Where is être and Avoir used?

Être and Avoir: The 2 Most Important Verbs in French
For starters, on their own, the verb être means “to be” and the verb avoir means “to have.” These two verbs are used in this simple sense to say things like je suis professeur (I am a teacher) or elle a une tasse (she has a cup).
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Why is être and Avoir important?

The verbs avoir and être are two of the most important verbs in the French language: they can be used alone as main verbs or they can be used as auxiliary verbs to form the French compound tenses.
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How is être used?

This is used to refer to continuous events in the past and usually translates to 'used to' or was/were. Thankfully, in the imparfait, the conjugation of être is much more regular. Unlike the present tense, all of these verbs have the same root (ét) and conjugate it like most imperfect verbs.
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What is avoir and être?

The French verbs avoir ("to have"), être ("to be") and faire ("to do or make") are the three most used and, thus, most important verbs in the French language. They are used in some of the ways that we do in English as well as in many idiomatic expressions.
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How do you use être in a sentence?

Elle va être à Paris. She is going to be in Paris. Nous allons être fatigués. We are going to be tired.
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Passé Composé EXPLAINED (When to use ÊTRE and AVOIR)

What are être verbs in French?

The verb être (to be) is an irregular verb in the present tense. In il/elle/on est form, the s is not pronounced. In the vous êtes form, the s is pronounced as a or z to link with the vowel ê in êtes.
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What is the meaning of être?

Être (pronounced: ay-tr, with a soft 'r' at the end) is used to indicate how things are. Literally meaning 'to be', être can be conjugated with the various French subject pronouns, paired with adjectives or used in numerous idiomatic expressions. Each French pronoun requires a different conjugation of the verb être.
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Why do some verbs take être?

Verbs That Use 'Être' to Help Form Compound Tenses

An auxiliary verb, or helping verb, is a conjugated verb used in front of another verb in compound tenses in order to indicate the mood and tense of the verb. These are all intransitive verbs that communicate a certain kind of movement.
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What category of verbs always takes the auxiliary être?

Intransitive verbs of movement – when the following verbs are used intransitively*, they require être as their auxiliary: And their derivatives… * Intransitively = without a direct object. Most of these verbs can only be intransitive, so they always require être as the auxiliary.
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What is the difference between avoir and être in passé composé?

Avoir (to have) and être (to be) are both auxiliary verbs used in the perfect tense in French. The majority of words take avoir in the passé composé, e.g. 'I played' becomes j'ai joué. All reflexive verbs in French take être - these are verbs that you do to yourself (e.g. je me suis habillé).
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Which passé composé verbs use être?

The following is a list of verbs that use être (for intransitive usage) as their auxiliary verbs in passé composé:
  • Devenir – to become – (être) devenu(e)(s)
  • Revenir – to come back – (être) revenu(e)(s)
  • Monter – to go up – (être) monté(e)(s)
  • Rester – to stay – (être) resté(e)(s)
  • Sortir – to exit – (être) sorti(e)(s)
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Is Dr Mrs Vandertramp avoir or être?

Application in French

Well, the VANDERTRAMP verbs use être as opposed to avoir when placed into the past tense. From the list of verbs above, the past participle is the word you would use after correctly conjugating être.
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Do all reflexive verbs take être?

All reflexive verbs form the perfect tense with être and therefore just as in normal past tense sentences, the past participle agrees with the subject (feminine subject add -e, plural add -s and feminine plural add -es).
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What is auxiliary être?

Auxiliary être and conjugation

As avoir, être is used to form compound tenses for some verbs. One says je suis tombé or je suis venu. It is the normal conjugation of this verb. Avoir is never used for those verbs.
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Does être take avoir?

This article will explain when to use avoir and when to use être to form the perfect tense. Whether you use avoir or être basically depends on the main verb. In the above examples, manger, like most verbs, uses avoir. But tomber is a special verb that uses être instead.
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What is Dr and Mrs Vandertramp used for?

Also known as Dr Mrs. Vandertrampp or even La Maison d'Etre, Dr Mrs P. Vandertramp is an acronym that is often taught to French students to help them remember which verbs use « être » as a helping verb when conjugating verbs in the passé composé tense.
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Why do some verbs use être in passé composé?

Verbs that indicate a change of state (devenir = to become) also use être when forming the passé composé. All reflexive verbs require the use of être when forming the passé composé.
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What are the 17 Mrs Vandertramp verbs?

They are the Mrs Vandertramp verbs, and they are these:
  • Monter (elle est montée)
  • Retourner (elle est retournée)
  • Sortir (elle est sortie)
  • Venir (elle est venue)
  • Aller (elle est allée)
  • Naître (elle est née)
  • Descendre (elle est descendue)
  • Entrer (elle est entrée)
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What is passé composé used for?

The passé composé is used to describe actions that occurred in the past. They may be single events or series: J'ai fini mes devoirs.
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Where can I use Subjonctif?

We use the subjonctif passé when:
  1. the verb in the main clause is in the past. Example: Il était important pour lui qu'il ait pu jouer dans des films.
  2. the action in the subjunctive clause happened before the action in the main clause. The verb in the first clause can be conjugated in either the past or the present.
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What is Mrs Vandertramp?

Dr. Mrs. Vandertramp is a mnemonic device used to remember which verbs are conjugated with être as opposed to avoir in the passé composé. These are the verbs that are associated with the mnemonic: Devenir (to become)
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How do you conjugate avoir?

Let's conjugate AVOIR
  1. I have = J'ai. I have two dogs = J'ai deux chiens.
  2. You have = Tu as (casual) You have a big problem = Tu as un gros problème.
  3. She has = Elle a. ...
  4. He has = Il a. ...
  5. We have = on a. ...
  6. We have = nous avons. ...
  7. You have = vous avez (formal or you all) ...
  8. They have = Elles ont (for an exclusively feminine group)
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Do all reflexive verbs use être in passé composé?

Reflexive verbs always use être as the auxiliary verb in Le Passé Composé. Note also that the verb must agree with the gender and number of the person.
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