Why are HashMap keys immutable?

Make HashMap key object immutable
For above basic reasoning, key objects are suggested to be IMMUTABLE. Immutability allows you to get same hash code every time, for a key object. So it actually solves most of the problems in one go. Also, this class must honor the hashCode() and equals() methods contract.
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Are map keys immutable?

Map's keys can be of any type, and use Immutable.is to determine key equality. This allows the use of any value (including NaN) as a key. Because Immutable.is returns equality based on value semantics, and Immutable collections are treated as values, any Immutable collection may be used as a key.
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What if HashMap key is mutable?

If key's hash code changes after the key-value pair (Entry) is stored in HashMap, the map will not be able to retrieve the Entry. Key's hashcode can change if the key object is mutable. Mutable keys in HahsMap can result in data loss.
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Can we create HashMap key immutable or mutable will be better?

Key class should be immutable.

If we want to use any class as a key in a hashmap then it should be immutable. If it is not possible then you need to make sure that once the class instance is created it is not modifying those instance properties which participate in the hashcode() calculation and equality check.
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Is HashMap mutable or immutable?

Interviewer's intent is to judge your knowledge about Hashing Data Structure. The answer is NO. Making keys in any hashing data structure will cause memory leak.
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Java collections interview questions | Why HashMap Keys are Immutable? | Immutability

Why is map immutable Java?

An Immutable Map, on the other hand, contains its own private data and doesn't allow modifications to it. Therefore, the data cannot change in any way once an instance of the Immutable Map is created.
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Why are strings immutable in Java?

The String is immutable in Java because of the security, synchronization and concurrency, caching, and class loading. The reason of making string final is to destroy the immutability and to not allow others to extend it. The String objects are cached in the String pool, and it makes the String immutable.
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Can HashMap have duplicate keys?

HashMap stores key, value pairs and it does not allow duplicate keys. If the key is duplicate then the old key is replaced with the new value.
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Does String immutability effects HashMap?

Another reason why the String class is immutable could die due to HashMap. Since Strings are very popular as the HashMap key, it's important for them to be immutable so that they can retrieve the value object which was stored in HashMap.
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Why String is used as key in HashMap?

String is as a key of the HashMap

When you pass the key to retrieve its value, the hash code is calculated again, and the value in the position represented by the hash code is fetched (if both hash codes are equal).
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Is HashMap value mutable in Java?

No. In general the characteristics of a hash map data structure do not depend upon the value.
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What is immutable map in Java?

ImmutableMap, as suggested by the name, is a type of Map which is immutable. It means that the content of the map are fixed or constant after declaration, that is, they are read-only. If any attempt made to add, delete and update elements in the Map, UnsupportedOperationException is thrown.
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Can HashMap have object as key?

Answer to your question is yes, objects of custom classes can be used as a key in a HashMap.
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Why HashMap keys are immutable in Java?

Immutabiility is required, in order to prevent changes on fields used to calculate hashCode() because if key object return different hashCode during insertion and retrieval than it won't be possible to get object from HashMap.
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Can we create a HashMap key Singleton?

It's now clear that you can't use the Singleton class in a HashMap as a key. Even If you override the HashCode Object as a key is stored as a reference in Map. So If you change its implementation it's get reflected in the Map while executing the hashcode method of Singleton Class.
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How do you make a HashMap mutable in Java?

newHashMap() creates a mutable, empty HashMap instance. This method is deprecated in Java 7 and above. We can use the Java 8 Stream to construct empty collections by combining stream factory methods and collectors.
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Why all wrapper classes are immutable in Java?

It is because all primitive wrapper classes (Integer, Byte, Long, Float, Double, Character, Boolean, and Short) are immutable in Java, so operations like addition and subtraction create a new object and not modify the old.
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How do you prove a HashMap is not thread-safe?

Resizing and rehashing operation executed under certain conditions most commonly if exceed bucket threshold. This code proves that if I call resizing externally or If I put more element than threshold and tend to call resizing operation internally causes to some null read which shows that HashMap is not thread safe.
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What does it mean that strings are immutable?

When you create a string, it is immutable. That means it is read-only. When something is immutable or read-only, it means it cannot be changed at a later time.
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Why HashMap is faster than hash table?

HashMap is not synchronized, therefore it's faster and uses less memory than Hashtable. Generally, unsynchronized objects are faster than synchronized ones in a single threaded application.
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Can HashMap have null key?

HashMap allows one null key and multiple null values whereas Hashtable doesn't allow any null key or value. HashMap is generally preferred over HashTable if thread synchronization is not needed.
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Why HashMap is faster than HashSet?

HashMap is faster than HashSet because the values are associated to a unique key. In HashSet , member object is used for calculating hashcode value which can be same for two objects so equals() method is used to check for equality.
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Are lists immutable?

The list is a data type that is mutable. Once a list has been created: Elements can be modified. Individual values can be replaced.
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Is tuple mutable or immutable?

We know that tuple in python is immutable. But the tuple consists of a sequence of names with unchangeable bindings to objects. The tuple consists of a string and a list. Strings are immutable so we can't change its value.
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Why the main () method is declared as static?

Why the main () method in Java is always static? Java main() method is always static, so that compiler can call it without the creation of an object or before the creation of an object of the class. In any Java program, the main() method is the starting point from where compiler starts program execution.
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