Why Bran is not the Night King?

According the Night King theorists, Bran actually skinchanged into this man in an attempt to prevent the Children of the Forest from turning him, but his plan failed and Bran gets stuck. And thus, Bran became the Night King.
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Does Bran become the Night King?

Bran is now the King of Westeros. In the final episode of Season Eight of Game of Thrones, the leaders of the Westerosi kingdoms got together and decided to elect Bran the Broken their ruler. It was Tyrion's suggestion—he had a lot of time to consider his options while he sat in a cell—and nobody took much convincing.
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Why was Night King after Bran?

All of that changed when Bran entered the picture as the Three-Eyed Raven. This introduction gave the Night King a true motive outside the typical megalomania of Big Bads. By wiping out the Three-Eyed Raven, he would be wiping out all memories of the previous world and fully ushering in his new era.
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What is the connection between Night King and Bran?

So Bran and the Night King are connected to each other by the magic of the Children of the Forest, as well as to the weirwood trees that contain both magic and memories.
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Why can Bran warg into the Night King?

Why The Bran Stark Night King Theory Is So Strong. Bran and the Night King both have greensight and the ability to warg. Not many characters in the Game of Thrones universe have these abilities. Through warging, Bran can cast himself into the bodies of animals and people.
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THEORY BUSTERS: Why Bran is NOT the Night King

Why does Bran become evil?

It's a theory that began on Reddit and has made the usual rounds on a number of publications. And the idea is basically that Bran Stark became evil when he was touched by the Night King. That's why he's been essentially useless during the events of Seasons Seven and Eight.
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Was Bran the villain?

If someone does not benefit him or is incapable of serving his ends, they are dispensable. This relentlessness - and unwillingness to prevent the tragedy that forges his path to royalty - is what makes Bran the true villain on Game of Thrones.
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Was the first Night King a stark?

According to Old Nan, the Night's King may in fact be (hold on to your small clothes) a Stark! If that isn't enough, legend has it that the Night's King was not just any Stark, he was King Brandon Stark's brother—or possibly Brandon Stark himself!
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Who turned the Night King?

The Night King appears in a vision being observed by Bran and the Three-eyed Raven, where they witness him as a human being forcibly transformed into the first White Walker by the Children of the Forest by impaling him with a dragonglass dagger.
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Was the Night King a Targaryen?

No, the Night King is not a Targaryen.

In the books, however, the story of the Night King is slightly different. The Night King isn't the leader of the White Walkers. Instead, he's a legendary historical figure who supposedly betrayed the Night's Watch to marry a “corpse queen” and then crowned himself a king.
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What exactly did the Night King Want?

His long-term goal is "an endless night," Bran says. "He wants to erase this world and I am its memory," he explains. As the Three-Eyed Raven, Bran has the ability of greensight, which means he can see events in the past, present, and future through visions. Killing Bran would essentially erase all memory of mankind.
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Is the Night King a good guy?

But the Night King is not just evil. He's a visionary on par with Daenerys Targaryen and Jon Snow. He's someone who has done the unexpected, given his rebirth on a tree in Westeros. He's risen armies, envisioned a better future for the race of Others, and is powerful enough to intimidate even Daenerys Targaryen.
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Was the Night King a human?

We already know that before the Night King was the Night King, he was a normal human who was transformed into the first White Walker by the Children of the Forest.
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Was the Night King a 3 eyed raven?

Others speculate that the Night King was originally a Three-Eyed Raven(Opens in a new tab) turned into a White Walker by mistake, and now he and Bran are like two opposing forces of the same magical powers.
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How Arya Stark kills Night King?

Having Arya jump from a pile of dead wights to off the Night King with the Catspaw Dagger, subsequently killing him and all the other white walkers at the same time, felt far too easy when previous confrontations with the Night King were anything but.
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Is Night King a villain?

Type of Villain

The Night King is one of the two overarching antagonists of the TV series Game of Thrones (alongside the posthumous Aerys II).
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What did the Night King do to the baby?

Shortly after one of Craster's cronies left Craster's son out in the woods, a White Walker goon appeared to take him back to the Lands of Always Winter. The Night King then laid a poorly-manicured claw on the baby and turned the child's not-creepy human eyes into super-creepy White Walker eyes.
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Did the Night King create the White Walkers?

The Night King was the first of the White Walkers. He was one of the First Men before he was turned into something else by the Children of the Forest.
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Why did the White Walkers want babies?

As for why babies, and not adults, are candidates for transformation into White Walkers, this is likely because infants are easier to mold into whatever the Night King wishes.
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Why can the Night King ride a dragon?

The Night King uses his power to raise Viserion from the dead, the same way he's raised wights from the dead. That means Viserion is filled with the Night King's magic, which is why his fire is blue and why the Night King is able to use him as a mount.
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Why did the Children create the Night King?

Aside from being a symbol of death, the creation of the Night King was a way to add more history to the fictional universe. The series had the opportunity to dive deeper into the mythology of White Walkers by tying in their creation to the Children of the Forest and the First Men.
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Where did Drogon take Daenerys?

As theorised by Samwell Tarly in the finale, the dragon flew her to Volantis, where she'd grown up in exile after the death of her father, and cremated her body in line with family tradition.
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Who was the true villain in Game of Thrones?

Easily the most callous, dastardly, and self-destructive villain in HBO's Game of Thrones universe, Cersei Lannister was, at points, television's most despised character, as her thirst for power and hatred of her brother, fan-favorite Tyrion Lannister, put her at direct odds with the heroes of our story.
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Did Bran cause Hodor to become Hodor?

"Hodor" is a seemingly nonsense word, though in the process it became the name everyone calls him. It is derived from the phrase "hold the door", the words that Hodor heard during the seizure that mentally disabled him as a result of the future Bran Stark accidentally warging into his young self during a vision.
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Who sent the killer after Bran?

Ser Jaime Lannister later realizes that Joffrey sent the assassin in an attempt to impress his father, after overhearing a drunken King Robert I Baratheon say it would be kinder to put the crippled Bran out of his misery.
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