What is the cheapest way to chlorinate a pool?

Liquid Chlorine
The liquid form of chlorine is the cheapest way of adding chlorine to a pool. Simply pour it directly into the water in front of a return jet to disperse it throughout the pool.
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What can I use instead of chlorine tablets in my pool?

What can you use instead? Bromine — considered a safe substitute for chlorine. Looks for BCDMH tablets, which are typically 66% bromine and 27% chlorine. If unable to find, you can use just bromine but it may leave the water a dull green color.
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Can I use shock in my pool instead of chlorine tablets?

You do need to use both tabs and shock. Without tabs, the chlorine shock will dissipate quickly out of the water; without shock, the chlorine level will not get high enough to fully sanitize the water. You should aim to keep the chlorine level at between 1 and 3 ppm.
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How do you shock a pool for cheap?

Calcium Hypochlorite: Also referred to as cal hypo, this chemical is one of the least costly and most convenient ways to shock your pool. It's usually sold in granular form. Needs to be dissolved before you add it to the pool.
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Can you use bleach instead of chlorine in a pool?

Short answer: yes. Longer answer: it depends on the formulation. The label on every bleach bottle should tell you the ratio of sodium hypochlorite (and available chlorine) in the bottle to everything else. A higher percentage is generally better, as you'll need to use less bleach to treat your pool.
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Chlorine Types: Which is the Best?

What does baking soda do to pool water?

Baking soda, also known as sodium bicarbonate is naturally alkaline, with a pH of 8. When you add baking soda to your pool water, you will raise both the pH and the alkalinity, improving stability and clarity. Many commercial pool products for raising alkalinity utilize baking soda as their main active ingredient.
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Can you put bleach in a vinyl pool?

High concentrations of chlorine (above 1.5 ppm) will attack the liner and bleach it, thus damaging it. Any level below this range will weaken its ability to kill off bacteria.
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What can I use in my pool instead of shock?

Common unscented household bleach (sodium hypochlorite) works well to shock a pool.
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Can you make your own chlorine?

Bleach is sodium hypochlorite and I was reading I can make my own bleach using a formula of 2 tablespoons of calcium hypochlorite (shock 70%) and 3 cups of water to make the concentrate. The add 8 drops of this concentrate to a gallon of water to create the standard 6% off the shelf bleach.
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What is better liquid chlorine or shock?

Liquid chlorine is generally less costly than granular shock and comes in refillable containers, where granular shock does not. Liquid chlorine does not need to dissolve in your water as it is already in liquid form. In addition, liquid chlorine is non-scaling and leaves no residue.
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How long can water sit in pool without chlorine?

I think the answer to your question is about 3-6 days. The problem is that the chlorine that you need to keep the bacteria in check is used up more quickly as the temperature rises, the activity increases, and as sweat and other body stuff is put into the pool.
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Are chlorine tablets or granules better?

The Advantage of Chlorine Tablets for Swimming Pools

The most significant benefit of using chlorine tablets for your pool is its longer-term nature compared to granules. Once you get the right dosage, you shouldn't have to add another chlorine treatment for at least a few days.
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Is liquid chlorine better than tablets?

Liquid chlorine is preferred over chlorine tablets by pool professionals however home swimming pools will benefit too. Liquid chlorine quickly raises or maintains chlorine levels without raising stabilizer. Chlorine tablets maintain chlorine levels and add stabilizer to the pool water.
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How do you keep your pool clean without chemicals?

Create Your Own Natural Pool Cleaner
  1. Baking Soda. Making a simple paste from water and baking soda creates a non-abrasive cleaner that works wonders on pool tile and grout. ...
  2. Bleach. ...
  3. Muriatic Acid. ...
  4. Borax. ...
  5. Olive Oil. ...
  6. White Vinegar. ...
  7. Lemon Juice. ...
  8. Rubbing Alcohol.
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Why are chlorine tablets so expensive now?

Chlorine in tablet form, especially, is hard to find and expensive. There are several reasons for this: Pandemic problems. Supply chain interruptions and staff shortages mean less product on the market.
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Can you use toilet tablets in a pool?

It is possible use use the tablets in your large wading pool. However, this is not economical and it will take a large amount of tablets to clean your pool. Unless you have a major supply of these tablets on hand, I would not suggest using them to clean a pool.
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How do you make homemade chlorine?

To mix chlorine bleach combine 5.25 percent sodium hypochlorite and 94.75 percent water. To mix non-chlorine bleach, combine equal parts hydrogen peroxide and water. Pour mixture into the plastic container, and secure tightly. Shake to mix ingredients.
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How do you make pool chlorine?

Chlorine is produced by the electrolysis of salt water. When electricity is passed through 2NaCl (salt) and 2H20 (water), the atoms dissociate into Cl2 (chlorine) + 2NaOH (sodium Hydroxide) + H2 (Hydrogen).
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How do you make chlorine water at home?

Granular calcium hypochlorite.

Add one heaping teaspoon (approximately ¼ ounce) of high-test granular calcium hypochlorite (HTH) to two gallons of water and stir until the particles have dissolved. The mixture will produce a chlorine solution of approximately 500 milligrams per liter.
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How do you naturally shock a pool?

To start treatment, shock your pool with hydrogen peroxide by adding 250 ml (1 cup) of hydrogen peroxide for every 1000 liters (250 gallons) of water. If you are currently treating your pool with chlorine, you don't have to wait for the levels to go down, you can start using hydrogen peroxide now.
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Is shocking pool necessary?

Shocking your pool regularly will help to keep the water clean and free of contaminants. You should aim to shock your pool about once a week, with the additional shock after heavy use. Some tell-tale signs that your pool needs to be shocked are cloudy, foamy, green, or odourous water.
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Will baking soda clear a green pool?

The use of baking soda in pools can spot treat algae

It can turn any backyard pool murky green or cause unsightly black spots on the walls and floor of any swimming pool. If your algae come in the form of black spots, it can be extremely tough and frustrating to try and get off your pool's interior.
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How long after putting bleach in pool Can you swim?

It is a good idea to wait at least 20 minutes after adding the water balancing chemicals. If you use calcium chloride in your pool, you should wait at least 2 hours to swim.
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What is difference between chlorine and bleach?

1. Chlorine is a natural element and an ingredient of bleach, while bleach is a solution and the product of combining chlorine and other chemicals. 2. Chlorine exists in nature, while bleach is a manufactured product.
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What is the difference between pool shock and bleach?

Swimming pool shock contains 12.5% sodium hypochlorite (bleach) vs. 6-8.5% for Clorox (bleach). Some Clorox products go as high as 8.5%. At a 12.5% concentrate, liquid pool shock is approximately 2x's stronger than Clorox bleach.
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