When should you stop feeding bees sugar water in the spring?

While it is common to feed sugar water to new bee colonies, it is also important to know when to stop feeding bees in spring. Sugar water lacks the nutrients that bees need to strengthen their immune system. You should stop feeding bees when there are honey supers on and when there is enough honey stored for winter.
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When should I stop feeding my bees syrup in the spring?

A: Congratulations on getting your first bees. It is the adventure of a lifetime. Once daytime temperatures drop below 57 degrees stop feeding liquid syrup and switch to a solid sugar board.
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How long should I feed my honey bees sugar water?

There is no set time for when to stop feeding bees sugar water. It's the responsibility of the beekeeper to observe their new hive and understand if sugar water is necessary. When bees first arrive at their new home in the early spring, they will be hungry and eat a lot.
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Should I feed bees in April?

In Spring months - March | April | May

The best feed would be honey from your other hives or honey from a reputable, local beekeeper. Honey is always the best feed for bees! It's the healthiest and most natural, of course.
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Should I feed my bees in early spring?

Honey bees need a lot of fuel in early spring for comb construction and population build-up, and packaged bees are starting out with nothing. It is crucial to feed packages upon installation, but not quite as important for nucs and swarms unless the weather is limiting foraging activity.
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How to Feed Your Bees Sugar Syrup in Spring | Syrup Recipe, Directions,

Can you feed sugar water to bees in winter?

1. Never feed honey bees liquid sugar water when they are clustered. Bees rarely consume a watery sugar substance below 50 degrees (f). They will consume honey or candy boards during the winter because of the higher sugar content.
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Should you leave sugar water out for bees?

Bees don't need to be fed, but feeding them a bit of sugar water from a spoon won't do any harm provided this is a one time thing. The problem is that people have expanded on the myth. If a bit of sugar water for an exhausted bee is good, then a lot of sugar water for all the bees must be better.
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When should I feed my bees pollen patties?

Bee's don't need to be fed pollen patties all the time. Pollen is used to feed larvae. Therefore you only need to supply pollen to your bees when they are producing brood. Spring time, after nectar starts flowing, is a good time to add pollen patties.
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How long should I feed a new package of bees?

Most often, a new package of bees will not produce enough honey to harvest the first year—so you can feed them as much as you like in year one. Many types of feeders can be used.
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At what temperature will bees take syrup?

Kevan in Bees, Biology and Management, a worker bee's minimum rate of metabolism occurs at about 50°F (10°C). So a feeder of syrup at or below 50°F—no matter how badly it's needed—is useless to bees.
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Does feeding bees sugar water affect the honey?

Bees do indeed break down sugar (sucrose) into its component parts (fructose and glucose). But that enzymatic process does not make honey, just as adding invertase to sugar syrup does not make honey.
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Where do bees get pollen in early spring?

For beekeepers, dandelions are also a great harbinger of spring. They are usually among the first spring sources of pollen for bee colonies raising young.
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When should I remove my honey supers?

Removing honey supers is an essential component of preparing your beehive for winter. Supers that aren't required by your bees should be removed when temperatures cool in mid to late fall. Supers should be removed because in winter bees have formed a cluster, grouping together to conserve heat.
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Can you feed bees fondant in summer?

Bees only directly use fondant when fed in the winter months (when they are clustered, basically). At other times they may store it. Particularly autumn feeds of fondant are stored. A large lump of fondant will be very rapidly covered in bees if left outside in the summer near hives (at least while it is moist).
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Should I feed my bees in winter?

The best food for feeding bees in the winter is, of course, the one they make for themselves: their own honey. Besides sugars, honey contains nutrients that keep the colony healthy, strong and better able to fight off parasites.
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How much sugar should I feed my bees in the winter?

They do a better job of feeding your hives fast because the bees can access them continuously. It may only be warm enough for good outside foraging for a few hours but the inside feeder is accessible 24/7. To encourage Winter food storage use a 2:1 mixture. This is 2 parts sugar to 1 part water.
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Do you feed pollen patties in the fall?

The reason we as beekeepers should NOT feed pollen patties in the fall, going into winter is because the queen will continue to lay eggs as long as she perceives that pollen is still coming in. It is vital that the queen stops laying or slows down dramatically, as I will explain shortly.
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How long do pollen patties last?

"The shelf life of the patties is 6 months in the dry,cool place after that the pattie loses the protein level. You can store it in the freezer for a longer period but when you defrost the pattie is going to be very soft."
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Can you give a tired bee honey?

Those busy little workers creating honey for your Cheerios, but you should not give honey to a tired bee. In Australia, it is actually illegal to leave honey out for bees. American Foul Brood disease (AFD) is a disease that affects the bee larvae.
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Should you feed bumble bees sugar water?

If there are no bee-friendly flowers around, mix 50/50 white sugar and water to give the bumblebee a one-off energy boost, providing the carbohydrates it needs to fly.
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Do wasps eat sugar water?

A wasp trap needs to be baited, and though there are recommendations for things like meat and fruit juice, one of the best things to fill wasp traps with is sugar water. Sugar water is easy to make and can be stored without refrigeration in your kitchen.
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Can you feed bees raw sugar in winter?

Raw sugar. Raw sugar is minimally or unrefined white sugar, which has a small amount of molasses to give it the golden color. Raw sugar is unlikely to have enough molasses to negatively impact bees and is safe to feed.
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When should I winterize my beehive?

As beekeepers, our winter preparations generally begin at summer's end as temperatures peak, humidity decreases and the nectar ceases to flow. The build-up period is over, and it is time to winterize and help our bees get ready for the cold months.
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When should I start feeding my bees in the fall?

Bees eat through their winter stores during fall and have nothing in the winter. That's why I feed my bees in the fall. Once I see that the nectar flow has ended I start feeding my bees sugar water and pollen patties. They will for sure need fed after the first frost kills all the flowers.
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