Where do you put the queen excluder in a beehive?

The queen excluder should be placed in the hive above the first honey super. This should happen in the early Spring. The queen will begin to migrate to the bottom brood box once it begins to warm up. Before placing the queen excluder in the hive, be sure to find the queen and make sure she is below the queen excluder.
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Can bees get through queen excluder?

In your bee hive, a queen excluder prevents queens and drones from passing through, but it allows the workers to pass through.
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Will bees build comb above a queen excluder?

A beekeeper should make sure drawn comb is directly above the queen excluder with any foundation above that. Better for comb. Use of a queen excluder will almost certainly mean less honey production, but the main benefit of it is that the combs will remain light colored, because no young bees are reared in them.
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Why do we place queen excluders in hives?

The main purpose of the queen excluder is to prevent the queen bee from entering honey supers. Boxes near the top of the hive stack are meant to be the honey harvest for the beekeeper. If allowed free range, the queen honey bee will often move up into the honey supers and lay eggs.
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How much honey should you leave in the hive for winter?

That being said, you should plan to leave 60 – 90 pounds of honey for your colony to survive winter. This is at least 8-10 full deep frames of honey that must be left on the hive. You should plan to leave 60 – 90 pounds of honey for your colony to survive winter.
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Using a Queen Excluder on Your Beehive - Should You?

Will a queen excluder prevent swarming?

Some beekeepers place a queen excluder under a brood box after hiving a captured swarm onto undrawn foundation. This helps prevent the colony from absconding while the bees draw some comb. After that the queen will start laying and the risk of the swarm disappearing is much reduced.
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Do queen excluders reduce honey production?

Note: While many beekeepers claim that queen excluders result in reduced lifespans of worker bees and decreased honey production the evidence is anecdotal at best.
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Should I have 2 brood boxes?

With two brood boxes, there is enough space for your queen to lay as many eggs as she can. This means you won't need to check your hives as often. When using one brood box, there is only enough room to feed your broods sugar syrup in small increments. With two, you can give them larger amounts less often.
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Do you need a queen excluder in a horizontal hive?

First, the inner covers are to be considered. When the two-queen horizontal hive is in use, the queens must be separated by a queen excluder. The queen excluder separates the two queens while allowing the workers from both colonies into supers above.
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How do you tell if a hive is going to swarm?

Signs that a colony might swarm include:
  1. A very high population of bees in the hive.
  2. The whole width of the entrance is used by forager bees.
  3. All frames within the hive are fully drawn.
  4. Brood frames are full of resources (nectar, pollen, honey, capped and uncapped brood).
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How long before a swarm queen starts laying?

But don't wait beyond that time to look for the eggs (finding eggs signifies the presence of a queen). After the swarm, it took 6 to 8 days for the queen cell to open and a new queen to emerge. Then allow about 3 days for her to mate. When she returns, she will start laying eggs in about 3 days.
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Do you have to clean bee hives?

It's not really necessary. Just scrape out debris using the hive tool and remove the yucky brood comb or any comb damaged by moths or beetles. If there's mold, scrape as much off as you can. The new bees you install in this equipment are capable of cleaning up the rest.
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How many times a year do you harvest honey?

In a healthy, productive hive, it is normal to be able to harvest honey two to three times each season. Most beekeepers will harvest honey between June and September, but how often you harvest and how much honey you get will depend on a number of factors.
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Should I feed a new swarm of bees?

Making the hive attractive: Swarms are very useful for drawing out new comb but they are also more likely to stay if you provide them with drawn out foundation. Experienced beekeepers often use a blend of new foundation and drawn out comb. Feeding: Definitely feed them.
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How do you know if hive has accepted the new queen?

We can test a hive's receptiveness to a new queen by laying the new queen in her cage on top of the frames. The bees will come up onto the cage. If the bees are holding on and trying to sting, then the hive is not receptive.
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How do I attract a swarm to my hive?

How to Attract Bees To a New Hive in 5 EASY Steps
  1. Determine When Swarm Season Is.
  2. Buy Or Build A Bait Hive. Use An Old Hive. Build A Bait Hive. Swarm Traps.
  3. Apply The Lure.
  4. Position Your Bait Box.
  5. Wait For The Bees To Move In.
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What is the best time of day to open a beehive?

The best time to inspect your hives is on calm, warm and sunny day between 11am and 4pm. The forager bees will be out working rather than guarding the hive. Flying bees are happy bees. Inspecting your hives is one of the most important aspects of beekeeping.
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How often should you inspect beehive?

For beginning beekeepers, an inspection every seven to 10 days during spring and summer is a good target. Inspecting more than weekly will make your bees unhappy by disrupting hive activity and setting them back a day. Inspection is best conducted on a moderately warm, dry day—above 60 degrees Fahrenheit.
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What months do bees swarm?

Swarm season generally occurs between spring and early summer. Being connected in the local beekeeping community greatly increases your chances of finding a swarm.
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How long before you get honey from a new hive?

It will take a new beehive a minimum of 4 months to produce honey. A new colony may be producing an excess of honey within 4 months, but not necessarily enough for you to harvest. Practically speaking, your unlikely to harvest any honey from a new colony until its second season.
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Will bees move honey to make room for brood?

The bees will move honey “upstairs” to the supers if it's available. Beekeepers can then harvest honey from only the supers, leaving honey in the brood boxes for the bees to use in winter. Expanding the space in this way also challenges the bees and might help prevent a swarm.
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