Why are my bees building comb between frames?

Space is another reason bees might build comb between two frames. Bees will build comb anywhere they have enough space. If the opportunity presents itself, they might think, “Hey, why not build here?” Then they'll construct their comb sideways instead of downward.
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How do you prevent cross Combs?

The easiest way to prevent cross comb is to avoid leaving a large space that allows the bees to build in any direction they want. In the Langstroth hive frames hang parallel and bee space is maintained by confining comb construction to the foundation contained within the frame.
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Why are my bees building comb outside hive?

Burr Comb

Basically, they are combs that are built “out of place”. Sometimes if the space is big enough they will fill these small combs with honey or drone brood. Usually, these combs are broken during an inspection. Burr comb is normal and it is not a big deal.
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Should you remove cross comb?

The remnants of queen cells that can cause cross comb to be built should be removed from the beehive. As soon as queen bees emerge from the cells, cut out the queen cells from honeycomb. This is especially important for the queen cells that are on the flat surface of honeycomb that faces other adjacent honeycomb.
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Why are my bees Washboarding?

Some beekeepers have noticed that washboarding occurs more frequently at the end of a nectar flow and others swear the bees will “clean up” any particles you place on the hive entrance. Other sources claim the behavior “polishes” the surface and thus eliminates rough spots where pathogenic organisms might congregate.
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How to Deal with Crazy Comb the Bees have Built

What to do when bees are bearding?

Try to determine if the beard is due to swarming or heat. If you decide swarming is the problem, you'll have to act fact because those bees are preparing for take-off. If you decide the beard is due to heat, you can add ventilation if you want. You can add a box to give them more space, But other than that, walk away.
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What is bee festooning?

Festooning is often observed when bees are creating new comb or fixing up their old comb. For that reason, some researchers believe festooning is a construction activity that signifies some serious comb-work is underway. Under this concept, bees may link up and festoon as means of working more efficiently.
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When should I replace my brood comb?

How often should I change them? There are many opinions as to this question but no brood comb should be used for more than three years. Used comb should be rendered or disposed of rather than being used in a different colony. For the small cost involved it is not worth the risk.
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Will bees build comb above a queen excluder?

A beekeeper should make sure drawn comb is directly above the queen excluder with any foundation above that. Better for comb. Use of a queen excluder will almost certainly mean less honey production, but the main benefit of it is that the combs will remain light colored, because no young bees are reared in them.
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Do bees reuse brood comb?

You can reuse the same brood comb within the same colony for a few years, however after this timeframe, you may consider replacing the brood frames, as the internal diameter of each cell will become progressively smaller over time – even though the nursery bees will clean out each cell, remnants of the cocoon will ...
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How long does it take bees to draw out a frame?

On average it will take between 7 days to 2 months for bees to produce comb and fill it with honey. But a strong established colony, during a strong honey flow, can draw out a full 10 frame deep box and fill it with honey in as little as 3 days. Sometimes even quicker, in less than 24 hours.
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How do you encourage bees to build a comb?

Beekeepers commonly feed growing colonies sugar syrup in order to encourage them to build comb—typically to “draw out” frames of foundation. The question then is whether bees will draw out more foundation if they were being fed concentrated or dilute sugar syrup.
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How do bees build combs?

The bees chew and chew, mixing enzymes from their saliva and softening the wax flakes until it is formable like clay. The bees then add the wax to the comb, continuing the hexagonal shape. In nature, bees will create “U” shaped comb hanging in flat disks.
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How do you inspect a Warre hive?

After smoking the bees lightly through the screened bottom to calm them, remove the roof, quilt and window screen before smoking them lightly again through the top bars. Then, simply use your hive tool to separate the top box from the bottom and gently tilt the top box onto its side, resting on the bottom box.
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How do you remove a burr comb?

Removing Burr Comb in the Hive

This can be accomplished by gently smoking the bees down. Then, use your hive tool to scrape the top bars. Realize that the bees will most likely build it back if your bee space is off. And, that's okay.
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How do you melt a burr comb?

fill it about half full of water add your burr comb and cappings to fill it up turn it on low until all wax is melted. turn off let wax solidify remove wax pour out water scrape inpurities off bottom of wax block repeat process each time the wax will get cleaner.
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Will bees move honey to make room for brood?

Bees do indeed move honey around. As you said, you are coming into Autumn, and although you still have a nectar flow, if it is dropping off, they may well be moving it down into the brood box. It might be worth a brood box inspection to see how much they have stored for the winter.
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Can I take honey from brood box?

It is a serious no-no to extract honey with brood in the frame, contaminating with lots of bugs, whether capped or not. Just leave frames out of the job and put them back in the hive, can hatch out and extract later if needed.
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What does dark honeycomb mean?

When areas of a hive's honeycomb turn dark-colored or black, it indicates that those combs are being used to rear baby bees. The same honeycomb cells are used to house baby bees again and again, and a build-up of pollen, bee spit, and other debris is what causes the bee frames to blacken.
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What is it called when bees form a chain?

The chain of bees is called a festoon, and the behavior is called festooning. It can have a variety of purposes in the creation of honeycomb.
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Do bees poop?

The short answer is: Yes, honey bees poop, and the activity of bees pooping has been observed by scientists, beekeepers and nature watchers for a variety of bee species.
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Are bearding bees aggressive?

Bearding is a totally normal, totally natural behavior for bees and even a good sign of a strong, healthy colony that is thriving. As long as you're giving them enough boxes/bars, and the perception that there's more room to build, you've done your job.
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