Who married Dunya?

The letter informs him that Dunya has decided to accept a marriage proposal from a lawyer named Luzhin. Dunya has apparently decided to sacrifice her own happiness by marrying Luzhin for his money, so that her brother can continue his university studies.
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Who did Dunya marry?

At last Raskolnikov turns himself in. He is sentenced to eight years of hard labour in Siberia. Sonya follows him to Siberia and visits him at every opportunity. Dunya marries Razumikhin.
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Does Dunya marry Razumikhin?

His mother dies soon after his confession, Page 11 Brooke 9 without any knowledge of her son's crime, and Dunya marries Razumikhin. Sonya follows Raskolnikov to Siberia, where he realizes, after almost a year in prison, his love for her as she has always loved him.
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What did Svidrigailov do Dunya?

Svidrigailov tricks Dunya into his room by hinting about strange things Raskolnikov has done and also by assuring her that all the neighbors, including Sonya, will be present. In his room he reveals to her all that he has heard about Raskolnikov's confession.
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What happened to Dunya in Crime and Punishment?

Having no desire to be controlled by or obligated to another man, Dunya ends her engagement with Luzhin (Pyotr Petrovitch), whose surly attitude and lack of respect for her do not suit Dunya's independent persona.
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Does Razumikhin like Dunya?

Meanwhile, Razumikhin is attracted to Dunya, and Raskolnikov feels sympathy toward Sonia. A workman named Nikolay confesses to the murder of the elderly woman pawnbroker.
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What happened between Dunya and Svidrigailov?

Unwilling to wait much longer for her consent, Svidrigailov advances on Dunya. She attempts to scare him with a pistol she brought along with her. He laughs, and dares her to shoot him. She does, but only grazes his temple.
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Who is Svidrigailov's wife?

Marfa Petrovna Svidrigailov's wife who once assumed Dunya had designs on her husband.
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Why did Svidrigailov commit suicide?

At last, even Svidrigailov realizes that he cannot live completely alone and isolated from the rest of humanity. When he realizes that he cannot have Dunya, he is forced to commit suicide.
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Why does Dunya break her engagement with Luzhin?

Why does Dounia break her engagement with Luzhin? Luzhin argues with the family based on Raskolnikov for a while. Then, he implies that she plans to sell herself sexually to Svidrigaïlov.
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Is there romance in Crime and Punishment?

Most of the novel's "romantic" relationships are loaded with cruelty, power plays, confusion, and miscommunications. It can seem as if love and kindness are winking shyly at us between the lines, terrified to venture into the harsh world of vice and victimization Crime and Punishment shows us.
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Who is Amelia Ivanovna?

Amalia Ivanovna Lippewechsel

Marmeladov's landlady. A woman of German origin (sometimes mockingly called Amalia Ludwigovna by Katerina Ivanovna) who kicks the Marmeladovs out, or threatens to, because they are behind in their rent and she and Katerina Ivanovna do not get along.
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Who is Mr Lebezyatnikov?

Lebezyatnikov is a young man who is convinced of the rightness of the “new philosophies” such as nihilism that are currently raging through St. Petersburg. Although he is self-centered, confused, and immature, he nonetheless seems to possess basic scruples.
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What disease does Katerina Ivanovna have?

Incidentally, Dostoevsky and his mother both died of an illness similar to what Katerina suffers from—lung problems, possibly tuberculosis, which was not uncommon in the 1860s.
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What happens to Sonya in Crime and Punishment?

After her father dies, Sonia becomes the primary source of financial support for her family and is forced to choose between prostitution and destitution, or extreme poverty. Her choice is to sell herself to feed her family, which is an ultimate exhibition of selflessness and love.
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Is Raskolnikov in love with Sonia?

Sonya fights for their relationship, especially after Rodion is sent to prison. While serving his sentence, Rodion realizes he is in love with Sonya. The novel ends with the hope that the two of them can kindle their love and find happiness in the comfort of one another.
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Is Svidrigailov extraordinary?

Svidrigailov sees ghosts, has wild dreams and commits suicide because he is denied the love of Raskolnikov's sister, Dounia. Like Raskolnikov, Svidrigailov is constantly living in an abnormal state; he is not extraordinary, he is a fool.
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Is Raskolnikov a good person?

He is a loving son and good friend. From this comes his acts of kindness and great love for others. Twice, he helps out the family of Semyon Marmeladov.
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Is Svidrigailov a nihilist?

Raskolnikov senses that Svidrigailov is a true nihilist, or a man who places trust in no institution, no religion, no moral code. Svidrigailov goes on to say that the afterlife might be something like a bathhouse where one waits, complete with spiders in the corners.
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Who is pulcheria Alexandrovna?

Pulcheria is Raskolnikov and Dounia's mom. She loves her baby (oh dang: do you think she calls him her Little Raskol?) and would do anything for him.
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Who is marmeladov?

As with most characters in this novel, Dostoevsky refers to Semyon Zaharovitch Marmeladov mostly by his last name. Marmeladov uses alcohol excessively and spends most of his family's money on drinking. His habit even forces one of his daughters into prostitution, but still he uses the money she earns to get drunk.
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Who is Zamyotov?

Zamyotov is a clerk with the St. Petersbug police department. He is present when Raskolnikov arrives at the police station regarding a summons for the 115 rubles he owes his landlady. Zamyotov is described as 'a most wonderful man - (and) has an open palm.
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Who is Dunya Crime and Punishment?

Dunya is Raskolnikov's sister and shares many of his traits. She is intelligent, proud, beautiful, and strong-willed. But in most other ways, she is Raskolnikov's exact opposite. Whereas he is self-centered, cruel, and prone to intellectualizing, she is self-sacrificing, kind, and exhibits endless compassion.
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Why does Raskolnikov say that Dunya is marrying Luzhin?

Dunya would never marry a man only for money, he avers; she is marrying Luzhin in order to secure Raskolnikov's future. He believes that, if Dunya were to marry for his sake, she would be “no better” than the prostitute Sonya.
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What does Svidrigailov dream about?

Svidrigailov continues on his way to see his 15-year-old fiancée and leaves her a note for 15,000 rubles. Returning now to his room, he dreams of finding a young five-year-old girl whom he picks up and takes to his room. In his dream, this girl suddenly grows older and assumes the role of a depraved French prostitute.
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