Where should I put Monstera in my house?

Place your Monstera where it can receive medium to bright indirect light. While it is tolerant of lower light conditions, you may notice leggy growth as a result, so a spot where it will receive bright indirect light a few feet removed from a southern, western, or eastern facing window is ideal.
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What room is best for Monstera?

"Monsteras are great because they can grow just about anywhere," Mast says. "These plants tolerate low light, but grow faster and become more dramatic in a bright spot within your home. I like to place monsteras in bright indirect sunspaces."
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Can I put Monstera in my room?


It's easy to grow, low-maintenance and, with its statement Swiss-cheese like leaves, it's guaranteed to make a statement in any room in the home.
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Which direction should a Monstera face?

The best place for a monstera is often in an east-facing window or near a south-facing window. North-facing windows may not be bright enough (but they're far better than nothing!) and a west-facing window might let too much hot, direct afternoon light through.
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Where should I plant my Monstera?

Direct light, or light that is too strong for your plant, can scorch Monstera leaves and permanently damage the plant. The key is to place your plant close to a light source but far enough back that the light is only indirect.
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Monstera Deliciosa Plant Care: Beginner Swiss Cheese Plant Tips

Should I put my Monstera by a window?

A big, light-filled window is an ideal spot to place your monstera, as long as it's out of direct sun. Monstera can survive in lower-light conditions, but it will grow much more slowly, and the leaves will have fewer or no holes.
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How do you know if your Monstera is happy?

Your Monstera's Leaves are Brown, Yellow, or Dead

Leaf discoloration on your Monstera can be cause for alarm. A healthy, happy Monstera has deep green, waxy leaves (though younger plants or new leaves may be lighter green).
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Do monsteras like small pots?

Monstera love to be cramped in their pots. They will grow huge regardless of their pot size. If you pot your monstera into a huge pot it not grow any faster or larger, most likely it will get root rot from all the excess wet soil, or it will direct more energy to root growth instead of growing any leaves.
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How close should my Monstera be to a window?

About 5-10ft away from a South, Southwest, or West-facing window without curtains. Next to a North or East-facing window.
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How far away from window should Monstera be?

No matter which window you choose, be careful not to place your Monstera too close to it. Almost all windows will let in some direct sunlight, which is too intense for your Monstera. Most houseplants are best situated when pulled into the room three to four feet away from the window.
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Is Monstera deliciosa OK in bedroom?

4. Swiss Cheese plants (Monstera deliciosa) If you are blessed with a bedroom that gets plenty of bright, indirect light, the world's pretty much your oyster when it comes to filling the room with plants.
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Can I put Monstera in corner?

Monstera needs lots of space: Put it in a statement-making spot in the living room, rather than in a tight corner or on a windowsill. Monstera can grow up trees and other plants in the rainforest, and would benefit from some support indoors, too. Consider adding a small trellis or pole nearby.
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Is Monstera an air purifier?

Large-leafed philodendron plants, including the trendy monstera plant, were shown to be one of the most effective for reducing air pollution.
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Do Monsteras need a lot of sun?

Your Monstera can grow just about anywhere in your home! It tolerates low light, but grows faster and becomes more dramatic in a spot with indirect bright light. That said, avoid strong, direct sunlight because it may burn the leaves.
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Can Monstera survive in north facing window?

Famous for the iconic foliage, Monstera plants provide a dramatic and eye-catching addition to a low-light space. They prefer bright, indirect light but can tolerate lower-light conditions if placed near a north-facing window.
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How often should I water Monstera?

Water every 1-2 weeks, allowing soil to dry out between waterings. Expect to water more often in brighter light and less often in lower light. Pro tip: Monsteras can benefit from filtered water or water left out overnight before using.
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Why is my Monstera plant crying?

Guttation, which is sometimes referred to as “sweating,” “weeping,” or “crying,” is a completely natural process where liquid droplets form on the tips or surface of perfectly healthy leaves. While the droplets look like water, it is actually a combination of excess water and minerals called xylem sap.
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Is a west facing window good for Monstera?

They are also called the split-leaf philodendron. Monstera requires lots of light but should not get more than six hours of direct sun a day. That makes it perfect for west-facing windows.
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Should I mist my Monstera?

Monstera Deliciosa enjoys a humid environment, which is why we recommend frequent misting of its leaves. Alternatively, you can place your plant close to other plants, which increases the humidity of the air around them.
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How do you encourage Monstera growth?

You can make Monstera grow faster by giving them more light. This is probably the biggest thing you can do to make your plant grow faster. Your monstera needs light to create energy to grow. In that respect, the more light the better.
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Do Monsteras like grow lights?

Monstera thrives with 10 to 12 hours of bright, indirect lighting every day. When there is inadequate sunlight during winter or when the room is too dark, you should use grow lights to supply your Monstera plant with light.
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What to do when you first buy a Monstera?

Monsteras are rain forest plants, so they like bright but indirect sunlight. Choose a spot near a window where the light won't beat right on it. As a rule, your monstera should never cast a shadow, because too much sunlight can burn the leaves. An east-facing window is usually best.
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Can I put my Monstera deliciosa in the bathroom?

Monstera deliciosa, sometimes called the Swiss cheese plant, is an excellent choice to grow in your bathroom. Even under low-light conditions, this plant can thrive in the bathroom thanks to the added humidity.
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