What is the shortest birth?

James Elgin Gill. James Elgin Gill was born in Ottawa, Ontario, on May 20, 1987, around 128 days early or 21 weeks gestation. He set a record when he was born for the world's most premature baby. 20 James was born so early that he was expected to die at birth or—if he survived—to have multiple and severe handicaps.
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What is the shortest time to give birth?

It all happened when Mary Gorgens got up to go to the bathroom, two days before her baby was due, where she was surprised to feel her son's head crowning. She quickly woke up her husband, but when he ran to the bathroom himself, thinking he had time, it was too late: She had already delivered in 120 seconds!
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What is the quickest birth ever?

Just five minutes and three pushes later, Jack was born. The entire labour and delivery took about an hour and 45 minutes. Such a dramatic and incredibly compressed fast labour is so rare, Robinson later told us, that it has a special name: precipitous labour.
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What is the shortest active labor?

What Is Precipitous Labor? Precipitous labor, also called rapid labor, is defined as giving birth after less than three hours of regular contractions. 1 Sometimes it's also called precipitous labor if labor lasts anywhere under five hours.
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What is considered a short labor?

Precipitous labor (or rapid labor) describes labor that's quick and short. If you have a precipitous labor, your baby is born within three hours of regular contractions starting. Contractions are when your uterine muscles tighten and relax to help push your baby out.
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Unmedicated EXTREMELY FAST Birth Story

Does a quick birth affect baby?

Will a fast labour harm my baby? Most babies who are born quickly are fine and don't experience any problems as a result of a speedy arrival . Sometimes, however, the intensity of your contractions during a fast labour can cause complications for your baby.
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How long is average labor for first baby?

For first-time moms, it can last from 12 to 19 hours. It may be shorter (about 14 hours) for moms who've already had children. It's when contractions become strong and regular enough to cause your cervix to dilate (open) and thin out (efface).
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What was the longest labor ever?

WARSAW (Reuters) - A Polish woman lay nearly upside down in labor for 75 days to save the lives of her two premature babies after the first of three fetuses growing inside her was born prematurely and died.
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How long does it take to dilate from 1 to 10?

When your baby is ready to begin the journey through the birth canal, your cervix dilates from fully closed to 10 centimeters. This process can take hours, days, or even weeks. But once you hit active labor – about 6 cm dilated – it's usually just a matter of hours before you reach full dilation.
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How many pushes does it take to get a baby out?

Three to four pushing efforts of 6 to 8 seconds in length per contraction are physiologically appropriate (AWHONN, 2000; Roberts, 2002; Simpson & James, 2005). When the time is right for pushing, the best approach based on current evidence is to encourage the woman to do whatever comes naturally.
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What is the rarest hour to be born?

Sixty percent of babies are born during the day, between 6 A.M. and 6 P.M. And, 3.5 times as many babies are born at exactly 8:00 A.M., the most common minute to be born, than at the least common, 3:09 A.M.
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What is the most rare time to be born?

According to the CDC, February is the least common birth month. That's also logical, seeing as nine months prior is May which marks longer, sunnier days, warmer temperatures and usually more outside activity. If you have any questions about conception, make sure to contact your provider.
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How long does pushing a baby out last?

For first-time mothers the average length of pushing is one-to-two hours. In some instances, pushing can last longer than two hours if mother and baby are tolerating it. Normally, the baby is born with his face looking toward mother's back (referred to as an anterior position).
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Has anyone ever had 10 babies at once?

Gosiame Thamara Sithole gave birth to 10 babies (she & her doctors thought she was expecting 6… then 8…). She is now in the Guinness World Book of Records. "I am shocked by my pregnancy," Ms Sithole had told Pretoria News last month, when she still believed she was about to have octuplets.
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Will hospital send you home at 4 cm?

If you're less than 4 cm dilated: You might be sent home because your labor isn't active enough for hospital admission.
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At what CM does your water break?

If your water (aka “amniotic sac,” “bag of waters” or “membranes”) hasn't broken on its own when you arrive at the hospital, and you're five or more centimeters dilated, your OB might recommend bursting the bag by hand—especially if your cervix seems to be making slow (or no) progress.
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Can you feel when you dilate?

Early dilation often feels like menstrual cramps as the cervical changes cause pain and cramping noticed in the lower part of the uterus. It is the same sensation and location as menstrual cramps. Active labor tends to be felt in a larger area but can be a similar sensation as cramping (with more intensity of course).
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How many babies can a woman have in her lifetime?

One study estimated a woman can have around 15-30 children in a lifetime, taking pregnancy and recovery time into account. Since men require less time and fewer resources to have kids, the most "prolific" fathers today can have up to about 200 children.
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Who has had the most children?

Valentina Vassilyev and her husband Feodor Vassilyev are alleged to hold the record for the most children a couple has produced. She gave birth to a total of 69 children – sixteen pairs of twins, seven sets of triplets and four sets of quadruplets – between 1725 and 1765, a total of 27 births.
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What is world's heaviest baby?

While touring in the summer of 1878, Anna was pregnant for the second time. The boy was born on January 18, 1879, and survived only 11 hours. He was the largest newborn ever recorded, at 23 pounds 9 ounces (10.7 kg) and nearly 30 inches tall (ca.
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Do your hips widen after having a baby?

Your ribs may have expanded, and your hips will often widen to make it easier for the baby to exit the birth canal. For some women wider ribs and hips will be permanent. As your baby grows during pregnancy you will gain weight . This helps to support your baby before and after birth.
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How painful is labor?

The most common description of the level of pain experienced was extreme menstrual cramps (45 percent), while 16 percent said it was like bad back pain and 15 percent compared it to a broken bone.
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How long does an epidural last?

While you sit or lie on your side in bed, a small amount of medication is injected into the spinal fluid to numb the lower half of the body. It brings good relief from pain and starts working quickly, but it lasts only an hour or two and is usually given only once during labor.
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Can you push baby out too quickly?

There may be complications for you, such as tearing and bleeding – as well as an emotional toll. But most babies make it through a precipitous delivery just fine. It's a good idea to prepare for another fast labor if you've had one precipitous birth.
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