Why can't you overfeed a breastfed baby?

Do not worry about feeding your baby whenever either of you wants to. You cannot overfeed a breastfed baby, and your baby will not become spoiled or demanding if you feed them whenever they're hungry or need comfort.
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Why do they say you can't overfeed a breastfed baby?

FALSE: Nursing mothers are frequently told "it's not possible to overfeed your baby" but again this is not entirely true in every situation. If your baby is healthy and content he's not overfeeding. He may be gaining large amounts of weight and/or spit up occasionally and this can be perfectly normal.
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How do you know if a breastfed baby is overfed?

Signs that your baby may be full

Push away from your breast or bottle (if breast milk is expressed) Move their head away from your breast or bottle. Fuss at your breast or bottle when you offer it.
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Can breastfed babies overeat and throw up?

Babies regularly spit up when they drink too much milk, too quickly. This can happen when the baby feeds very fast, or when mom's breasts are overfull. The amount of spit up can appear to be much more than it really is. Food sensitivities can cause excessive spitting up in babies.
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Will babies stop eating when full?

Watch for signs that your baby is full (slowing down, spitting out the bottle or unlatching from breast, closing the mouth, turning away from the breast or bottle) and stop the feeding when these signs appear. As babies grow, they begin to eat more at each feeding and can go longer between feedings.
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Is it possible to overfeed in breastfed babies? How do we manage? Dr Sridhar K

How much milk should a 5 minute breastfed baby drink?

Some babies will get 60 to 150 ml (2 – 5 ounces) in five minutes time. However, some babies continue to take 20 to 40 minutes per feeding. Both types of babies are normal.
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Should I limit how much my newborn eats?

So the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) advises parents to feed infants at least once every 2-3 hours — whenever babies show signs of hunger (AAP 2015). During the subsequent months, babies may be able to go longer between meals. But feeding responsively — on cue — remains the ideal approach.
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Should I offer second breast if baby is asleep?

Your newborn baby needs to nurse actively for one or both breast at each feed. Offer the second breast after they seem to have finished at the first, although they may not want both sides at every feed.
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How do I know if baby is getting Hindmilk?

Hindmilk often appears thick and creamy and is richer and more calorie dense than the foremilk. There is no point in a feed where milk suddenly switches over from foremilk to hindmilk, instead the milk gradually transitions as the feed goes on.
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How do I know if my breasts are empty?

How do I know whether my breasts are empty? There's no test or way to know for sure. In general, though, if you gently shake your breasts and they feel mostly soft and you don't feel the heaviness of milk sitting in them, you're probably fine.
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How do you know when to switch breasts?

When he stops suckling and swallowing, or when he falls asleep, you'll want to switch him to the other breast. If he hasn't released the first breast, simply slip your finger into the corner of his mouth to break the suction (and protect your nipple) before removing him from your breast.
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Can a newborn overeat?

Can you overfeed a newborn? In short, yes, you can. Overfeeding a newborn often causes discomfort to the child because they can't properly digest all breast milk or formula. When overeating, the child can also ingest air, which can produce gas, increase abdominal discomfort, and cause crying.
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Can you feed a baby too much?

Parents can't see how much a baby is eating from a breast, while parents who are bottle-feeding may try to push their baby to finish a bottle. Breast-fed babies also digest breast milk more fully. This affects how a baby's body will use those calories. As a result, breast-fed babies are rarely at risk for overfeeding.
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When can babies go 4 hours between feedings?

Baby is at Least 12 Weeks Old

Baby needs to be old enough to go 4 hours between feedings both for the length between feedings and also because going 4 hours between feedings means dropping the number feedings in a day.
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Do breasts need time to refill?

Despite views to the contrary, breasts are never truly empty. Milk is actually produced nonstop—before, during, and after feedings—so there's no need to wait between feedings for your breasts to refill. In fact, a long gap between feedings actually signals your breasts to make less, not more, milk.
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How long does it take to get to hindmilk?

How Long Should Baby Nurse to Get Hindmilk? After 10 to 15 minutes of the first milk, as the breast empties, the milk flow slows and gets richer, releasing the sweet, creamy hindmilk.
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Can a baby empty a breast in 3 minutes?

"Some babies are snackers — they nurse for a minute or two, take a break, and then go back," says Altmann. "Other babies can drain the breast in two minutes and be satisfied for a few hours. It depends on how much milk you have and your letdown."
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Is 5 Oz too much for a 5 week old?

How much breastmilk should a 5-week-old baby eat? A breastfed 5-week-old baby eats about 2 to 3 ounces of milk about every 2 to 3 hours, and as they approach 2 months, they'll begin eating closer to 4 to 5 ounces every 3 to 4 hours.
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How can I tell if my baby is full?

Your child may be full if he or she:
  1. Pushes food away.
  2. Closes his or her mouth when food is offered.
  3. Turns his or her head away from food.
  4. Uses hand motions or makes sounds to let you know he or she is full.
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Why is my newborn still hungry after feeding?

Babies need to feed often because they have teeny tiny stomachs. A 4- to 5-week-old baby can only hold about 3 to 4 ounces of milk at a time. This is why babies are ravenous again only a little while after feeding. As babies grow, their stomachs also grow, enabling them to handle more milk.
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What happens if baby falls asleep after one breast?

Babies are biologically programmed to fall asleep at the breast. Falling asleep at the breast is a normal behaviour and is mostly due to a hormone called cholecystokinin or CCK. CCK makes your baby feel full and sleepy and it is released in your babies gut as soon as they start sucking.
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Is 15 minutes of nursing enough?

A newborn should be put to the breast at least every 2 to 3 hours and nurse for 10 to 15 minutes on each side. An average of 20 to 30 minutes per feeding helps to ensure that the baby is getting enough breast milk. It also allows enough time to stimulate your body to build up your milk supply.
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How much milk can a breast hold?

Breast Storage Capacity

The maximum volume of milk in the breasts each day can vary greatly among mothers. Two studies found a breast storage capacity range among its mothers of 74 to 606 g (2.6 to 20.5 oz.) per breast (Daly, Owens, & Hartmann, 1993; Kent et al., 2006).
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What does letdown feel like?

Some women feel the let-down reflex as a tingling sensation in the breasts or a feeling of fullness, although others don't feel anything in the breast. Most women notice a change in their baby's sucking pattern as the milk begins to flow, from small, shallow sucks to stronger, slower sucks.
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How long do breasts take to refill?

As mentioned, the breast is never completely empty, but milk flow is greatly reduced by nursing to the point where no significant amount is expressed. It typically takes 20-30 minutes to rebuild to an adequate flow and closer to an hour to rebuild to peak flow.
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