Which organelle has its own DNA How does this relate to maternal genetics?

Abstract. The mitochondrion is an organelle that has its own DNA (mtDNA). Mitochondria play essential roles in energy production and in various cellular processes such as metabolism and signal transduction.
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Which organelle has is own DNA How does this relate to maternal genetics?

Mitochondria are essential organelles that are responsible for energy production and various signaling pathways, and they have their own DNA. Oocytes and sperm have their own mitochondria and mtDNA, and the zygote receives both maternal and paternal mtDNA after fertilization.
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How does DNA in mitochondria relate to maternal genetics?

You inherited your mitochondrial DNA from your mother, who inherited hers from her mother and so forth. Maternal inheritance also gave rise to the idea that there exists a “Mitochondrial Eve,” a woman from whom all living humans inherited their mitochondrial DNA.
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Which organelle is responsible for maternal inheritance?

In humans, the 16,569 base pairs of mitochondrial DNA encode for only 37 genes. In most species, including humans, mtDNA is usually inherited solely from the mother. Therefore, mitochondria is responsible for maternal inheritance.
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Why do mitochondria have only maternal DNA?

In sexual reproduction, during the course of fertilization event only nuclear DNA is transferred to the egg cell while rest all other things destroyed. And this is the reason which proves that Mitochondrial DNA inherited from mother only.
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Inheritance of Organelle genes

What is maternal inheritance in genetics?

Abstract. Maternal inheritance is a group of conceptually related phenomena associated with uniparental inheritance of organelle genomes, cytoplasmic elements, symbionts, substances, and factors, as well as parent-of-origin gene expression effects, and maternally controlled genomic imprinting.
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What is the role of mitochondrial DNA?

Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA or mDNA) is the DNA located in mitochondria, cellular organelles within eukaryotic cells that convert chemical energy from food into a form that cells can use, such as adenosine triphosphate (ATP).
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What causes maternal inheritance?

A form of inheritance wherein the traits of the offspring are maternal in origin due to the expression of extranuclear DNA present in the ovum during fertilization.
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What is maternal inheritance quizlet?

What is maternal inheritance/extranuclear inheritance? When the phenotype of the mother is the phenotype of the offspring regardless of genotype.
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Why mitochondria and chloroplast have their own DNA?

The vital requirement for continued operation of redox regulatory control over gene expression is proposed as the primary reason for the retention of chloroplast and mitochondrial DNA. The redox chemistry of biological energy transduction is then the primary factor determining which genes this DNA contains.
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Is mitochondrial DNA maternal or paternal and why?

Although there has been considerable debate about whether paternal mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) transmission may coexist with maternal transmission of mtDNA, it is generally believed that mitochondria and mtDNA are exclusively maternally inherited in humans.
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What is maternal inheritance in mitochondria?

Maternal inheritance of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) is generally observed in many eukaryotes. Sperm-derived paternal mitochondria and their mtDNA enter the oocyte cytoplasm upon fertilization and then normally disappear during early embryogenesis.
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Is mitochondrial DNA from the mother?

Mitochondrial DNA, unlike nuclear DNA, is inherited from the mother, while nuclear DNA is inherited from both parents. So this is very helpful sometimes in determining how a person has a certain disorder in the family. Sometimes a disease will be inherited through the mother's line, as opposed to both parents.
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What do mitochondrial DNA and chloroplast DNA have in common?

The DNA molecules found in mitochondria and chloroplasts are small and circular, much like the DNA of a typical bacterium. There are usually many copies of DNA in a single mitochondrion or chloroplasts.
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Does chloroplast have its own DNA?

Each chloroplast contains a single DNA molecule present in multiple copies. The number of copies varies between species; however, the pea chloroplasts from mature leaves normally contain about 14 copies of the genome. There can be in excess of 200 copies of the genome per chloroplast in very young leaves.
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Is DNA found in mitochondria?

Although most DNA is packaged in chromosomes within the nucleus, mitochondria also have a small amount of their own DNA. This genetic material is known as mitochondrial DNA or mtDNA.
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What is primarily responsible for maternal effect?

The maternal genotype determines the phenotype of the offspring. Maternal effects often occur because the mother supplies a particular mRNA or protein to the oocyte, hence the maternal genome determines whether the molecule is functional.
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What is maternal inheritance and extranuclear inheritance quizlet?

Maternal inheritance is the most common form of extranuclear inheritance because the female gamete is relatively large and more likely to contain cell organelles. Extranuclear inheritance often correlates with maternal inheritance. Even so, paternal leakage may occur.
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What is the difference between maternal effect and maternal inheritance?

Those phenotypes that are controlled by nuclear factors found in the cytoplasm of the female are said to express a maternal effect. Those phenotypes controlled by organelle genes exhibit maternal inheritance.
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What is maternal and paternal DNA?

The part of the DNA that the individual acquired from the father (male) is known as paternal DNA, while the DNA obtained from the mother (female) is known as maternal DNA.
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How do maternal effect genes work?

Maternal-effect genes are transcribed in the mother and their mRNA influences development of oocytes and embryos. Maternal-effect genes were discovered by determining whether the mother carries a mutant gene that results in an inability to rescue her embryo when the father contributes a wild-type gene.
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Why is mitochondrial DNA inherited only from mothers and not fathers quizlet?

Why is mitochondrial DNA inherited only from mothers and not fathers? Sperm do not contribute their mitochondria to the zygote during fertilization.
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What is mitochondrial DNA quizlet?

Mitochondrial DNA, found in the mitochondria. mtDNA is totally separate from nuclear DNA in chromosomes. What happens to mtDNA during recombination? Mitochondria are found in eggs but not the head of sperm cells, therefore mtDNA is only inherited from mothers.
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What is nuclear DNA and mitochondrial DNA?

Mitochondrial DNA is short compared to the nuclear DNA. The main difference between mitochondrial DNA and nuclear DNA is that mitochondrial DNA is encoded for the genetic information required by mitochondria whereas nuclear DNA is encoded for the genetic information required by the entire cell.
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Which are characteristics of a genetic maternal effect quizlet?

In genetic maternal effect, the phenotypes of the progeny are determined by the genotype of the mother only. The genotype of the father and the genotype of the affected individual have no effect.
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