet Ausable to cover him up for a writing. Ausable was a Secret Agent.
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How did Ausable made Max believe there was a balcony he made him see it with detailed description there was actually a balcony none of the above?

Expert-verified answer

Ausable manage to make Max believe that there is a balcony attached to his room by telling a fake story that this is the second time somebody had entered his room secretly through the balcony and he had also complained to the manager to block the balcony.
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What was Ausable profession?

Answer: Ausable worked as a spy or secret agent. He used to live in the small room having the musty corridor of a gloomy hotel of France.
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How is Ausable different from other secret agents question answer?

Ausable was different from other secret agents because he lived in a small room in the musty corridor of a gloomy French hotel which was on the sixth and top floor. There was nothing thrilling or adventurous about it. On the top of that, he was extremely fat.
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Who was Ausable describe in brief the balcony story?

Ausable was a secret agent. He was a fat and sloppy fellow. He was not a romantic figure. He had Wine to Paris from Boston twenty years ago.
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