What is the relationship between the trophic level and the amount of DDT found in the body of these organisms?

The higher the trophic level of an organism, the higher the concentration of DDT. DDT is excreted from the body very slowly and it is stored in fat. Thus, when an organism consumes another organism, the DDT in the prey accumulates in the predator.
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Why does the concentration of DDT increase as the trophic levels increase?

This is because the consumers at the successive trophic level consume more than the previous level to fulfill the energy requirements. Due to this, DDT keeps on accumulating in the successive trophic levels in higher concentrations. This process is called biomagnification.
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What happens as DDT moves up trophic levels in food chains?

Answer and Explanation: As Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT) moves up the trophic levels in food chains, or food webs, its concentration increases.
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What relationship exists between the food chain and the concentration of DDT in the cells of its members?

When an animal consumes food having DDT residue, the DDT accumulates in the tissue of the animal by a process called bioaccumulation. The higher an animal is on the food chain (e.g. tertiary consumer such as seals), the greater the concentration of DDT in their body as a result of a process called biomagnification.
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Why is DDT higher in animals higher up in the food chain?

DDT increases or biomagnifies if we look at a food chain. DDT is fat-soluble, meaning animals store it in fatty tissues. It also takes a relatively long amount of time to break down.
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DDT was sprayed in a lake to regulate breeding of mosquitoes. How would it affect the trophic levels

Which of the following trophic level has highest concentration of DDT?

The snake is a tertiary consumer. So the DDT concentration will high in snake.
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What is the impact of DDT on birds and other higher trophic level organisms?

Rather, DDT and its relatives alter the bird's calcium metabolism in a way that results in thin eggshells. Instead of eggs, heavily DDT-infested Brown Pelicans and Bald Eagles tend to find omelets in their nests, since the eggshells are unable to support the weight of the incubating bird.
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Is the amount of DDT at each level in this model is accurate compared to the real world?

This lab is not accurate compared to the "real world". In the "real world", there isn't as much DDT to begin with. In the lab, our DDT was around 0.8 for each phytoplankton while in the "real world" it is around 0.4.
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How does DDT move through food chain eventually harming bald eagles?

Larger fish ate the smaller fish and acquired the DDT molecules in their tissues. Eventually, bald eagles ate the larger fish with the DDT and DDT built up even more in the eagle's body tissues. This caused the eagle's egg shells to become soft and easily breakable, limiting their reproductive capacity.
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What do you notice about the levels of DDT going from water to phytoplankton and on up to Pelicans?

The level of DDT in water is the same but as it goes into phytoplankton and up to pelicans, it started to gradually increase. When toxins increase as you go up the food chain/food web, it is called biomagnification.
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How does DDT enter food chain?

Answer and Explanation: DDT enters the food chain after it gets spread, either from getting on insects, plants, or water runoff.
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What happens to the amount of energy as it moves between trophic levels?

At each step up the food chain, only 10 percent of the energy is passed on to the next level, while approximately 90 percent of the energy is lost as heat.
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What were the impacts of the biomagnification of DDT?

Studies have proved that DDT has serious implications on human and animal health. Low-to-moderate exposure (10mg/kg) may result in nausea, diarrhoea and irritation of eyes, nose or throat, while higher doses (16mg/kg) can lead to tremors and convulsions. It can even cause chromosomal damages in some cases.
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Would the level of toxins present in each trophic level increase or decrease as we move up the food chain explain using reasoning?

Biomagnification is: a. As you go up a food chain the organisms tend to get larger b. The increased toxin concentrations in the tissues of organisms at higher trophic levels is because they are bigger and eat more.
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Which trophic level is most affected by biomagnification?

In many cases, animals near the top of the food chain are most affected because of a process called biomagnification. Many of the most dangerous toxins settle to the seafloor and then are taken in by organisms that live or feed on bottom sediments.
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Why do high levels of DDT in birds such as bald eagles and brown pelicans lead to declines in population sizes?

The high concentration of DDT interferes with the calcium metabolism of birds and induces eggshell thinning. Premature breakage. This causes the population to decrease. Additional Information: Bald eagle and other bird populations collapsed as DDT thinned their eggs killing their embryos.
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How does DDT in the environment affect many birds quizlet?

how does DDT affect animals? for animals, such as birds, it can disturb the reproductive processes, such as thinning the eggshells or lead to imbalances of ions in cells that affects the nervous system in some fish.
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What concentration of DDT did the birds have in their bodies?

The birds' brains contained concentrations of DDE, a breakdown product of DDT, ranging from 155 to 1,043 parts per million, with an average of 552.
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Is the following in the correct sequence of increasing order of DDT concentration?

Hence, the correct answer is 'Water-0.003ppm, zooplankton- 0.04ppm, small fish-0.5ppm, large fish-2ppm, fish eating birds-25ppm'
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Which organism would be most impacted by DDT?

DDT is highly toxic to aquatic animals (14). DDT affects various systems in aquatic animals including the heart and brain (14).
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Which organisms contain the most DDT?

Worms, grasses, algae, and fish accumulate DDT. Apex predators, such as eagles, had high amounts of DDT in their bodies, accumulated from the fish and small mammals they prey on.
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What could be the influence of DDT as reason for the decline of birds population?

DDT is resistant to metabolism by living beings and hence tends to accumulated. The presence of DDT in a bird's body leads to thinning of eggshells leading to death of the chicks before hatching. This explains the declining population of birds because of DDT.
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Which one of the following organism is likely to show the highest concentration of DDT 1 it has been introduced into the ecosystem?

The correct option is C Snake

Which one of the following organisms is likely to show the highest concentration of DDT, once it has been introduced into the ecosystem? Q. The concentration of DDT has increased alarmingly in organisms today. But the highest concentration of DDT is seen in the tertiary consumers.
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Who carry in their system the maximum concentration of DDT?

Since, man occupies the apex of the ecological pyramid, DDT contamination is found maximum in man.
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How does DDT affect the different organisms elaborate the impact of DDT in the different organisms?

DDT affects the central nervous system of insects and other animals. This results in hyperactivity, paralysis and death. DDT also affects eggshell production in birds and the endocrine system of most animals. DDT has a very high tenancy towards biomagnification.
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