When should you not use PCA?

PCA should be used mainly for variables which are strongly correlated. If the relationship is weak between variables, PCA does not work well to reduce data. Refer to the correlation matrix to determine. In general, if most of the correlation coefficients are smaller than 0.3, PCA will not help.
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Where should you not use PCA?

While it is technically possible to use PCA on discrete variables, or categorical variables that have been one hot encoded variables, you should not. Simply put, if your variables don't belong on a coordinate plane, then do not apply PCA to them.
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Why is PCA not good?

The two major limitations of PCA: 1) It assumes linear relationship between variables. 2) The components are much harder to interpret than the original data. If the limitations outweigh the benefit, one should not use it; hence, pca should not always be used.
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What are limitations of PCA?

PCA is related to the set of operations in the Pearson correlation, so it inherits similar assumptions and limitations: PCA assumes a correlation between features. If the features (or dimensions or columns, in tabular data) are not correlated, PCA will be unable to determine principal components.
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Can PCA make a model worse?

In general, applying PCA before building a model will NOT help to make the model perform better (in terms of accuracy)! This is because PCA is an algorithm that does not consider the response variable / prediction target into account.
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When to Use PCA

When using PCA All the following are disadvantages except?

When using PCA , all the following are disadvantages except PCA results are difficult to interpret clearly: components are weighted linear combinations and abstract. PCA only works with numerical data_ PCA significantly increases the dimension of the data.
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Does PCA always improve accuracy?

In theory the PCA makes no difference, but in practice it improves rate of training, simplifies the required neural structure to represent the data, and results in systems that better characterize the "intermediate structure" of the data instead of having to account for multiple scales - it is more accurate.
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What is one drawback of using PCA to reduce the dimensionality of a dataset?

You cannot run your algorithm on all the features as it will reduce the performance of your algorithm and it will not be easy to visualize that many features in any kind of graph. So, you MUST reduce the number of features in your dataset. You need to find out the correlation among the features (correlated variables).
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Can PCA handle Multicollinearity?

PCA (Principal Component Analysis) takes advantage of multicollinearity and combines the highly correlated variables into a set of uncorrelated variables. Therefore, PCA can effectively eliminate multicollinearity between features.
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Can we use PCA for supervised learning?

A: PCA is great for exploring and understanding a data set. For pipelines where PCA is followed by a supervised learning algorithm, they are not suitable for model iterations for reasons listed above. However, they are handy for tasks such as quickly construct model performance benchmarks.
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What is the primary disadvantage with principal component analysis quizlet?

It does not allow for the simultaneous comparison of two prints.
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Is Principal Component Analysis effective?

PCA is popular because it can effectively find an optimal representation of a data set with fewer dimensions. It is effective at filtering noise and decreasing redundancy.
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Does PCA reduce accuracy?

Using PCA can lose some spatial information which is important for classification, so the classification accuracy decreases.
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What are the assumptions of PCA?

Unlike factor analysis, principal components analysis or PCA makes the assumption that there is no unique variance, the total variance is equal to common variance. Recall that variance can be partitioned into common and unique variance.
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Does PCA reduce noise?

Principal Component Analysis (PCA) is used to a) denoise and to b) reduce dimensionality. It does not eliminate noise, but it can reduce noise. Basically an orthogonal linear transformation is used to find a projection of all data into k dimensions, whereas these k dimensions are those of the highest variance.
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Should you remove correlated variables before PCA?

Hi Yong, PCA is a way to deal with highly correlated variables, so there is no need to remove them. If N variables are highly correlated than they will all load out on the SAME Principal Component (Eigenvector), not different ones. This is how you identify them as being highly correlated.
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What is the difference between logistic regression and PCA?

PCA will NOT consider the response variable but only the variance of the independent variables. Logistic Regression will consider how each independent variable impact on response variable.
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Does PCA eliminate correlation?

PCA is used to remove multicollinearity from the data. As far as I know there is no point in removing correlated variables. If there are correlated variables, then PCA replaces them with a principle component which can explain max variance.
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When should PCA be used in machine learning?

PCA is the most widely used tool in exploratory data analysis and in machine learning for predictive models. Moreover, PCA is an unsupervised statistical technique used to examine the interrelations among a set of variables. It is also known as a general factor analysis where regression determines a line of best fit.
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Which of these could be disadvantages of principal component analysis PCA?

Principal Components are not as readable and interpretable as original features. 2. Data standardization is must before PCA: You must standardize your data before implementing PCA, otherwise PCA will not be able to find the optimal Principal Components.
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Does PCA reduce overfitting?

This is because PCA removes the noise in the data and keeps only the most important features in the dataset. That will mitigate the overfitting of the data and increase the model's performance.
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Can PCA improve performance?

Principal Component Analysis (PCA) is very useful to speed up the computation by reducing the dimensionality of the data. Plus, when you have high dimensionality with high correlated variable of one another, the PCA can improve the accuracy of classification model.
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Which one of the following is an advantage of PCA?

Principal Component Analysis (PCA) is a well-established mathematical technique for reducing the dimensionality of data, while keeping as much variation as possible. PCA achieves dimension reduction by creating new, artificial variables called principal components.
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What is the difference between PCA and LDA?

LDA focuses on finding a feature subspace that maximizes the separability between the groups. While Principal component analysis is an unsupervised Dimensionality reduction technique, it ignores the class label. PCA focuses on capturing the direction of maximum variation in the data set.
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Can PCA be used for clustering?

So PCA is both useful in visualize and confirmation of a good clustering, as well as an intrinsically useful element in determining K Means clustering - to be used prior to after the K Means.
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