Where is Ausable room in hotel?

Where was he staying? Ans: Ausable was a clever secret agent. He was staying on the sixth and top floor in a French Hotel.
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Where was Ausable s room situated in the hotel?

Ausable's office was in a small room, on the sixth and top floor. He was a sloppy fat man. He had an American accent. Ausable himself felt that Fowler was disappointed after meeting him.
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Who was Ausable room?

Answer: Max was a secret agent who was standing in the room with a pistol in his hand. He was came to got hold of the report about some new missiles that was about to reach Ausable.
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Where was Fowler with Ausable when they entered the hotel room?

Fowler was disappointed to see Ausable. He was a sloppy fat fellow. His room was at the top and sixth floor of that musty and gloomy hotel. When they both entered the room and Ausable switched on they found that a man was standing in the centre of the room.
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In which floor of the French hotel did Ausable live?

Answer: Ausable was a secret agent. He was living in a French hotel. His room was on the sixth and top floor of the hotel.
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Why did Fowler enter Ausable room?

Solution : Fowler was young writer. He had a romantic concept about spying and secret agents. He wanted to meet Ausable to cover him up for a writing. Ausable was a Secret Agent.
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Why and how did Max enter Ausable room?

Answer: max entered a room with the help of passkey through the main door which he stole from the hotel counter. he was hiding in a room before reaching of Ausable and Fowler. max wanted to steal an important documents from Ausable for which many people risked their lives.
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What was the name of the Fowler Where did he live?

Total English - ISCE - Class 9

he lived in a small room in a musty corridor of a gloomy French hotel. Fowler was a writer who had come to meet ausable.
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Where did Ausable spend the evening with Fowler?

Answer: Ausable and Folwer spend their dull evening in a French music hall.
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Who is Ausable meeting between Ausable and Fowler?

Answer. Ausable was unlike the figure of a secret agent that Fowler could have read about, the latter even felt a little let down during their first encounter. Ausable was very fat and he spoke with an accent, an American accent that he had not lost in spite of his stay in Europe.
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Who is Ausable?

Ausable was a secret agent who handled Max cleverly. He told Max that he would complain to the hotel authorities. There was a knock and he said it is the police. Max asked Ausable to send the police back and in the meantime Max would go and wait on the balcony — and this is how Ausable got rid of Max.
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What did Ausable do?

Ausable created a convincing story about the presence of a balcony. He said that twice in a month somebody had entered his room through the balcony. On being questioned by Max about the balcony, he replied with extreme irritation that it was not his balcony.
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How is Ausable described?

Answer: Ausable was a smart, intelligent man who was a secret agent. He was very fat and sloppy. He spoke in an American accent which he had brought from Boston twenty years ago. He could speak French and German but possibly he was a spy who dealt in espionage and danger.
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Why did Ausable frame the story of the balcony Class 10?

Answer: Ausable framed the story of the balcony to counter the use of the pistol by the rival secret agent Max to threaten him. The rival would have been able to get the important report about the new missiles if Ausable had not concocted this story.
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Why is Max visiting Ausable at hotel during the midnight?

He had brought the drinks which Ausable had ordered when he arrived in the hotel with Fowler. So, in this way, he was doing his duty of serving customer of his hotel.
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Where was the balcony as said by Ausable?

He started saying that it was the second time in a month that somebody had got into his room through a balcony. Max had no knowledge about the balcony. He reported that he had a passkey. Ausable explained that the balcony belonged to the next apartment which used to be the living room.
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Who was Ausable What did he have?

Ausable was a secret agent. He was a fat and sloppy fellow. He was not a romantic figure. He had Wine to Paris from Boston twenty years ago.
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Why do flowers meet Ausable?

(i) Fowler wanted to meet Ausable because he was a writer an wished to meet a real spy. Ausable unlike, other secret agents was very slim with an accent both French and German. (ii) Fowler wanted to meet Ausable because he was a secret agent too.
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What did Ausable explain about the balcony?

Ausable cocked-up a story. He told Max that there was a balcony just below his window. He told him that the balcony was a part of the next room. When the waiter knocked at the door, Ausable told Max that it would be the police.
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Who was Horace Danby?

Horace Danby was a fifty year old man who used to collect rare and expensive books by robbing once in a year. He was a lock Smith by profession. He was an unmarried man who used to Stay with a house keeper.
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What fake story was made by Ausable in the hotel room What made it convincing story?

Answer: Explanation: Answer: Ausable created a detailed description of how his room was part a bigger apartment and how the next room had a direct connection with a balcony. His statement that somebody else had also broken into his office through that balcony made it a convincing story.
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How did Ausable get?

Ausable was a secret agent who handled Max cleverly. He told Max that he would complain to the hotel authorities. There was a knock and he said it is the police. Max asked Ausable to send the police back and in the meantime Max would go and wait on the balcony and this is how Ausable got rid of Max.
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What was Ausable waiting for?

Ausable was waiting for a very important document related to some new missile. Yes, Max was also waiting for the same document. He came to Ausable's room to take that file from him. Ultimately, he was outwit by Ausable through his cooked-up story.
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How does Ausable manage Max?

Answer. Answer: Explanation:Rahden ask Max how he got into his room ,ausable starts by expressing his first direction at someone getting into his room the second time in a month through the balcony. He goes on to give a detailed description of the balcony and how it could be reached from floors down.
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How does Ausable say Max got in?

Solution : Ausable said that he thought Max had got into the room through the balcony. He said that it was the second time in a month that somebody had got into his room this way.
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