What lane should Morgana play?

Morgana, The Fallen Angel, has seen increased play lately in the bottom lane as a support in the NA LCS. While she is definitely good in that role, I prefer to play her in the mid lane as an AP carry. When I first started playing League of Legends, she was one of the first champions I gravitated towards.
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Is Morgana mid or support?

Morgana is an AP Mage Support champion. She excels at dealing lots of magic damage with all of her abilities and combos.
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What roles can Morgana play?

Our discussion today will center around how she is being played in three roles: Support, Mid Lane, and Jungle. She has traditionally been played as a utility-focused support or ability power mage, but is now a viable jungler due to a recent change in Patch 10.6 increasing her damage to non-epic monsters.
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How do you play Morgana better?

Peel for your allies as much as possible. Keeping them alive for as long as possible in team fights is a must in order to win the game. Level 3 is a massive power spike for Morgana as she will be able to both CC enemies, deal a decent amount of damage to them, and save her allies from CC when required.
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Is Morgana good for beginners?

In the mid lane, Morgana is always a very good option to start with. She is an amazing utility mage who will teach you the importance of playing both as a supporting player as well as a burst damage dealer.
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Is Morgana a strong support?

Morgana isn't the highest of output champs unlike lux, Samira, or Jhin, but she is a great support with her root and her Ult which is helpful in team fights. However, getting demonic embrace and Zhonya's Hourglass really helps in the team fight as well as redemption.
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Is Morgana good or evil lol?

Instead of being pure evil, we learn that it was only due to a difference in ideals between the two sisters that caused Morgana to live on the earth while Kayle flies through the skies freely. Unlike Kayle, Morgana's sense of justice is not so clear cut, and she believes in reformation while Kayle does not.
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How do you play Morgana jungle?

Morgana jungle requires her to play aggressive and to gank heavily due to her poor scaling into the late game.
  1. Hold your Dark Binding (Q) – Avoid instantly throwing Q at max range during ganks. ...
  2. Max Tormented Shadow (W) first – Morgana's buffs had primarily been centered on her W, reducing its cooldown in the jungle.
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What type of champion is Morgana?

Morgana is a deadly combatant and former pilot of the X09-Xibalba combat exosuit, as well as one of the last half-aliens alive in the galaxy. She has surgically hidden her suit's forbidden, lost technologies beneath her skin—her goal being to evade her sister, the mad military justicar, Kayle.
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Is Morgana strong in League of Legends?

There's two things that make Morgana jungle incredibly strong: Her incredibly fast clear, and her great gank potential. She has one of the fastest full-clears in League right now, and is able to juggle two camps at once thanks to the healing off her passive.
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How long is Morgana's Q?

A common meme among fans is that Morgana's Q lasts forever, and they aren't entirely wrong. At max strength, it can last 3 seconds. Mix that with her W, Tormented Shadow, and an ADC follow-up, and your champion could be evaporated before the binding even ends.
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What Lane does Morgana play in Rift?

Morgana is a Mage that can be played in the Mid Lane and as a support in the Dragon Lane. The reason why she can be played as a support as well is Morgana´s whole kit which is all about keeping the enemies rooted in one place forever.
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Is Morgana a mid Laner?

Morgana, The Fallen Angel, has seen increased play lately in the bottom lane as a support in the NA LCS. While she is definitely good in that role, I prefer to play her in the mid lane as an AP carry. When I first started playing League of Legends, she was one of the first champions I gravitated towards.
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Is Morgana support wild rift?

Morgana is a Mage/Support champion in League of Legends: Wild Rift. Find the latest Morgana build, strategies, tips and tricks for Wild Rift in 2022 and climb up in the ranks. Our guides are comprehensive and contain builds, runes, summoner spells, combos and much more.
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What aspect is Morgana?

Morgana represent the Aspect of Justice, which was previously embodied by their mother.
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Can Morgana fly?

She can cast bursts of dark fire and conjure dark fire chains that cause immense pain to those she ensnares. Flight: Morgana's ascension made her sprout wings out of her back. Even though she bound them with iron chains, they still functional and release themselves when Morgana surrenders to her celestial powers.
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Why is Morgana not in pro?

Morgana is a natural counter almost all of mage-like supports because her Black Shield negates their magic damage and crowd control. This advantage can come out only if there are "normal" (1-1-2 or 2-1-1) lanes so there is a good explanation why she wasn't picked so much in the early PvE laneswap times.
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Is Morgana good in Merlin?

Originally a kind-hearted individual, Morgana became evil after being corrupted by Morgause and being betrayed by her former-friend Merlin.
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Is Liandrys good on Morgana?

So I literally climbed to Plat with Max W Morgana Liandry's Rylaize build, and it was super good back then. Now, in Season 11, they nerfed Liandry's A TON so I personally don't think it is good anymore + Rylaize does NOT affect Liandry's anymore so you don't need to build it.
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Can Morgana split push?

Shove shove shove! You should be grouping with your team because Morgana is not a good split pusher. Landing a Dark Binding on any enemy will likely lead to a fight or in the very least, a kill. Also, you can farm the raptor camp quite effectively with your Tormented Shadow assuming you have some AP items finished.
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Is Morgana a good champion?

According to League of Legends stats site u.gg, Morgana currently has the highest win rate among all the junglers, with a score of 54.38% as of patch 11.8. She is also one of the most banned champions in the current patch at 43% and currently stands eighth in the jungle pick rate at 7.5%.
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