Who lays blue eggs?

The most common species known for laying blue eggs are Blue Jays, American Robin
American Robin
The American robin is the state bird of Connecticut, Michigan, and Wisconsin.
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Birds, Starlings, Red-winged Blackbirds, Dunnocks, Blue-footed Booby, House Finches, Common Myna, Magpie, Emus, Snowy Egrets, Great Tinamou
, to name a few.
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What breed lays blue eggs?

There are two breeds in the blue egg laying world currently accepted by the American Poultry Association — Araucanas and Ameraucanas.
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Where do blue eggs come from?

But some breeds of chicken produce blue or green eggs. The blue color is caused by insertion of a retrovirus into the chicken genome, which activates a gene involved in the production of blue eggs. The Araucana, a chicken breed from Chile, and Dongxiang and Lushi chickens in China lay blue eggs.
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What country do chickens lay blue eggs?

The Araucana (Spanish: Gallina Mapuche) is a breed of domestic chicken from Chile. Its name derives from the Araucanía region of Chile where it is believed to have originated. It lays blue-shelled eggs, one of very few breeds that do so.
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What are the little blue eggs in my yard?

American Robin Bird Eggs

The spotless, bright blue-green eggs in the American robin's mud-lined nest are a sure sign that spring has arrived in North America—and sometimes they appear before the season itself.In places where trees are very sparse, robins may nest on the ground.
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Chickens That Lay Blue Eggs

Do snakes lay blue eggs?

It's safe to say that the color of the eggs will be white, off-white, or beige in color. If you've happened upon a bright blue or green egg, it's either not a snake egg or it's a snake egg that is dying. This is caused by mold or an unhealthy embryo, but there's no hope for the little snake if the egg is blue/green.
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Which bird gives blue eggs?

Jungle Myna nesting in Assam, with sky blue eggs - YouTube.
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Do blue eggs taste different?

One of the most popular questions we get asked by visitors to our farm is about the color of our eggs: Do the different colors have a different taste? The short answer is no. While the eggs look different on the outside, their inside is all the same.
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Do Americans always lay blue eggs?

But ultimately if you want blue eggs, you'll need to choose either Ameraucana or Araucana chickens, or one of the newer breeds including Cream Legbar or Ice Cream Bar. Final note: There is no such thing as an Americana.
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Who lays green eggs?

Some of the most popular crosses are called Easter Egger or Olive Egger chickens. Easter Eggers can lay a variety of egg colors, from blue to green and sometimes even pink. Olive Eggers are aptly named for the olive-colored eggs they lay and are a result of crossing brown egg layers with blue egg layers.
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What is special about a blue egg?

There are three breeds that lay blue eggs: Ameraucanas, Araucanas and Cream Legbars. The blue color is created by oocyanin, which is applied early in the laying process. The blue pigment goes right through the shell, unlike the brown pigment. So blue eggs are blue inside and out.
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Are blue eggs rare?

The Araucana chicken from Chile and the Dongxiang and Lushi chickens from China (none of which are particularly common in North America) are known to lay pale-blue eggs. This is rare for a chicken; while bird eggs can come in all sorts of colors and patterns, chicken eggs are almost always white or brown.
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Are blue eggs always Robins?

If you are in North America, then yes, American robins' eggs are blue. However, if you are asking from Europe, then the European robin lays pale cream or buff eggs with reddish speckles. Robin egg blue, also known as eggshell blue was first recorded as a colour name in 1873.
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What chicken lays blue eggs in us?

There are several breeds of chickens---and some mixed breed crosses---that lay blue eggs, including Ameraucanas, Araucanas, and Cream Legbars. The eggs they lay may vary in color from a pale blue to a quite striking sky blue.
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What are Aldi blue eggs?

The colour of the eggs shells depend on what breed of chicken laid them. Cream Legbar, Araucana, Arkansas Blue and Whiting True Blue are among the handful of hens that lay eggs who's shells are tinted blue. These chickens cost more to buy and that has a knock on effect on the egg price on the shelf.
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What common garden bird has blue eggs?

Indian mynas lay two to five blue/turquoise eggs. They can breed twice a year and will build and defend several nests at a time (although only one will hold eggs). The egg colour is distinctive as no native 'hollow-nesting' birds lay blue/ turquoise eggs.
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Why don t stores sell blue eggs?

Because green and blue egg layers do not produce at the same level as the brownand white egg layers used in commercial egg factories. Production type birds lay early (4 monthsish) often (every 25 hours till they are about 18 months old) and don't go broody.
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Are blue eggs healthier?

The color of an egg shell has influence on people's buying choices. Some believe that brown, green, blue, or pink eggs are healthier than white chicken eggs. The truth is, there is no nutritional difference between colorful chicken eggs and white chicken eggs.
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What bird lays a turquoise egg?

The song thrushes have shiny blue speckled bird eggs. Wood thrush eggs have a turquoise color without any spots. The white-throated thrush eggs are pale blue with markings of red-brown and gray hues. Varied thrush eggs are pale sky blue with dark brown spots.
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What animal has the tastiest egg?

Out of all the edible bird eggs, emu eggs have one of the richest tastes. This burst of flavor is due to their creamy yolks. One emu egg is equivalent to about ten chicken eggs, and it has more good cholesterol and less bad cholesterol. A thick shell allows this delicacy to stay fresh in the fridge for longer.
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What is the tastiest type of egg?

So the results were clear: For the best tasting eggs, go for pastured chickens. Barring those, choose whichever eggs have the highest levels of omega-3 fatty acids. Where flavor is concerned, it doesn't matter if the eggs are organic, cage free, or from a cage battery.
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Do Cardinals lay blue eggs?

Egg Description: Grayish white, buffy white, or greenish white speckled with pale gray to brown. Condition at Hatching: Naked except for sparse tufts of grayish down, eyes closed, clumsy.
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Do hummingbirds lay blue eggs?

What color are hummingbird eggs? Hummingbird eggs are usually dull white.
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What small bird nest has blue eggs?

House Finch Nest

And it can be found in many locations, including in trees, shrubs, and cacti; on the ground; under house eaves; and in nesting boxes. House finch eggs are 0.75 to 0.8 inches long with a very pale blue color and small, infrequent spots that are typically concentrated on the larger end of the egg.
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