Which of the following is an example of pollutants whose concentration increases in each trophic level?

An example is DDT whose concentration increases at each trophic level.
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What happens to the concentration of DDT in each trophic level *?

Solution : DDT concentration continuously increases in successive trophic levels in a food chain. This phenomenon is known as biological magnification or biological amplification.
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What phenomenon occurs due to the accumulation of certain pollutants that increase in concentration along?

The phenomenon through which certain pollutants get accumulated in tissues in increasing concentration along the food chain is called biological magnification.
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What do you call the tendency of pollutants to concentrate as they move from one trophic level to next trophic level?

For fish and other aquatic animals, bioconcentration after uptake through the gills or, in some circumstances, through the skin, is usually the most important bioaccumulation process. Biomagnification refers to the tendency of pollutants to concentrate as they move from one trophic level to the next.
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What phenomenon occurs due to the accumulation of certain pollutants that increase in concentration along the food chain Mcq?

What phenomenon occurs due to the accumulation of certain pollutants that increase in concentration along the food chain? Clarification: Biomagnification, also known as bioamplification is the accumulation of certain pollutants (toxins) in the tissues of organisms whose concentration increases along the food chain.
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Week 8-10 Pollutant - Example 2 - Part 1

What is biomagnification example?

Biomagnification is defined as the accumulation of a particular substance in the body of the organisms at different trophic levels of a food chain. One example of biomagnification is the accumulation of insecticide DDT which gets accumulated in zooplanktons. Small fishes consume these zooplanktons.
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What is bioaccumulation example?

An example of bioaccumulation is that of car emission chemicals building up in birds and other animals, mercury building up in fish. Bioaccumulation is the gradual accumulation of substances, such as pesticides or other chemicals, in an organism.
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When the concentrations of these toxic substances build up or increase at successive levels of food chain then the process is called biomagnification?

Biomagnification, also known as bioamplification or biological magnification, is any concentration of a toxin, such as pesticides, in the tissues of tolerant organisms at successively higher levels in a food chain.
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What ecological term is used to describe the increase in the concentration of a toxicant at successive trophic levels?

Biomagnification refers to an increase in the concentration of the toxicant at successive trophic levels.
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When the concentration of certain non biodegradable chemicals increases at each successive trophic level it is known as?

The increase in concentration of a non biodegradable substances in successive trophic levels is called biological magnification. The increase in concentration of a non biodegradable substances in successive trophic levels is called biological magnification.
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Which trophic level in the food web would contain the highest concentration of chemical pollutants due to biological magnification?

The higher an animal is on the food chain (e.g. tertiary consumer such as seals), the greater the concentration of DDT in their body as a result of a process called biomagnification.
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Which trophic level in the given pyramid has lowest and highest concentration of chemical pollutants?

Answer. Top Carnivore or we can say secondary consumer has the highest concentration of toxic substances in a food chain...
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What is biomagnification and bioaccumulation?

Bioaccumulation takes place in a single organism over the span of its life, resulting in a higher concentration in older individuals. Biomagnification takes place as chemicals transfer from lower trophic levels to higher trophic levels within a food web, resulting in a higher concentration in apex predators.
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Why does the concentration of DDT increase as the trophic levels increase?

This is because the consumers at the successive trophic level consume more than the previous level to fulfill the energy requirements. Due to this, DDT keeps on accumulating in the successive trophic levels in higher concentrations. This process is called biomagnification.
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When the concentration of something increases along a food chain?

The term food web biomagnification is used to describe trophic enrichment of contaminants within food webs and refers to the progressive increase in chemical concentrations with increasing animal trophic status.
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What is DDT in biomagnification?

DDT is a Class II insecticide, meaning it is moderately toxic. Studies have proved that DDT has serious implications on human and animal health. Low-to-moderate exposure (10mg/kg) may result in nausea, diarrhoea and irritation of eyes, nose or throat, while higher doses (16mg/kg) can lead to tremors and convulsions.
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Why does concentration of harmful chemicals increase whereas energy level decrease from lower to higher trophic level in a food chain?

Answer. The harmful chemicals mainly consists of pesticides and fertilizers ..as pesticides and fertilizers are non biodegradable they do not get digested or decomposed in any organism due to which it gets accumulated and passed on to higher trophic level.
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What chemicals are most known for their biomagnification impact?

Biomagnification can be defined as the rise or increase in the contaminated substances caused by the intoxicating environment. The contaminants might be heavy metals such as mercury, arsenic, and pesticides such as polychlorinated biphenyls and DDT.
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Which trophic level has the highest concentration of toxic substance and why?

Answer. the last trophic level of a food chain has the highest concentration of toxic substances.
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Why toxins become more and more concentrated in the living tissues of organisms as they go up in the food chain?

When herbivores eat contaminated plants, the toxins accumulate in their fatty tissues. If a carnivore eats several toxin-laden herbivores, the toxins become even more concentrated in its body. This process of biomagnification continues up the food chain.
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Which of the following exhibits biomagnification a so2 B mercury C DDT D Both B & C?

Solution : Biomagnification refers to increase in concentration of the toxicant at successive trophic level. This phenomenon is well known for DDT and Hg.
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When toxic or potentially toxic substances build up in the food chain the process is called?

In many cases, animals near the top of the food chain are most affected because of a process called biomagnification. Many of the most dangerous toxins settle to the seafloor and then are taken in by organisms that live or feed on bottom sediments.
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What is bioaccumulation of a pollutant?

Bioaccumulation refers to how pollutants (metals) enter a food chain and relates to the accumulation of contaminants, in biological tissues by aquatic organisms, from sources such as water, food, and particles of suspended sediment (Wang and Fisher, 1999).
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What are examples of bioaccumulation and biomagnification?

When DDT enters aquatic bodies, it gets build up in the body of fishes and this is known as bioaccumulation. When fishes are eaten by animals of higher trophic levels, concentration of DDT is increased at each successive trophic level and this is known as biomagnification.
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Is DDT an example of bioaccumulation?

One of the classic examples of bioaccumulation that resulted in biomagnification occurred with an insecticide called dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT). DDT is an insecticide that was sprayed in the United States prior to 1972 to help control mosquitoes and other insects.
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